Lediga jobb som Kemiingenjör i Stenungsund

Se lediga jobb som Kemiingenjör i Stenungsund. Genom att välja en specifik arbetsgivare kan du även välja att se alla jobb i Stenungsund som finns hos arbetsgivaren.


På Nouryon skapar vårt globala team av Changemakers positiva förändringar varje dag för att nå högre tillsammans och individuellt. Vi skapar innovativa och hållbara lösningar för våra kunder för att möta samhällets behov – idag och i framtiden. Vi söker teammedlemmar som skapar och driver nya idéer, kämpar för andra och samarbetar för att göra saker bättre. Låter det som dig? Om jobbet Om du brinner för säkerhet och hållbarhet är detta tjänsten för dig.... Visa mer
På Nouryon skapar vårt globala team av Changemakers positiva förändringar varje dag för att nå högre tillsammans och individuellt. Vi skapar innovativa och hållbara lösningar för våra kunder för att möta samhällets behov – idag och i framtiden.
Vi söker teammedlemmar som skapar och driver nya idéer, kämpar för andra och samarbetar för att göra saker bättre. Låter det som dig?
Om jobbet
Om du brinner för säkerhet och hållbarhet är detta tjänsten för dig. Du kommer inte bara jobba med alla våra spännande projekt inom området utan dessutom få ett eget ansvarsområde kopplat till just hållbarhet.
I din framtida roll som Processäkerhetsingenjör kommer du att
Ansvara för att förbereda, leda, genomföra riskanalyser (exempelvis med HAZOP metodiken

Vara en drivande faktor för investeringsprojekt
Planera, förbereda och hålla utbildningar inom processområdet med inriktning processäkerhet
Medverka i HSEE&S arbete (Hälsa, Säkerhet, Miljö, Energi, Skalskydd) på site
Ansvara för kontinuerlig förbättring och upprätthållande av process safety management
Göra avancerade processberäkningar
Få ett eget ansvarsområde, kopplat till ett processområde och sustainability

Vi tror att du har med dig
Civilingenjör eller Bachelor med inriktning mot kemiteknik
Erfarenhet från riskanalysarbete, exempelvis HazOp, What If, LOPA, SIL
Erfarenhet från liknade roll inom processteknik
Erfarenhet av avsäkringsberäkningar
Goda kunskaper i svenska och engelska, i både tal och skrift

Bra om du har
Erfarenhet från att jobba enligt six sigma metodik

Vi tror att du är...
En ansvarstagande individ med ett stort säkerhetstänk. Vidare ser vi gärna att har en hög samarbetsförmåga och kan bygga förtroende genom ditt driv och kommunikationsförmåga.
Vi erbjuder dig
Vi är ett dedikerat team som alla drivs av att arbeta systematiskt, kvalitetsmedvetet och proaktivt för att upprätthålla- men också utveckla en säker och stabil produktion på våra anläggningar. Hos oss är det viktigt med wellbeing i form av stöttning inom teamet, regelbundna check-ins med närmaste chef och löpande gemensam prioritering av arbetsuppgifter för en hållbar arbetssituation.
Hos oss är det viktigt med kompetensutveckling och vi är måna om att investera i vår personal för ett långsiktigt samarbete. Vi är väl medvetna om de stora, kommande utmaningar och behov av teknisk utveckling för att möta behoven av grön omställning och därför är vi måna om att du ska trivas och utvecklas hos oss.
Jag som chef är tydlig, kommunikativ och står för ett inkluderande ledarskap. Min förhoppning är att du känner att du vill komma och hjälpa oss att möta framtidens utmaningar!
På Nouryon erbjuder vi inte bara en spännande roll och trevliga kollegor utan även förmåner utöver din lön. Nouryon har kollektivavtal med IKEM, men utöver det erbjuder vi även förmåner som bonus, arbetstidsförkortning, friskvårdsbidrag, kostförmån och mycket mer.
Bra att veta
Detta är en tillsvidareanställning på heltid med placeringsort Stenungsund. Du kommer att rapportera till Ylva Agell, Team Lead Engineering.
Vänligen ansök via vårt rekryteringsverktyg med ett jobbspecifikt CV. Vi tar inte emot ansökningar via e-post. När din ansökan nått oss kommer vi att granska för att se om vi har en matchning mellan din kompetens och rollen!För mer information om vår rekryteringsprocess, vänligen besök: nouryon.com/careers/how-we-hire/
Vi ser fram emot din ansökan!
Vi vill be dig som intern sökande att ansöka med din Nouryon email för att underlätta vårt arbete i rekryteringsprocessen
Om Nouryon
Vi letar efter morgondagens Changemakers, idag!
Om du letar efter din nästa möjlighet i karriären, ansök idag och gå med i Nouryons världsomspännande team av Changemakers för att tillhandahålla viktiga lösningar som våra kunder använder för att tillverka vardagsprodukter som personlig vård, rengöring, färger och beläggningar, jordbruk och livsmedel, läkemedel och byggprodukter. Våra medarbetare drivs av viljan att påverka och aktivt driva positiv förändring. Om det beskriver dig ger vi gärna plats för dina ambitioner. Från dag ett stödjer vi dig med din personliga tillväxt, genom utmanande positioner och omfattande lärande- och utvecklingsmöjligheter, i en dynamisk, internationell, mångsidig och proaktiv arbetsmiljö.
Besök vår hemsida?och följ oss på?LinkedIn.
För ytterligare information om tjänsten, vänligen kontakta
Rekryterande chef Ylva Agell, Team Lead Engineering, [email protected]
För mer information om rekryteringsprocessen, din ansökan eller om du behöver support, vänligen kontakta [email protected]
För fackliga frågor:
Sveriges Ingenjörer: Anna-Lena Palm +46 303 851 13
Unionen: Magnus Svensson +46 303 858 38
IF Metall: Annika Josefsson +46 303 854 96
#WeAreNouryon #Changemakers
Då vi inför denna rekrytering redan tagit ställning till de rekryteringskanaler vi önskar använda undanbeder vi oss vänligen men bestämt att bli kontaktade för ytterligare erbjudanden om kompetensförmedling, annonserings- och rekryteringshjälp. Visa mindre

Construction Manager

Ansök    Nov 13    Perstorp AB    Kemiingenjör
Perstorp AB faces an exciting, expansive future with many upcoming investments, focusing on sustainability and growth. We are now looking for a Construction Manager to strengthen or global project organization, GTI (Global Technology & Investment). Typical work tasks Safe and successful execution of the Construction Phase in line with the overall project planning - Act as a role model in Health & Safety, according to Perstorp core values, to internal a... Visa mer
Perstorp AB faces an exciting, expansive future with many upcoming investments, focusing on sustainability and growth.

We are now looking for a Construction Manager to strengthen or global project organization, GTI (Global Technology & Investment).

Typical work tasks

Safe and successful execution of the Construction Phase in line with the overall project planning

- Act as a role model in Health & Safety, according to Perstorp core values, to internal as well as external resources

- Participate in and support design reviews, risk assessments and general project planning activities ensuring that construction is sufficiently and early considered in design, risk management and project planning

- Overall responsibility to manage the construction site and all related activities up to and including Mechanical Completion, in compliance with relevant health and safety requirements within budget and time, and to the required standards and quality

- Lead and manage the construction team - multidisciplinary, where applicable, according to agreed time schedule

Good to know

You will be part of a team of two employees and three consultants, located in our offices both in Perstorp and Stenungsund. You will report to the Manager Mechanical, Piping & Construction, Global Technology and Investment. The role will be located in Stenungsund or Perstorp and assignments in other locations, both nationally and internationally, will occur as a natural part of the work.

Our expectations

You should have experience as a construction manager or supervisor. You have a college/university degree with a relevant focus or equivalent knowledge/experience. As you will work closely with the local business and be involved in international projects, good language skills in both English and Swedish are required.

You find it easy to create relationships, and collaborate, with others. Communication, both verbal and written, is one of your strengths. You are structured and thorough in your way of working. You make sure to deliver within your area of responsibility and meet the agreed deadlines.

To be successful in this role, experience from the following areas is an advantage

Construction management in larger, multidisciplinary projects

- Construction management during site turnarounds

- Execution of constructability reviews

- Development of time and resource plans for the construction activities, in line with overall project planning

- Cost estimates for construction activities

- Procurement support when evaluating tenders/offers

- Deviation and claim management

Development of HSE plans


For more information about the position, please contact Magnus Hjertman +46 709 577 147 Please send you application via Apply on-line not later than December 9 but please note that the position may be filled before the given date. Visa mindre

Mechanical & Piping Engineer

Ansök    Sep 18    Perstorp AB    Kemiingenjör
Perstorp AB faces an exciting, expansive future with many upcoming investments, focusing on sustainability and growth. Perstorp’s Global Technology & Investment organization (GTI) consists of a team of about 100+ professionals. Our competence is a main enabler for development of Perstorp’s business and production, with a global portfolio of over 150 projects. Main drivers for PCG:s acquisition of Perstorp were its recognized position within Sustainability... Visa mer
Perstorp AB faces an exciting, expansive future with many upcoming investments, focusing on sustainability and growth.

Perstorp’s Global Technology & Investment organization (GTI) consists of a team of about 100+ professionals. Our competence is a main enabler for development of Perstorp’s business and production, with a global portfolio of over 150 projects. Main drivers for PCG:s acquisition of Perstorp were its recognized position within Sustainability as well as Technology in the specialty chemicals markets. We are very proud of this recognition and are now in a position where we can add more value, both to existing business and through the identified additional Growth projects.

We are now looking for a mechanical & piping engineer to strengthen or global project organization, GTI (Global Technology & Investment).

Typical work tasks

- Lead the engineering work within your discipline in accordance with our project model and ensure that the design complies with applicable regulations, laws and standards.

- Coordinate the engineering work, within your own discipline but also towards other disciplines within the project.

- Act as a role model in Health & Safety, according to Perstorp core values, to internal as well as external resources.

- Deliver cost estimates as well as time and resource plans for the various project phases.

- Support with continuous improvements to the processes and documents used in our project work.

- Close collaboration with our global sites, including site visits during project execution

- Support our procurement department with technical documentation and act as a technical expert when evaluating tenders/offers.

Good to know

You will be part of a team of five employees and about fifteen consultants, located in our offices both in Perstorp and Stenungsund. You will report to the Manager Mechanical, Piping & Construction, Global Technology and Investment. The role will be located in Stenungsund or Perstorp and assignments in other locations, both nationally and internationally, will occur as a natural part of the work. Perstorp has a flexible approach when it comes to “working from home”, but we don’t believe in a Company where the employees always are working from home.

Our expectations

You should have experience as a mechanical & piping engineer. You have a college/university degree with a relevant focus or equivalent knowledge. As you will work closely with the local business and be involved in international projects, good language skills in both English and Swedish are required.

You find it easy to create relationships, and collaborate, with others. Communication, both verbal and written, is one of your strengths. You are structured and thorough in your way of working. You make sure to deliver within your area of responsibility and meet the agreed deadlines.

To be successful in this role, experience from the following areas is an advantage

- Pre-studies, basic engineering, detail engineering
- Technical specifications
- Cost calculations
- 3D modelling software (E3D, Plant 3D, or similar)
- Construction support / supervision
- Commissioning work
- Project/discipline lead experience
- Owners engineer for EPCM contracts

To find out more about the position, please contact Henrik Trulsén, Manager Process Automation, phone 0766 342 505.

Apply to the position not later than September 30 via Apply on-line. Visa mindre

Instrument Engineer

Ansök    Sep 18    Perstorp AB    Kemiingenjör
Perstorp AB faces an exciting, expansive future with many upcoming investments, focusing on sustainability and growth. Perstorp’s Global Technology & Investment organization (GTI) consists of a team of about 100+ professionals. Our competence is a main enabler for development of Perstorp’s business and production, with a global portfolio of over 150 projects. Main drivers for PCG:s acquisition of Perstorp were its recognized position within Sustainability... Visa mer
Perstorp AB faces an exciting, expansive future with many upcoming investments, focusing on sustainability and growth.

Perstorp’s Global Technology & Investment organization (GTI) consists of a team of about 100+ professionals. Our competence is a main enabler for development of Perstorp’s business and production, with a global portfolio of over 150 projects. Main drivers for PCG:s acquisition of Perstorp were its recognized position within Sustainability as well as Technology in the specialty chemicals markets. We are very proud of this recognition and are now in a position where we can add more value, both to existing business and through the identified additional Growth projects.

We are now looking for an instrument engineer to strengthen or global project organization, GTI (Global Technology & Investment).

Typical work tasks

- Lead the engineering work within your discipline in accordance with our project model and ensure that the design complies with applicable regulations, laws and standards.

- Coordinate the engineering work, within your own discipline but also towards other disciplines within the project.

- Act as a role model in Health & Safety, according to Perstorp core values, to internal as well as external resources.

- Deliver cost estimates as well as time and resource plans for the various project phases.

- Support with continuous improvements to the processes and documents used in our project work.

- Close collaboration with our global sites, including site visits during project execution

- Support our procurement department with technical documentation and act as a technical expert when evaluating tenders/offers.

Good to know

You will be part of a team of fifteen employees and about twenty five consultants, located in our offices both in Perstorp, Stenungsund and Bruchhausen (Germany). The team consists of instrument, DCS and electrical engineers/specialist. You will report to the Automation Manager, Global Technology and Investment. The role will be located in Perstorp, Stenungsund or Bruchhausen and assignments in other locations, both nationally and internationally, will occur as a natural part of the work. Perstorp has a flexible approach when it comes to “working from home”, but we don’t believe in a Company where the employees always are working from home.

Our expectations

You should have experience as an instrument engineer. You have a college/university degree with a relevant focus or equivalent knowledge. As you will work closely with the local business and be involved in international projects, good language skills in English is required.

You find it easy to create relationships, and collaborate, with others. Communication, both verbal and written, is one of your strengths. You are structured and thorough in your way of working. You make sure to deliver within your area of responsibility and meet the agreed deadlines.

To be successful in this role, experience from the following areas is an advantage

- Pre-studies, basic engineering, detail engineering
- Technical specifications
- ATEX & SIL design
- Cost calculations
- Design & configuration PLC/DCS-system
- Design & construction of detail drawings
- Installation supervision
- Commissioning work
- Project/discipline lead experience
- Owners engineer for EPCM contracts

- To find out more about the position, please contact Henrik Trulsén, Manager Process Automation, phone 0766 342 505.

- Apply to the position not later than September 30 via Apply on-line.

- To find out more about the position, please contact Henrik Trulsén, Manager Process Automation, phone 0766 342 505.

- Apply to the position not later than September 30 via Apply on-line.

To find out more about the position, please contact Henrik Trulsén, Manager Process Automation, phone 0766 342 505.

Apply to the position not later than September 30 via Apply on-line. Visa mindre

Senior Process Engineer, Chemical Industry

Ansök    Mar 20    Borealis AB    Kemiingenjör
We provide solutions for a better tomorrow. If you want to support our growth ambition to deliver major projects and studies in a safe and qualitative way and develop technology and standards to maximize business value, look at the job description! We are currently looking for a Senior Process Engineer, Chemical Industry (Hydrocarbon) for our Joint Ventures & Growth Projects Department with high level of chemical engineering expertise in area of hydrocarbo... Visa mer
We provide solutions for a better tomorrow.
If you want to support our growth ambition to deliver major projects and studies in a safe and qualitative way and develop technology and standards to maximize business value, look at the job description!
We are currently looking for a Senior Process Engineer, Chemical Industry (Hydrocarbon) for our Joint Ventures & Growth Projects Department with high level of chemical engineering expertise in area of hydrocarbons processing to support Borealis and its Joint Ventures (in US and Middle East) in operations and during study phases of capital investment projects.
The position holder will act as technical expert across Borealis and Joint Venture locations in the field of hydrocarbons processing (olefins production downstream separation & purification, utility systems); secure knowledge build-up by monitoring relevant external developments (at vendors, licensors and suppliers) in area of expertise and participate in internal networks; use technical expertise to identify and address operations and business opportunities (e.g. techno-economic assessment, plant issue resolution, value improvement initiatives); lead process engineering tasks within investment projects for Borealis and Joint Venture plants, in collaboration with licensors and engineering contractor companies.
Senior Process Engineer, Chemical Industry supports the resolution of operations issues with immediate and significant business impact; accountable for all process engineering aspects throughout the different stages of capital investment projects (feasibility, execution, commissioning, start-up); has technical approval authority for hydrocarbon processing related tasks and projects.
The scope of responsibilities includes:
Capital investment projects
Concept and Pre-studies (incl. basis of design, preliminary flowsheets, mass and energy balances and recommendation of the preferred technology.
Development of Process Design Package (incl. PFDs, mass and energy balances, etc.)
Detailed process engineering deliverables during FEED and EPC phases

Operations support
Technical recommendations to resolve plant performance issues based on thorough process knowledge

Knowledge generation & dissemination
Development and effective deployment of competence and tools, in line with state-of-the-art technology and industry best practices

About you
You are the right candidate for this position if you have:
Masters or PhD in Chemical Engineering
Minimum of 10 years’ experience in chemical engineering discipline, including feasibility study, equipment sizing, heat and utility balance, etc.
In-depth knowledge and understanding of relevant hydrocarbon processing operations (steam cracker, hydroconversion, utility systems, etc.)
Prior experience in operations a strong prerequisite, e.g. support to running plants and/or start-up and commissioning activities new plants

To be successful in this role, you will need Chemical Engineering design skills and knowledge; process simulation skills; fluency in English in writing and speaking; analytical and problem solving skills; effectiveness in international and multi-cultural teams; proven project management skills.
This position would require frequent travel to plants and engineering contractor offices. Temporary assignment (incl. relocation and/or commuting) to be considered, upon project study and execution needs.
About Borealis and our offer
We are here for you! If you have any questions, please contact Feven Selassie, [email protected]. Please note that applications via e-mail will not be accepted since we are serious about protection of your personal data, so thank you for applying online.
The individual grade for the employee, salary and fringe benefit package (might deviate) and will reflect your profile, experience and the specifics of the country/location you apply for. In addition, we offer a yearly bonus and a voluntary company pension plan.
We reserve the right to close this vacancy for further applications when we have received sufficient applications that meet the advertised requirements and will contact you as soon as screening is closed.
Borealis is one of the world’s leading providers of advanced and circular polyolefin solutions and a European market leader in base chemicals, fertilizers and the mechanical recycling of plastics. We leverage our polymers expertise and decades of experience to offer value adding, innovative and circular material solutions for key industries. In re-inventing for more sustainable living, we build on our commitment to safety, our people and excellence as we accelerate the transformation to a circular economy and expand our geographical footprint. www.borealisgroup.com | www.borealiseverminds.com | careers.borealisgroup.com Visa mindre


Nouryon, a global leader in essential chemistry, is seeking a Researcher in Chemistry. The professional will support the Company's Personal Care area and focus on a variety of areas to including hair and skin. The Researcher executes complex experiments, analyzes the data for accuracy, and draws conclusions based on scientific standards in order to make recommendations on the next steps. In your future role as Scientist you will Perform and report exper... Visa mer
Nouryon, a global leader in essential chemistry, is seeking a Researcher in Chemistry. The professional will support the Company's Personal Care area and focus on a variety of areas to including hair and skin. The Researcher executes complex experiments, analyzes the data for accuracy, and draws conclusions based on scientific standards in order to make recommendations on the next steps.

In your future role as Scientist you will
Perform and report experiments necessary to attain the objectives of the business.
Support the incremental development of new products.
Interact with Synthesis, Analytical and marketing groups in developing new products and resolving customer concerns.
Maintain a laboratory notebook, prepare monthly project reports, conduct literature searches, and maintain application databases.
Execute complex experiments, analyze the data for accuracy, interpret the data, draws conclusions based on scientific standards and makes recommendations on the next steps.
Provide technical support to the business via telephone, field, and lab including laboratory work, gathering information, and travel.

We believe you bring
Bachelor's degree in Chemistry or related field.
Master's degree in relevant field preferred.
5-10 years personal care industry experience

We believe you are...
Able to view projects and results in a practical manner.
Skilled at hands-on work, in a laboratory setting, while maintaining safety standards.
Professional attitude and appearance.
Strong interpersonal skills and able to interact positively with sales staff and customers.
Knowledgeable and proficient with normal software programs to include Microsoft Office.
Solid written and verbal communication skills.

We offer you
At Nouryon, we not only offer an exciting role and nice colleagues, but also benefits in addition to your salary. Nouryon has a collective agreement with IKEM, but in addition to that, we also offer unilateral benefits such as bonus, reduced working hours, health care allowance, lunch allowance and much more.

Are you passionate about sustainability, innovation, safety, and collaboration? Do you want to grow together with a company that is forward-looking and continuously improving how they work? Our employees have ideas on how to build a sustainable future and the drive and passion to realize them. If that describes you, we will gladly make way for your ambitions. From day one we support you with your personal growth, through challenging positions and comprehensive learning and development opportunities, in a dynamic, international, diverse, and proactive working environment.

Good to know
This is a permanent position on a full-time basis, reporting to Maryalice Belluscio, R&D Department Manager, and based in Stenungsund.

Please apply via our online recruitment system with an uploaded job specific resume. We care for your personal data (GDPR) hence we do not accept applications via e-mail, these applications will be disregarded.

We look forward to receiving your application! Once it's with us we will review to see if we have a match between your skills and the role! We aim to get back to you at the soonest but latest after application closing date, with an update on the process.

We kindly ask you as an internal candidate to apply with your Nouryon email via Success Factors.

About Nouryon
Nouryon is a global, specialty chemicals leader. Markets and consumers worldwide rely on our essential solutions to manufacture everyday products, such as personal care, cleaning goods, paints and coatings, agriculture and food, pharmaceuticals, and building products. Furthermore, the dedication of more than 7,650 employees with a shared commitment to our customers, business growth, safety, sustainability and innovation has resulted in a consistently strong financial performance. We operate in over 80 countries around the world with a portfolio of industry-leading brands. Visit our website and follow us @Nouryon and on LinkedIn.

For additional information about the vacancy please contact hiring manager Maryalice Belluscio, R&D Department Manager, [email protected]

If you have any questions about the recruitment process or your application or need assistance, please contact: [email protected]

For unions related questions please contact:

Sveriges Ingenjörer: Anna-Lena Palm +46 303 851 13
Unionen: Magnus Svensson +46 303 858 38 or Thomas Nilsson +46 303 856 18
IF Metall. Annika Josefsson +46 303 854 96


We have already chosen our sourcing channels for this recruitment and kindly ask not to be contacted by any advertisement agents, recruitment agencies or manning companies. Visa mindre

Processingenjör till Inovyn i Stenungsund

Ansök    Sep 16    Framtiden i Sverige AB    Kemiingenjör
Vill du jobba som processingenjör på Inovyn AB? Söker du jobb som processingenjör och är en person som motiveras av möjligheten att komma framåt i din yrkeskarriär? Lockas du av tanken att få testa på en arbetsplats för att se om du trivs, och om allt känns bra få möjligheten att utvecklas långsiktigt där? Då kan Inovyn AB i Stenungsund vara din nästa arbetsgivare. Låter det som ett jobb för dig? Välkommen med din ansökan till oss på Framtiden AB! Om jo... Visa mer
Vill du jobba som processingenjör på Inovyn AB?

Söker du jobb som processingenjör och är en person som motiveras av möjligheten att komma framåt i din yrkeskarriär? Lockas du av tanken att få testa på en arbetsplats för att se om du trivs, och om allt känns bra få möjligheten att utvecklas långsiktigt där? Då kan Inovyn AB i Stenungsund vara din nästa arbetsgivare. Låter det som ett jobb för dig? Välkommen med din ansökan till oss på Framtiden AB!

Om jobbet som processingenjör:

I rollen som processingenjör ansvarar du för att optimera och utveckla processer i produktionen och maskinparken samt upprätta och driva handlingsplaner vid process-, drifts-och miljöstörningar. Dessutom kommer du tillsammans med ditt team planera, leda och säkerställa kontinuerlig uppföljning av tillverkningsprocesserna samt ansvara för att processen medför bästa möjliga förutsättningar för att skapa produkter med högsta möjliga kvalitet och effektivitet.

Är du rätt för rollen som processingenjör?

Inovyn AB söker dig som har en civilingenjör inom kemiteknik alternativt materialkemi. Dessutom har du goda kunskaper i både svenska och engelska i tal och skrift.
Det är meriterande om du har erfarenhet av arbete som processingenjör eller liknande roll. För att lyckas i rollen är det viktigt att du har ett stort driv och att du kan ta egna initiativ. Det är också viktigt att du tar ansvar för ditt arbete.

Om Inovyn AB
Inovyn AB är ett expansivt företag som verkar inom teknikbranschen. De arbetar huvudsakligen med utformning av kemiska produkter som används i plats- och pappersindustrin och håller till i Stenungsund.


För att söka tjänsten skickar du in CV och personligt brev via länken.
Vid frågor är du välkommen att kontakta personalansvarig Lina Lindroth
via e-post: [email protected] eller telefonnummer: 072-282 69 70.

Vi ser fram emot din ansökan!


Placeringsort: Stenungsund
Typ av anställning: tillsvidareanställning med sex månaders provanställning
Tillsättning: enligt överenskommelse
Sista ansökningsdag: Urval sker löpande och tjänsten kan tillämpas tidigare Visa mindre

Reliability engineer

Vill du vara med och göra vardagen lättare för människor runt om i världen? Utan att se det möter du oss varje dag i din vardag. Vi finns i dina skosulor, i din mobil och i tidningen du läser. Med ett gemensamt engagemang för innovation, hållbarhet och säkerhet arbetar våra medarbetare dagligen för en hållbar framtid. Nouryon har en enastående möjlighet för en Relibalility Engineer på Site Stenungsund. Som Reliability Engineer arbetar du med att redusera u... Visa mer
Vill du vara med och göra vardagen lättare för människor runt om i världen? Utan att se det möter du oss varje dag i din vardag. Vi finns i dina skosulor, i din mobil och i tidningen du läser. Med ett gemensamt engagemang för innovation, hållbarhet och säkerhet arbetar våra medarbetare dagligen för en hållbar framtid.
Nouryon har en enastående möjlighet för en Relibalility Engineer på Site Stenungsund. Som Reliability Engineer arbetar du med att redusera utrustningsförluster, optimera underhållsarbetet, ansvara för grundorsaksanalyser och jobba med ständiga förbättringar. Arbetet är självständigt, men du kommer att ingå i ett team med erfarna och engagerade kollegor och har en stor möjlighet att påverka din egen utveckling. Som Relibaility Engineer arbetar du med att driva kontinuerliga förbättringar av tillförlitlighet, minskning av produktion och underhållskostnader. Arbetet görs genom systematisk eliminering av “Bad actors” med hjälp av insamlad data och strukturerade rotorsaksanalyser (RCPS).

Arbetsuppgifter och ansvarsområden
Ta fram och utföra analys på Bad actors;Ta fram förslag på bad actors som skall utredas framöver. Top 10 gällande frekvens och kostnader.
Leda grundorsaksanalyser för utrustning på top 10 lista, felsökning och vid haverier. För att redusera produktion och underhålls förluster (OEE).
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Leda systematiskt underhållsstrategi på utrustning med hjälp av kritikalitetsgranskning och FMEA.
Utbilda anställda inom strukturerade RCPS och kunna facilitera strukturerade möten.
Skriva investeringsansökningar och vara mottagare i projekt.

För att vara framgångsrik i denna roll tror vi att du har förmågan att kommunicera och samarbeta på ett professionellt sätt mot alla intressenter och förmågan att bygga framgångsrika relationer. Du är trygg i din egen kompetens och levererar resultat samtidigt som du håller en hög kvalitet i ditt arbete. Vidare är du strukturerad, har förmågan att analysera frågeställningar och uppkomna situationer och drivs av att leverera resultat. Vi ser även att du har:
Teknisk högskoleutbildning eller motsvarande kompetens inom relevant område
Flerårig erfarenhet inom kemisk processindustri eller motsvarande
Flytande i såväl tal som skrift i svenska och engelska
God IT-kompetens gällande
MS Office, speciellt i Excel
Mycket goda kunskaper i SAP eller likvärdigt underhålls system.
Analytisk med förmåga att sätta sig in i nya frågeställningar och lösa problem
Erfarenhet av underhållsarbete och underhållsprocesser.
Erfarenhet i att utbilda och coacha andra .

Varför Nouryon?
Tycker du hållbarhet, innovation, säkerhet och samarbete är viktigt? Vill du växa tillsammans med ett företag som blickar framåt och ständigt förbättrar sitt arbetssätt? Våra medarbetare har idéer för en hållbar framtid, och drivkraft att förverkliga dem. De tror att integritet och långsiktiga relationer är nycklar till framgång. Om det stämmer in på dig, gör vi gärna plats för dina ambitioner och kan erbjuda många karriärmöjligheter. Från första dagen stöttar vi din personliga utveckling genom utmanande roller och omfattande möjligheter att lära och växa i en dynamisk, internationell och proaktiv arbetsmiljö med stor mångfald.

Ytterligare information
Detta är en tillsvidareanställning på heltid med placeringsort Stenungsund. Du kommer att rapportera till Maintenance & Reliability Manager.
Vänligen ansök via vårt rekryteringsverktyg med CV och ansökningsbrev. Vi tar inte emot ansökningar via mail.
För ytterligare information om tjänsten, vänligen kontakta Andreas Fosser Maintenance & Reliability Manager, [email protected] 073-027 40 45.
För mer information om rekryteringsprocessen eller din ansökan, vänligen kontakta Wictoria Majstrand HR Business Partner, [email protected]
För fackliga frågor:
Sveriges Ingenjörer: Anna-Lena Palm +46?303 851 13
Unionen: Thomas Nilsson +46 303 856 18
IF Metall. Annika Josefsson +46?303?854 96
Om du har generella frågor eller behöver hjälp, vänligen kontakta: [email protected]

Mer om företaget
Nouryon är ett ledande globalt företag inom specialkemi. Industrier och konsumenter över hela världen förlitar sig på våra lösningar för tillverkning av oumbärliga vardagsprodukter som hygienartiklar, rengöringsprodukter, färg, jordbruksprodukter och livsmedel, läkemedel och byggmaterial. Dessutom har våra 9,700 medarbetares gemensamma engagemang för våra kunder, tillväxt, säkerhet, hållbarhet och innovation lett till en genomgående stark ekonomisk utveckling. Vi finns i fler än 80 länder runt om i världen med våra branschledande varumärken. Besök vår webbplats och följ oss @Nouryon och på LinkedIn.

Urval sker löpande och tjänsten kan komma att bli tillsatt innan ansökningstidens slut. Vi uppmuntrar därför till att skicka in din ansökan snarast möjligt.
Möter dina kompetenser och kvalifikationer den profil vi söker blir du inbjuden till en första telefonintervju på ca 30 minuter. Går du därefter vidare i vår urvalsprocess är nästa steg att vi bjuder in dig till ett personligt möte, en face-to-face intervju på ca 1,5 timme, tillsammans med rekryterande chef.

Vi ser fram emot din ansökan!

Då vi inför denna rekrytering redan tagit ställning till de rekryteringskanaler vi önskar använda undanbeder vi oss vänligen men bestämt att bli kontaktade för ytterligare erbjudanden om kompetensförmedling, annonserings- och rekryteringshjälp. Visa mindre

Regional Marketing Mgr EMEA Performance

Ansök    Maj 4    Nouryon AB    Kemiingenjör
Do you want to be part of making everyday life easier for people around the world? Without seeing it, you meet us every day in your everyday life. We are in your soles, in your mobile and in the newspaper you read. With a common commitment to innovation, sustainability and safety, our employees work daily for a sustainable future. Main Responsibilities As a Regional Marketing Manager you will lead, manage and develop the marketing initiatives in the region... Visa mer
Do you want to be part of making everyday life easier for people around the world? Without seeing it, you meet us every day in your everyday life. We are in your soles, in your mobile and in the newspaper you read. With a common commitment to innovation, sustainability and safety, our employees work daily for a sustainable future.
Main Responsibilities
As a Regional Marketing Manager you will lead, manage and develop the marketing initiatives in the region including: price and margin management, growth initiatives and new product introductions. In this position you will develop and execute regional market plans for key market segments and thereby contribute to realization of global business strategy. You will build, maintain and leverage key external relationships across the region. Travel to customer and internal meetings is approximately 25% of your working time.
Additional responsibilities:
Identify and capture growth opportunities in close partnership with sales and product management
Provide pricing guidance and manage exceptions with sales
Capture, monitor and utilize business intelligence within the region (trends, customers, competitors, products, technologies)
Create and execute regional market engagement and communication plans

To be successful in this position you have strong business and financial acumen, appreciate the power of team work, and know the strength of working across global cultures. You are confident in your own expertise and a possess a strong drive to deliver results. You have excellent communication skills, problem-solving capabilities, and experience in building strong networks. You have a demonstrated track record of effective leadership in past roles and enjoy being a manager in an environment of change.
Bachelor’s degree, preferably in Marketing, Business Administration, Chemistry, Chemical Engineering or Engineering-related discipline (Candidates with an MBA are desirable)
A minimum of 10 years of prior experience in combination of sales, marketing or product management roles
Experience in the Specialty Chemicals industry
Experience in Sales
Understanding of one or more key Industrial end markets (Lubricants & Fuels, Mining, Oil &Gas;, Pulp & Paper, Water Treatment)
Fluency in English; other relevant languages a plus

Why join us?
Are you passionate about sustainability, innovation, safety, and collaboration? Do you want to grow together with a company that is forward-looking and continuously improving how they work? Our employees have ideas on how to build a sustainable future and the drive and passion to realize them. They believe that building long-term relationships and integrity are keys to success. If that describes you, we will gladly make way for your ambitions. We offer you countless career opportunities. From day one we support you with your personal growth, through challenging positions and comprehensive learning and development opportunities, in a dynamic, international, diverse, and proactive working environment.
Additional information
This is a permanent position on a full-time basis, reporting to the Global Marketing Director and based in Stenungsund, Sweden.
Please apply via our online recruitment system with an uploaded job specific resume and cover letter. We do not accept applications via e-mail, these applications will be disregarded.
The last day of application is May 31, 2022.
For additional information about the vacancy please contact Brad Pearson, Global Marketing Director, email: [email protected]
For information about the recruitment process, please contact Emmelie Arvidsson, Talent Acquisition, email [email protected]
For unions related questions please contact:
Sveriges Ingenjörer: Anna-Lena Palm?+46?303 851 13
Unionen:?Magnus Svensson +46?303 858 38 eller Thomas Nilsson +46?303 856 18
IF Metall. Annika Josefsson +46?303?854 96
If you have any general questions or need assistance, please contact: [email protected]
About Nouryon
Markets and consumers worldwide rely on our?essential solutions to manufacture everyday products,?such as?personal care,?cleaning goods, paints and coatings, agriculture and food, pharmaceuticals, and building products.?Furthermore, the dedication of more than 7,900 employees with a shared commitment to our customers,?business growth, safety,?sustainability?and innovation has resulted in a consistently strong financial performance. We operate in over 80 countries around the world with a portfolio of industry-leading brands. Do not forget to follow us on Linkedin and Facebook for regular updates of new exciting positions and stories about our achievements.
The application process
We carry out a continuous selection and may close the application process before the final application date, so don’t hesitate to send us your application.
We look forward to your application!
We kindly ask you as an internal candidate to apply with your Nouryon email.
We have already chosen our sourcing channels for this recruitment and kindly ask not to be contacted by any advertisement agents, recruitment agencies or manning companies Visa mindre

Section Manager Product Chemistry Sts

Do you want to be part of making everyday life easier for people around the world? Without seeing it, you meet us every day in your everyday life. We are in your soles, in your mobile and in the newspaper you read. With a common commitment to innovation, sustainability and safety, our employees work daily for a sustainable future. Main responsibilities As the Section Manager Product Chemistry (PC), you will lead a highly technical team of experts in the ... Visa mer
Do you want to be part of making everyday life easier for people around the world? Without seeing it, you meet us every day in your everyday life. We are in your soles, in your mobile and in the newspaper you read. With a common commitment to innovation, sustainability and safety, our employees work daily for a sustainable future.

Main responsibilities
As the Section Manager Product Chemistry (PC), you will lead a highly technical team of experts in the development and synthesis of new surfactant products and ethylene amine intermediates as well as the improvement to current manufacturing processes. The PC group supports multiple Application Research and Development teams, the HSE-department, and production. New products and processes are brought from concept to routine manufacture at locations in Europe and other regions and additional responsibilities in this role include:
Managing the day-to-day operations of the group with respect to work planning, prioritization and reporting in alignment with the business strategy.
Maintaining the laboratories and pilot plant facility in a safe and compliant way. As the PC group is responsible for the synthesis of multiple different surfactants and amine intermediates, the chemical storage and inventory is high and maintaining detailed inventory of chemicals with various hazard clasifications is within this responsibility.
The PC group is one of a network of synthesis group in Performance Chemicals located in Netherlands, USA and China. As the Section Manager of the Stenungsund location, it is expected that a general understanding of the capabilities of other locations is maintained and a network developed and utilized to improve the PC group. Creating and fostering a mentality of 'center of expertise' within the group is part of this role.
Communicate priorities to stakeholders.

To be successful in this position we believe that you have the ability to drive changes as well as the ability to build successful and long-term relationships. You are confident in your own expertise and you know how to prioritize both for yourself and your team. We also see that you have:
PhD in chemistry or chemical engineering and +5-7 years experience
Experience in surfactant and polymer synthesis
Experience or familiarization with chemical transformations including esterification, amidation, ethoxylation, hydrogenation and aminie quaternization reactions
Experience in scale-up and pilot plant operations
Excellent leadership skills and experience as a direct manager is beneficial
Project management and experience in StageGate concept for product develpment
Commercial experience is beneficial
Fluent in written and spoken English
Good IT competence / experience regarding

- Standard Office Software;
- Sharepoint
- SAP incl Ariba

Why join us?
Are you passionate about sustainability, innovation, safety, and collaboration? Do you want to grow together with a company that is forward-looking and continuously improving how they work? Our employees have ideas on how to build a sustainable future and the drive and passion to realize them. They believe that building long-term relationships and integrity are keys to success. If that describes you, we will gladly make way for your ambitions. We offer you countless career opportunities. From day one we support you with your personal growth, through challenging positions and comprehensive learning and development opportunities, in a dynamic, international, diverse, and proactive working environment.

Additional information
This is a permanent position on a full-time basis, reporting to the RD Director, and based in Stenungsund, Sweden.

Please apply via our online recruitment system with an uploaded job specific resume and cover letter. We do not accept applications via e-mail, these applications will be disregarded.

For additional information about the vacancy please contact Wictoria Majstrand, HR Business Partner [email protected]

For information about the recruitment process or your application, please contact John Rowland, RD Director, [email protected]

For unions related questions please contact:
Sveriges Ingenjörer: Anna-Lena Palm +46?303 851 13
Unionen: Magnus Svensson +46 303 858 38

If you have any general questions or need assistance, please contact: [email protected]

About Nouryon
Nouryon is a global, specialty chemicals leader. Markets and consumers worldwide rely on our essential solutions to manufacture everyday products, such as personal care, cleaning goods, paints and coatings, agriculture and food, pharmaceuticals, and building products. Furthermore, the dedication of more than 9,700 employees with a shared commitment to our customers, business growth, safety, sustainability and innovation has resulted in a consistently strong financial performance. We operate in over 80 countries around the world with a portfolio of industry-leading brands. Visit our website and follow us @Nouryon and on LinkedIn.

The application process
After the closing date, we will start the selection process.

In our first selection we thoroughly go through all the applications. If your skills and qualifications match the profile we are looking for, you will be invited to an initial phone interview that takes approximately 30 minutes. If you proceed in our selection process, we invite you to a face-to-face interview that takes about 1,5 hours. There you will meet with the hiring manager.

We look forward to your application!

We have already chosen our sourcing channels for this recruitment and kindly ask not to be contacted by any advertisement agents, recruitment agencies or manning companies. Visa mindre

Sr Researcher

Senior Researcher Personal Care Do you have an interest in Chemistry? Would you like to use your knowledge to develop products, processes and make improvements within Personal Care applications in a customer focused and business oriented manner? We are now seeking a Senior Researcher to Nouryon Performance Formulations in Stenungsund. As a Senior Researcher Personal Care you will focus on a variety of areas to including hair and skin. You will execute com... Visa mer
Senior Researcher Personal Care
Do you have an interest in Chemistry? Would you like to use your knowledge to develop products, processes and make improvements within Personal Care applications in a customer focused and business oriented manner? We are now seeking a Senior Researcher to Nouryon Performance Formulations in Stenungsund.
As a Senior Researcher Personal Care you will focus on a variety of areas to including hair and skin. You will execute complex experiments, analyzes the data for accuracy, and draws conclusions based on scientific standards in order to make recommendations on the next steps. Other key responsibilities are:

Performs and reports experiments necessary to attain the objectives of the business.
Supports the incremental development of new products.
Interacts with Synthesis, Analytical and marketing groups in developing new products and resolving customer concerns.
Maintains a laboratory notebook, prepares monthly project reports, conducts literature searches, and maintains application databases.
Provide technical support to the business
Leads medium to large size projects.

To be successful in this position, we believe that it is a must to enjoy hands-on laboratory work. Moreover, you have a high customer focus and you also possess the ability to work efficiently. Furthermore, you know how to prioritize in your daily work together with others. We also see that you have:

Master’s degree in Chemistry, Chemical Engineering or related field.
At least 5 years of experience in personal care product formulation particularly emulsions for hair and skin as well as skin care applications testing
Good IT competence / experience regarding
- Standard Office Software;
- Sharepoint
The ability to communicate effectively within the technical and business networks.
Excellent communication skills in English Please note, this role will require 10-20% travels

Why join us?
Are you passionate about sustainability, innovation, safety, and collaboration? Do you want to grow together with a company that is forward-looking and continuously improving how they work? Our employees have ideas on how to build a sustainable future and the drive and passion to realize them. They believe that building long-term relationships and integrity are keys to success. If that describes you, we will gladly make way for your ambitions. We offer you countless career opportunities. From day one we support you with your personal growth, through challenging positions and comprehensive learning and development opportunities, in a dynamic, international, diverse, and proactive working environment.

Additional information
This is a permanent position position on a full-time basis, reporting to the Section Manager PC and based in Stenungsund, Sweden.
Please apply via our online recruitment system with an uploaded job specific resume and cover letter. We do not accept applications via e-mail, these applications will be disregarded.
For additional information about the vacancy please contact Maryalice Belluscio, Section Manager PC Applications [email protected] +19087451334
For information about the recruitment process or your application, please contact Wictoria Majstrand, HR Business Partner +46 709 577 646

For unions related questions please contact:
Akademikerklubben, Anna-Lena Palm, +46 733 855 113
Unionen, Magnus Svensson, +46 73 385 58 38
If you have any general questions or need assistance, please contact: [email protected]

About Nouryon
We are a global specialty chemicals leader. Markets worldwide rely on our essential chemistry in the manufacture of everyday products such as paper, plastics, building materials, food, pharmaceuticals, and personal care items. Building on our nearly 400-year history, the dedication of our 10,000 employees, and our shared commitment to business growth, strong financial performance, safety, sustainability, and innovation, we have established a world-class business and built strong partnerships with our customers. We operate in over 80 countries around the world and our portfolio of industry-leading brands includes Eka, Dissolvine, Trigonox, and Berol.
We are organized in three Businesses:
Performance Formulations focuses on business lines based on tailored performance that require a high level of customer intimacy, such as those for personal care and agriculture.
Technology Solutions includes business lines that are an integrated part of our customers’ processes, such as catalysts and additives for the polymer and pulp industries.
Industrial Chemicals encompasses our salt-chlorine value chain, which supplies end markets ranging from lightweight metals and plastics to pharmaceuticals.

Do not forget to follow us on Linkedin and Facebook for regular updates of new exciting positions and stories about our achievements.

The application process
After the closing date, we will start the selection process.
In our first selection we thoroughly go through all the applications. If your skills and qualifications match the profile we are looking for, you will be invited to an initial phone interview that takes approximately 30 minutes. If you proceed in our selection process we invite you to a face-to-face interview that takes about 1,5 hours. There you will meet with the the hiring manager.

We look forward to your application!

We perform drug tests on all employees as a part of our effort to maintain a drug-free environment.

We have already chosen our sourcing channels for this recruitment and kindly ask not to be contacted by any advertisement agents, recruitment agencies or manning companies. Visa mindre

Tolling Coordinator

Do you want to be part of making everyday life easier for people around the world? Without seeing it, you meet us every day in your everyday life. We are in your soles, in your mobile and in the newspaper you read. With a common commitment to innovation, sustainability and safety, our employees work daily for a sustainable future. Main responsibilities As a Tolling (contract manufacturing) Coordinator within Nouryon, you’ll perform work tasks such as produ... Visa mer
Do you want to be part of making everyday life easier for people around the world? Without seeing it, you meet us every day in your everyday life. We are in your soles, in your mobile and in the newspaper you read. With a common commitment to innovation, sustainability and safety, our employees work daily for a sustainable future.
Main responsibilities
As a Tolling (contract manufacturing) Coordinator within Nouryon, you’ll perform work tasks such as production planning, material planning, inventory management and coordination of transfers between production plants. You will generate supply forecasts to our Tollers and follow up on performance with them. You are also expected to work towards continuous improvements to the operational aspects of Tolling. This is a key position where you will represent the company with internal as well as external stakeholders.
To be successful in this position we believe you have strong analytical and interpersonal skills. Further, you are an organized team player with a “can-do” attitude. We also see that you have:
B.Sc in Supply Chain or related degree
1-3 years work experience within Supply Chain or a manufacturing facility
Strong IT competence/experience regarding
Standard Office Software, especially Excel
SAP (Production Planning, Materials Management) Ability to troubleshoot SAP transactions highly desirable.
Fluent in written and spoken English.

Why join us?
Are you passionate about sustainability, innovation, safety, and collaboration? Do you want to grow together with a company that is forward-looking and continuously improving how they work? Our employees have ideas on how to build a sustainable future and the drive and passion to realize them. They believe that building long-term relationships and integrity are keys to success. If that describes you, we will gladly make way for your ambitions. We offer you countless career opportunities. From day one we support you with your personal growth, through challenging positions and comprehensive learning and development opportunities, in a dynamic, international, diverse, and proactive working environment.
Additional information
This is a permanent position on a full-time basis, reporting to the Tolling Operations Lead and based in Gothenburg, Sweden.
Please apply via our online recruitment system with an uploaded job specific resume and cover letter. We do not accept applications via e-mail, these applications will be disregarded.
For additional information about the vacancy please contact Maria Kovacevic, Tolling Operations Lead [email protected] +46 73 581 63 06
For information about the recruitment process or your application, please contact Wictoria Majstrand, HR Business Partner +46 709 577 646
For unions related questions please contact:
Akademikerklubben, Anna-Lena Palm, +46 733 855 113
Unionen, Magnus Svensson, +46 73 385 58 38
If you have any general questions or need assistance, please contact: [email protected]
About Nouryon
Nouryon is a global,?specialty chemicals leader. Markets and consumers worldwide rely on our?essential solutions to manufacture everyday products,?such as personal care, cleaning goods, paints and coatings, agriculture and food, pharmaceuticals, and building products. Furthermore, the dedication of more than 9,700 employees with a shared commitment to our customers, business growth, safety, sustainability and innovation has resulted in a consistently strong financial performance. We operate in over 80 countries around the world with a portfolio of industry-leading brands. Visit our website and follow us @Nouryon and on LinkedIn.
The application process
After the closing date, we will start the selection process.
In our first selection we thoroughly go through all the applications. If your skills and qualifications match the profile we are looking for, you will be invited to an initial phone interview that takes approximately 30 minutes. If you proceed in our selection process, we invite you to a face-to-face interview that takes about 1,5 hours. There you will meet with the hiring manager.
We look forward to your application!
We kindly ask you as an internal candidate to apply with your Nouryon email.
We have already chosen our sourcing channels for this recruitment and kindly ask not to be contacted by any advertisement agents, recruitment agencies or manning companies. Visa mindre

Team Lead Engineering Nouryon Stenungsund

Do you want to be part of making everyday life easier for people around the world? Without seeing it, you meet us every day in your everyday life. We are in your soles, in your mobile and in the newspaper you read. With a common commitment to innovation, sustainability and safety, our employees work daily for a sustainable future Main Responsibilities We are looking for a Team Lead Engineering to our production site in Stenungsund, Sweden. The Team Lead En... Visa mer
Do you want to be part of making everyday life easier for people around the world? Without seeing it, you meet us every day in your everyday life. We are in your soles, in your mobile and in the newspaper you read. With a common commitment to innovation, sustainability and safety, our employees work daily for a sustainable future
Main Responsibilities
We are looking for a Team Lead Engineering to our production site in Stenungsund, Sweden. The Team Lead Engineering is leading a team of professional engineers with the aim to facilitate growth by leading expansion and debottlenecking projects as well as optimizing the performance of the manufacturing plants in terms of people and process safety, sustainability and quality. The team are using traditional engineering tools, new digital solutions as well as lean six sigma to drive the performance towards operational excellence in 5 manufacturing plants, both batch and continuous processes.
The PQC team is working close collaboration with all other functions on the site as well as with other stakeholders in Supply Chain, R&D, Technology and Business.
As Team Lead you report to the Product and Quality Control Manager (PQC) and have approximately 11 direct reporting including Process Engineers and Process Safety Engineers.
Responsible to drive projects and programs for growth and improved productivity, safety performance and quality performance
Collective responsibility for executing Site Stenungsund goals, objectives and action plans
Collective responsible to fill site project portfolio to ensure long term success focusing on performance of the production units, Asset Utilization, Process effectiveness and overall asset management
Responsible for introduction of new products and optimization of current product portfolio
Responsible for handling of deviations and customer complaints
Responsible to identify and drive digital opportunities for operational excellence together with global digital technology team
Responsible to secure competence, process know-how and special skills in the area of process engineering

To be successful in this position you have a demonstrated track record of effective leadership in past roles and enjoy being a manager in an environment of change. You appreciate the power of team work, and know the strength of working across global cultures. You are confident in your own expertise and a possess a strong drive to deliver results. You have excellent communication skills, problem-solving capabilities, and experience in building strong networks.
Bachelor or Master of Science in Chemical Engineering.
High level of competence, experience and respect of all HSE&S aspects.
Excellent skills in verbal and written Swedish and English.
Excellent communication and presentation skills.
Experience in risk management and risk analysis (e.g. HAZOP, SIL, LOPA).
Certification in Lean Six Sigma is desired.

Why join us?
???????Are you passionate about sustainability, innovation, safety, and collaboration? Do you want to grow together with a company that is forward-looking and continuously improving how they work? Our employees have ideas on how to build a sustainable future and the drive and passion to realize them. They believe that building long-term relationships and integrity are keys to success. If that describes you, we will gladly make way for your ambitions. We offer you countless career opportunities. From day one we support you with your personal growth, through challenging positions and comprehensive learning and development opportunities, in a dynamic, international, diverse, and proactive working environment.
Additional information
This is a permanent position on a full-time basis, reporting to the PQC Manager and based in Stenungsund, Sweden.
Please apply via our online recruitment system with an uploaded job specific resume and cover letter. We do not accept applications via e-mail, these applications will be disregarded.
The last day of application is January 23, 2022.
For additional information about the vacancy please contact Jessica Edler, PQC Manager, +46 733 85 55 73.
For information about the recruitment process, please contact Håkan Malmberg, Talent Resourcing Partner, email [email protected]
For Unions Related Questions Please Contact:
Sveriges Ingenjörer, Anna-Lena Palm +46?303 851 13
Unionen Magnus Svensson +46 303 858 38
If you have any general questions or need assistance, please contact: [email protected]
We look forward to your application!
About Nouryon
Markets and consumers worldwide rely on our?essential solutions to manufacture everyday products,?such as?personal care,?cleaning goods, paints and coatings, agriculture and food, pharmaceuticals, and building products.?Furthermore, the dedication of more than 7,900 employees with a shared commitment to our customers,?business growth, safety,?sustainability?and innovation has resulted in a consistently strong financial performance. We operate in over 80 countries around the world with a portfolio of industry-leading brands. Do not forget to follow us on Linkedin and Facebook for regular updates of new exciting positions and stories about our achievements.
The application process
We carry out a continuous selection and may close the application process before the final application date, so don’t hesitate to send us your application.
We look forward to your application!
????We have already chosen our sourcing channels for this recruitment and kindly ask not to be contacted by any advertisement agents, recruitment agencies or manning companies. Visa mindre

Tolling Engineer EMEA

Do you want to be part of making everyday life easier for people around the world? Without seeing it, you meet us every day in your everyday life. We are in your soles, in your mobile and in the newspaper you read. With a common commitment to innovation, sustainability and safety, our employees work daily for a sustainable future. Main responsibilities As the Tolling Engineer, you will support Nouryon’ s growth through setting up and assess new tollers, ... Visa mer
Do you want to be part of making everyday life easier for people around the world? Without seeing it, you meet us every day in your everyday life. We are in your soles, in your mobile and in the newspaper you read. With a common commitment to innovation, sustainability and safety, our employees work daily for a sustainable future.
Main responsibilities

As the Tolling Engineer, you will support Nouryon’ s growth through setting up and assess new tollers, coordinate technical support and see to the completion of major process improvement projects of our tolling operations. Activities in our tolling operation includes process analysis, project implementation, design, development, and support to tollers in the daily operations. A key deliverable in this role will be project management on new tollers, and the maintenance of process know how (documentation) with a focus on continuous improvement of the supported processes from both a technology and cost standpoint.
To be successful in this position we believe you are a problem-solver who is organized, and service minded. Further, you are structured, self-driven and result oriented as well as have good interpersonal skills. As a Tolling Engineer, you are expected to travel up to 50% of you’re working time. We also see that you have:
B.S. Chemical Engineering or related technology degree, MBA or Lean Six Sigma is a plus
3-8 years in project and/or process experience in plant environment
Knowledge of chemical plant production
Good IT competence/experience regarding
? Standard Office Software, especially Excel
? SAP (Production Planning, Quality Modules)
? Statistical Process Control
Fluent in written and spoken English.

Why join us?
Are you passionate about sustainability, innovation, safety, and collaboration? Do you want to grow together with a company that is forward-looking and continuously improving how they work? Our employees have ideas on how to build a sustainable future and the drive and passion to realize them. They believe that building long-term relationships and integrity are keys to success. If that describes you, we will gladly make way for your ambitions. We offer you countless career opportunities. From day one we support you with your personal growth, through challenging positions and comprehensive learning and development opportunities, in a dynamic, international, diverse, and proactive working environment.
Additional information
This is a permanent position on a full-time basis, reporting to the Tolling Manager PF and based in Gothenburg, Sweden.
Please apply via our online recruitment system with an uploaded job specific resume and cover letter. We do not accept applications via e-mail, these applications will be disregarded.
For additional information about the vacancy please contact Ijaz Goher, Tolling Manager PF [email protected] +13 12 806 92 49
For information about the recruitment process or your application, please contact Wictoria Majstrand, HR Business Partner +46 709 577 646
For unions related questions please contact:
Akademikerklubben, Anna-Lena Palm, +46 733 855 113
Unionen, Magnus Svensson, +46 73 385 58 38
If you have any general questions or need assistance, please contact: [email protected]
About Nouryon
Nouryon is a global,?specialty chemicals leader. Markets and consumers worldwide rely on our?essential solutions to manufacture everyday products,?such as personal care, cleaning goods, paints and coatings, agriculture and food, pharmaceuticals, and building products. Furthermore, the dedication of more than 9,700 employees with a shared commitment to our customers, business growth, safety, sustainability, and innovation has resulted in a consistently strong financial performance. We operate in over 80 countries around the world with a portfolio of industry-leading brands. Visit our website and follow us @Nouryon and on LinkedIn.
The application process
After the closing date, we will start the selection process.
In our first selection we thoroughly go through all the applications. If your skills and qualifications match the profile we are looking for, you will be invited to an initial phone interview that takes approximately 30 minutes. If you proceed in our selection process, we invite you to a face-to-face interview that takes about 1,5 hours. There you will meet with the hiring manager.
We look forward to your application!
We have already chosen our sourcing channels for this recruitment and kindly ask not to be contacted by any advertisement agents, recruitment agencies or manning companies. Visa mindre

Sr. Process Technologist

Are you the key player who is going strengthen Nouryon’s general technology competence related to the core technologies we use for producing ethylene oxide, ethanolamines, and ethyleneamines? Who will be at the forefront of developing technologies we use in our production sites in Stenungsund, Sweden, and Ningbo, China? If so, then we are looking for you! In our Ethylene Amines Technology team, we have a vacancy for a: Senior Process Technologist Fulltime,... Visa mer
Are you the key player who is going strengthen Nouryon’s general technology competence related to the core technologies we use for producing ethylene oxide, ethanolamines, and ethyleneamines? Who will be at the forefront of developing technologies we use in our production sites in Stenungsund, Sweden, and Ningbo, China? If so, then we are looking for you! In our Ethylene Amines Technology team, we have a vacancy for a:
Senior Process Technologist
Fulltime, Gothenburg & Stenungsund, Sweden
Your challenges
As Senior Process Technologist you play an active role in delivering improvements to the main process technologies used by the Ethylene Amines business. This includes conceptual process design, process design evaluation by performing modelling activities to get data for design decisions.
Your responsibilities include as well:
Optimization of operating conditions and unit operation design, selection of unit operation for future implementation.
Contribution to strategic innovation projects
Support organization with process technology expertise
Lead projects with high impact on production and business results
Act as technology licensor for CAPEX investments
Be the process owner for a part of the technologies used and with time develop towards becoming the internal expert.
Systematically contribute to increasing the competence level in the organizations
Reporting of results and knowledge transfer inside and outside the technology team

The Ethylene Amines Technology team
The team is part of the Technology organization of Nouryon’s Performance Formulations business line. It covers the Ethylene Oxide and Ethylene Amines production processes. We drive the development of manufacturing processes and implementation of innovative solutions with the goal to meet market demand opportunities and optimize plant efficiency. Scope of work of the team includes growth projects (study phase to execution support) and problem solving for technological issues in existing plant operation.
Have you got what it takes?
To be eligible for this challenging position, you have demonstrated experience in process technology development, and bring at least 2 years company experience in a process technology development role. You are an expert in handling process data, translating process development questions into modelling work, and convert learnings into conceptual design. You are the coordinator who keeps the overview, but also participates in hands-on operational activities.
Next to this, you:
Have at least a Masters degree in Chemical Engineering
Have affinity with process modelling software such as Aspen Plus.
Have a pragmatic working style
Drive to find solutions to all kinds of problems, eager to pick up on study items pro-actively
Have a flexible & agile mentality, and balance the need for detail with need for result within budget & time constraints
Feel comfortable in a dynamic high pace, complex environment
Have excellent communication skills.
Are fluent in English (verbal and written)

???????You are expected to travel approx. 5 days a month to our production sites in Stenungsund, Sweden and Ningbo, China.
Are you eager to start your career at Nouryon as Senior Process Development Engineer?
Then we are looking forward to receiving your application via our online recruitment system. Please upload a job specific resume and cover letter. We do not accept applications via e-mail, these applications will be disregarded. When you are an internal candidate, we kindly ask you to apply with your Nouryon email.
For additional information about the vacancy please contact Michiel Raaijmakers, Ethylene Amines TM, +46 730 628 553
For information about the recruitment process or your application, please contact Wictoria Majstrand, HR Business Partner +46 709 577 646
For unions related questions please contact:
Akademikerklubben, Anna-Lena Palm, +46 733 855 113
Unionen, Magnus Svensson, +46 733 855 838
If you have any general questions or need assistance, please contact: [email protected]
About Nouryon
We are a global specialty chemicals leader. Markets worldwide rely on our essential chemistry in the manufacture of everyday products such as paper, plastics, building materials, food, pharmaceuticals, and personal care items. Building on our nearly 400-year history, the dedication of our 10,000 employees, and our shared commitment to business growth, strong financial performance, safety, sustainability, and innovation, we have established a world-class business and built strong partnerships with our customers. We operate in over 80 countries around the world and our portfolio of industry-leading brands includes Eka, Dissolvine, Trigonox, and Berol.
We are organized in three Businesses:
Performance Formulations focuses on business lines based on tailored performance that require a high level of customer intimacy, such as those for personal care and agriculture.
Technology Solutions includes business lines that are an integrated part of our customers’ processes, such as catalysts and additives for the polymer and pulp industries.
Industrial Chemicals encompasses our salt-chlorine value chain, which supplies end markets ranging from lightweight metals and plastics to pharmaceuticals.
Do not forget to follow us on Linkedin and Facebook for regular updates of new exciting positions and stories about our achievements.
Film: Nouryon your partner in essential Chemistry for a sustainable future
The application process
After the closing date, we will start the selection process.
In our first selection we thoroughly go through all the applications. If your skills and qualifications match the profile we are looking for, you will be invited to an initial phone interview that takes approximately 30 minutes. If you proceed in our selection process we invite you to a face-to-face interview that takes about 1,5 hours. There you will meet with the the hiring manager.
We look forward to your application!
We kindly ask you as an internal candidate to apply with your Nouryon email.
???????We have already chosen our sourcing channels for this recruitment and kindly ask not to be contacted by any advertisement agents, recruitment agencies or manning companies. Visa mindre

Supply Chain Manager DSR

We are pleased to be able to offer the exciting vacancy of Supply Chain Manager DSR for Industrial, Construction & Agricultural Specialities, within the Performance Formulations division, Sweden. This newly-created role will have the crucial responsibility of leading the the weekly demand and supply review process (DSR) within the Business Planning team. Main responsibilities Demand Actual/Forecast: o Analyze and manage the forecast and compare with hi... Visa mer
We are pleased to be able to offer the exciting vacancy of Supply Chain Manager DSR for Industrial, Construction & Agricultural Specialities, within the Performance Formulations division, Sweden. This newly-created role will have the crucial responsibility of leading the the weekly demand and supply review process (DSR) within the Business Planning team.
Main responsibilities
Demand Actual/Forecast:
o Analyze and manage the forecast and compare with historical sales history 0-3 months.
o Facilitate disaggregation of rough-cut plan to daily and weekly execution with supply planners and commercial team.
o Align with Demand Manager on the 3 months execution plan with proposed gap closing measures. To include all constrained global demand at material/Ship To Customers, aggregated as necessary to ensure assumptions are being achieved weekly.
o Manage all exceptions to the demand forecast and clarify actions & gap closing measures for any deviations the agreed plan.
o Secondary work product is also a detailed demand history (actual) that can be aligned to forecast for comparison and context.
o Weekly reporting on DSR scorecard.
Stakeholder Management:
o Coordinate the execution of the demand plan with responsible sales teams and customer services teams, effectively managing any exceptions with supply capability.
o Work with Supply Planning teams, Product Directors, Business Line VP’s and Regional Sales Managers on deviations to plan and gap closing measures.
Forecast Segmentation and Statistical Forecast Models:
o Support the demand planning manager to realize forecast segmentation to identify materials applicable to collaborative forecast and products that require market information. Re-evaluation at least annually to ensure correct forecast segment. Maintenance in both SAP and Arkieva (S&OP; software).
SAP master data:
o Maintenance of Arkieva master data (re-alignments) relating to the forecast, executing & material routing and extension process.
Power User Arkieva:
o Act as a project leader or participant in demand management projects. Focus in these projects is on SAP and Arkieva changes. Scope includes the management of external expertise.
o Create material for training of users of Arkieva. Carry out training of relevant personnel to support continuous improvement (Planners, Sales Managers, Customer Service etc.).
Business Planning
o Provide input to the Supply Management Review (SMR) and Demand Management Review (DMR) with historical performance and deviations to consider in long term plan. This will support improving forecast bias and planning factors.
o Lead the Demand Supply Review (DSR) to drive tactical implementation of the approved plans. Improve short-term demand plan and short-term communication.
Improvement Suggestions:
o Propose tools and structures for the improvement of short-term demand plan, DSR process and communication with IBP, and, after consultation the BP Manager, implements these structures.
o Manage specific Supply Chain projects to meet budget requirements, project timelines, goals, business objectives etc.
Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in Business Management, Supply Chain Management or related discipline.
At least 5-10 years of relevant working experience in supply chain management (or equivalent).
APICS CPIM is desirable.
At least 5 years of documented experience in demand and supply planning.
Extensive experience with IBP/S&OP;.
Experience with SAP (or equivalent ERP system) and Arkieva (or equivalent advanced planning software). Experience with Business Warehouse (or equivalent data warehouse) is advantageous.
Excellent analytical skills.
Ability to prioritize and proactively complete projects/initatives with little direction.
Fluent in written and spoken English.

Additional information
This is a permanent position on a full-time basis, reporting to the Business Planning & Supply Chain Manager Industrial Specialties and will be based in Stenungsund, Sweden; until we move our office to Gothenburg in August.
Please apply via our online recruitment system with an uploaded job specific resume and cover letter.
For additional information about the vacancy please contact Tom Rebbitt, Business Planning & Supply Chain Manager Industrial Specialties, +46 73 845 82 03, tom.rebbittouryon.com
For information about the recruitment process or your application, please contact Wictoria Majstrand, HR Business Partner, +46 70 957 76 46
For unions related questions please contact:
Akademikerklubben, Anna-Lena Palm, [email protected] +46 733 855 113
Unionen, Magnus Svensson +46 733 855 838
If you have any general questions or need assistance, please contact: [email protected]
About Nouryon
We are a global specialty chemicals leader. Markets worldwide rely on our essential chemistry in the manufacture of everyday products such as paper, plastics, building materials, food, pharmaceuticals, and personal care items. Building on our nearly 400-year history, the dedication of our 10,000 employees, and our shared commitment to business growth, strong financial performance, safety, sustainability, and innovation, we have established a world-class business and built strong partnerships with our customers. We operate in over 80 countries around the world and our portfolio of industry-leading brands includes Eka, Dissolvine, Trigonox, and Berol.
Do not forget to follow us on Linkedin and Facebook for regular updates of new exciting positions and stories about our achievements.
Film: Nouryon your partner in essential Chemistry for a sustainable future
The application process
After the closing date, we will start the selection process.
In our first selection we thoroughly go through all the applications. If your skills and qualifications match the profile we are looking for, you will be invited to an initial phone interview that takes approximately 30 minutes. If you proceed in our selection process we invite you to a face-to-face interview that takes about 1,5 hours. There you will meet with the recruiter and the hiring manager.
We look forward to your application! Visa mindre


Ansök    Jul 1    Nouryon AB    Kemiingenjör
We are seeking a Toxicologist for Nouryon’ s Product Safety and Regulatory Affairs EMEIA department. In this role, you will provide support, knowledge and solutions in connection with testing for regional (EMEIA) substance registrations, exposure scenario development, risk assessments and new product development in the field of human toxicology. The position requires a in depth knowledge in the regulatory field but also a high level of social skills to mai... Visa mer
We are seeking a Toxicologist for Nouryon’ s Product Safety and Regulatory Affairs EMEIA department. In this role, you will provide support, knowledge and solutions in connection with testing for regional (EMEIA) substance registrations, exposure scenario development, risk assessments and new product development in the field of human toxicology. The position requires a in depth knowledge in the regulatory field but also a high level of social skills to maintain the necessary network and contacts with a large number of internal and external collaboration-partners.
Main responsibilities
Contribute with toxicological expertise to product safety and compliance work
Commission, monitor and validate GLP compliant studies to be used for human hazard assessment
Perform human exposure and risk assessments and/or monitor human exposure and risk assessments done by 3rd party consultants
Critically analyze, contribute to and write technical reports
Compile scientifically based (cost-effective) testing strategies
Support the businesses in Nouryon for all human health aspects in the preparation of regulatory dossiers
Co-advise on the toxicological profile of a substance or product to RD&I and business

MSc or PhD in Chemistry, Chemical Engineering or Toxicology
At least 5-10 years working experience in the chemical industry in regulatory toxicology
Fluent in written and spoken English
Proven experience in human hazard, exposure and risk assessments for regulatory purposes such as REACH
Experience in human exposure modelling
Experience in monitoring toxicity studies (including higher tier testing) and project management
Experience with IUCLID database and QSARs is a plus

???????To be successful in this position we believe that you are service oriented, have a high social competence as well as the ability to build successful and long-term relationships. You are confident in your own expertise and deliver results while maintaining a high quality and integrity in your work. You also possess the ability to work organized and efficiently and you know how to prioritize in your daily work.
Why join us?
Are you passionate about sustainability, innovation, safety, and collaboration? Do you want to grow together with a company that is forward-looking and continuously improving how they work? Our employees have ideas on how to build a sustainable future and the drive and passion to realize them. They believe that building long-term relationships and integrity are keys to success. If that describes you, we will gladly make way for your ambitions. From day one we support you with your personal growth, through challenging positions and comprehensive learning and development opportunities, in a dynamic, international, diverse, and proactive working environment.
Additional information
This is a permanent position on a full-time basis, reporting to the Global Sr Toxicologist/ Team Lead. The position is based in Stenungsund or Gothenburg, Sweden.
Please apply via our online recruitment system with an uploaded job specific resume and cover letter. We do not accept applications via e-mail, these applications will be disregarded.
For additional information about the vacancy please contact Josje Arts Global Sr Toxicologist/ Team Lead +31 611 516 452.
For information about the recruitment process or your application, please contact Wictoria Majstrand, Human Resource Business Partner, +46 70 957 76 46.
For unions related questions in Sweden please contact:
Akademikerklubben, Anna-Lena Palm, +46 733 855 113
Unionen, Helene Rosenlund, +70 821 18 39
If you have any general questions or need assistance, please contact: [email protected]
About Nouryon
We are a global specialty chemicals leader. Markets worldwide rely on our essential chemistry in the manufacture of everyday products such as paper, plastics, building materials, food, pharmaceuticals, and personal care items. Building on our nearly 400-year history, the dedication of our 10,000 employees, and our shared commitment to business growth, strong financial performance, safety, sustainability, and innovation, we have established a world-class business and built strong partnerships with our customers. We operate in over 80 countries around the world and our portfolio of industry-leading brands includes Eka, Dissolvine, Trigonox, and Berol.
We are organized in three Businesses:
Performance Formulations focuses on business lines based on tailored performance that require a high level of customer intimacy, such as those for personal care and agriculture.
Technology Solutions includes business lines that are an integrated part of our customers’ processes, such as catalysts and additives for the polymer and pulp industries.
Industrial Chemicals encompasses our salt-chlorine value chain, which supplies end markets ranging from lightweight metals and plastics to pharmaceuticals.
Do not forget to follow us on Linkedin and Facebook for regular updates of new exciting positions and stories about our achievements.
Film: Nouryon your partner in essential Chemistry for a sustainable future
The application process
After the closing date, we will start the selection process.
In our first selection we thoroughly go through all the applications. If your skills and qualifications match the profile we are looking for, you will be invited to an initial phone interview that takes approximately 30 minutes. If you proceed in our selection process, we invite you to a face-to-face interview that takes about 1,5 hours. There you will meet with the recruiter and the hiring manager.
We look forward to your application!
???????We have already chosen our sourcing channels for this recruitment and kindly ask not to be contacted by any advertisement agents, recruitment agencies or manning companies. Visa mindre

Sr. Process Technologist

Are you the key player who is going strengthen Nouryon’s general technology competence related to the core technologies we use for producing ethylene oxide, ethanolamines, and ethyleneamines? Who will be at the forefront of developing technologies we use in our production sites in Stenungsund, Sweden, and Ningbo, China? If so, then we are looking for you! In our Ethylene Amines Technology team, we have a vacancy for a: Senior Process Technologist Fulltime,... Visa mer
Are you the key player who is going strengthen Nouryon’s general technology competence related to the core technologies we use for producing ethylene oxide, ethanolamines, and ethyleneamines? Who will be at the forefront of developing technologies we use in our production sites in Stenungsund, Sweden, and Ningbo, China? If so, then we are looking for you! In our Ethylene Amines Technology team, we have a vacancy for a:
Senior Process Technologist
Fulltime, Gothenburg & Stenungsund, Sweden
Your challenges
As Senior Process Technologist you play an active role in delivering improvements to the main process technologies used by the Ethylene Amines business. This includes conceptual process design, process design evaluation by performing modelling activities to get data for design decisions.
Your responsibilities include as well:
Optimization of operating conditions and unit operation design, selection of unit operation for future implementation.
Contribution to strategic innovation projects
Support organization with process technology expertise
Lead projects with high impact on production and business results
Act as technology licensor for CAPEX investments
Be the process owner for a part of the technologies used and with time develop towards becoming the internal expert.
Systematically contribute to increasing the competence level in the organizations
Reporting of results and knowledge transfer inside and outside the technology team

The Ethylene Amines Technology team
The team is part of the Technology organization of Nouryon’s Performance Formulations business line. It covers the Ethylene Oxide and Ethylene Amines production processes. We drive the development of manufacturing processes and implementation of innovative solutions with the goal to meet market demand opportunities and optimize plant efficiency. Scope of work of the team includes growth projects (study phase to execution support) and problem solving for technological issues in existing plant operation.
Have you got what it takes?
To be eligible for this challenging position, you have demonstrated experience in process technology development, and bring at least 2 years company experience in a process technology development role. You are an expert in handling process data, translating process development questions into modelling work, and convert learnings into conceptual design. You are the coordinator who keeps the overview, but also participates in hands-on operational activities.
Next to this, you:
Have at least a Masters degree in Chemical Engineering
Have affinity with process modelling software such as Aspen Plus.
Have a pragmatic working style
Drive to find solutions to all kinds of problems, eager to pick up on study items pro-actively
Have a flexible & agile mentality, and balance the need for detail with need for result within budget & time constraints
Feel comfortable in a dynamic high pace, complex environment
Have excellent communication skills.
Are fluent in English (verbal and written)

You are expected to travel approx. 5 days a month to our production sites in Stenungsund, Sweden and Ningbo, China.
Are you eager to start your career at Nouryon as Senior Process Development Engineer?
Then we are looking forward to receiving your application via our online recruitment system. Please upload a job specific resume and cover letter. We do not accept applications via e-mail, these applications will be disregarded. When you are an internal candidate, we kindly ask you to apply with your Nouryon email.
For additional information about the vacancy please contact Michiel Raaijmakers, Ethylene Amines TM, +46 730 628 553
For information about the recruitment process or your application, please contact Wictoria Majstrand, HR Business Partner +46 709 577 646
For unions related questions please contact:
Akademikerklubben, Anna-Lena Palm, +46 733 855 113
Unionen, Magnus Svensson, +46 733 855 838
If you have any general questions or need assistance, please contact: [email protected]
About Nouryon
We are a global specialty chemicals leader. Markets worldwide rely on our essential chemistry in the manufacture of everyday products such as paper, plastics, building materials, food, pharmaceuticals, and personal care items. Building on our nearly 400-year history, the dedication of our 10,000 employees, and our shared commitment to business growth, strong financial performance, safety, sustainability, and innovation, we have established a world-class business and built strong partnerships with our customers. We operate in over 80 countries around the world and our portfolio of industry-leading brands includes Eka, Dissolvine, Trigonox, and Berol.
We are organized in three Businesses:
Performance Formulations focuses on business lines based on tailored performance that require a high level of customer intimacy, such as those for personal care and agriculture.
Technology Solutions includes business lines that are an integrated part of our customers’ processes, such as catalysts and additives for the polymer and pulp industries.
Industrial Chemicals encompasses our salt-chlorine value chain, which supplies end markets ranging from lightweight metals and plastics to pharmaceuticals.
Do not forget to follow us on Linkedin and Facebook for regular updates of new exciting positions and stories about our achievements.
Film: Nouryon your partner in essential Chemistry for a sustainable future
The application process
After the closing date, we will start the selection process.
In our first selection we thoroughly go through all the applications. If your skills and qualifications match the profile we are looking for, you will be invited to an initial phone interview that takes approximately 30 minutes. If you proceed in our selection process we invite you to a face-to-face interview that takes about 1,5 hours. There you will meet with the the hiring manager.
We look forward to your application!
???????We have already chosen our sourcing channels for this recruitment and kindly ask not to be contacted by any advertisement agents, recruitment agencies or manning companies. Visa mindre


We are seeking a Toxicologist for Nouryon’ s Product Safety and Regulatory Affairs EMEIA department. In this role, you will provide support, knowledge and solutions in connection with testing for regional (EMEIA) substance registrations, exposure scenario development, risk assessments and new product development in the field of human toxicology. The position requires a in depth knowledge in the regulatory field but also a high level of social skills to mai... Visa mer
We are seeking a Toxicologist for Nouryon’ s Product Safety and Regulatory Affairs EMEIA department. In this role, you will provide support, knowledge and solutions in connection with testing for regional (EMEIA) substance registrations, exposure scenario development, risk assessments and new product development in the field of human toxicology. The position requires a in depth knowledge in the regulatory field but also a high level of social skills to maintain the necessary network and contacts with a large number of internal and external collaboration-partners.
Main responsibilities
Contribute with toxicological expertise to product safety and compliance work
Commission, monitor and validate GLP compliant studies to be used for human hazard assessment
Perform human exposure and risk assessments and/or monitor human exposure and risk assessments done by 3rd party consultants
Critically analyze, contribute to and write technical reports
Compile scientifically based (cost-effective) testing strategies
Support the businesses in Nouryon for all human health aspects in the preparation of regulatory dossiers
Co-advise on the toxicological profile of a substance or product to RD&I and business

MSc or PhD in Chemistry, Chemical Engineering or Toxicology
At least 5-10 years working experience in the chemical industry in regulatory toxicology
Fluent in written and spoken English
Proven experience in human hazard, exposure and risk assessments for regulatory purposes such as REACH
Experience in human exposure modelling
Experience in monitoring toxicity studies (including higher tier testing) and project management
Experience with IUCLID database and QSARs is a plus

???????To be successful in this position we believe that you are service oriented, have a high social competence as well as the ability to build successful and long-term relationships. You are confident in your own expertise and deliver results while maintaining a high quality and integrity in your work. You also possess the ability to work organized and efficiently and you know how to prioritize in your daily work.
Why join us?
Are you passionate about sustainability, innovation, safety, and collaboration? Do you want to grow together with a company that is forward-looking and continuously improving how they work? Our employees have ideas on how to build a sustainable future and the drive and passion to realize them. They believe that building long-term relationships and integrity are keys to success. If that describes you, we will gladly make way for your ambitions. From day one we support you with your personal growth, through challenging positions and comprehensive learning and development opportunities, in a dynamic, international, diverse, and proactive working environment.
Additional information
This is a permanent position on a full-time basis, reporting to the Global Sr Toxicologist/ Team Lead. The position is based in Stenungsund or Gothenburg, Sweden.
Please apply via our online recruitment system with an uploaded job specific resume and cover letter. We do not accept applications via e-mail, these applications will be disregarded.
For additional information about the vacancy please contact Josje Arts Global Sr Toxicologist/ Team Lead +31 611 516 452.
For information about the recruitment process or your application, please contact Wictoria Majstrand, Human Resource Business Partner, +46 70 957 76 46.
For unions related questions in Sweden please contact:
Akademikerklubben, Anna-Lena Palm, +46 733 855 113
Unionen, Helene Rosenlund, +70 821 18 39
If you have any general questions or need assistance, please contact: [email protected]
About Nouryon
We are a global specialty chemicals leader. Markets worldwide rely on our essential chemistry in the manufacture of everyday products such as paper, plastics, building materials, food, pharmaceuticals, and personal care items. Building on our nearly 400-year history, the dedication of our 10,000 employees, and our shared commitment to business growth, strong financial performance, safety, sustainability, and innovation, we have established a world-class business and built strong partnerships with our customers. We operate in over 80 countries around the world and our portfolio of industry-leading brands includes Eka, Dissolvine, Trigonox, and Berol.
We are organized in three Businesses:
Performance Formulations focuses on business lines based on tailored performance that require a high level of customer intimacy, such as those for personal care and agriculture.
Technology Solutions includes business lines that are an integrated part of our customers’ processes, such as catalysts and additives for the polymer and pulp industries.
Industrial Chemicals encompasses our salt-chlorine value chain, which supplies end markets ranging from lightweight metals and plastics to pharmaceuticals.
Do not forget to follow us on Linkedin and Facebook for regular updates of new exciting positions and stories about our achievements.
Film: Nouryon your partner in essential Chemistry for a sustainable future
The application process
After the closing date, we will start the selection process.
In our first selection we thoroughly go through all the applications. If your skills and qualifications match the profile we are looking for, you will be invited to an initial phone interview that takes approximately 30 minutes. If you proceed in our selection process, we invite you to a face-to-face interview that takes about 1,5 hours. There you will meet with the recruiter and the hiring manager.
We look forward to your application!
???????We have already chosen our sourcing channels for this recruitment and kindly ask not to be contacted by any advertisement agents, recruitment agencies or manning companies. Visa mindre


We are seeking an Ecotoxicologist for Nouryon’s Product Safety and Regulatory Affairs EMEIA department. In this role, you will provide support, knowledge and solutions in connection with testing for regional (EMEIA) substance registrations, exposure scenario development, risk assessments and new product development in the field of environmental toxicology. The position requires a in depth knowledge in the regulatory field but also a high level of social sk... Visa mer
We are seeking an Ecotoxicologist for Nouryon’s Product Safety and Regulatory Affairs EMEIA department. In this role, you will provide support, knowledge and solutions in connection with testing for regional (EMEIA) substance registrations, exposure scenario development, risk assessments and new product development in the field of environmental toxicology. The position requires a in depth knowledge in the regulatory field but also a high level of social skills to maintain the necessary network and contacts with a large number of internal and external collaboration-partners.
Main responsibilities
Contribute with ecotoxicological expertise to product safety and compliance work
Commission, monitor and validate GLP compliant studies to be used for environmental hazard assessment
Perform environmental exposure and risk assessments and/or monitor environmental exposure and risk assessments done by 3rd party consultants
Critically analyze, contribute to and write technical reports
Compile scientifically based (cost-effective) testing strategies
Support the businesses in Nouryon for all environmental fate/health aspects in the preparation of regulatory dossiers Co-advise on the ecotoxicological profile of a substance or product to RD&I and business

MSc or PhD in Chemistry, Chemical Engineering or Ecotoxicology
At least 5-10 years working experience in the chemical industry in regulatory ecotoxicology
Fluent in written and spoken English.
Proven experience in environmental fate, hazard, exposure and risk assessments for regulatory purposes such as REACH
Experience in environmental exposure modelling
Experience in monitoring fate and ecotoxicity studies (including higher tier testing) and project management
Experience with IUCLID database and QSARs is a plus

To be successful in this position we believe that you are service oriented, have a high social competence as well as the ability to build successful and long-term relationships. You are confident in your own expertise and deliver results while maintaining a high quality and integrity in your work. You also possess the ability to work organized and efficiently and you know how to prioritize in your daily work.
Why join us?
Are you passionate about sustainability, innovation, safety, and collaboration? Do you want to grow together with a company that is forward-looking and continuously improving how they work? Our employees have ideas on how to build a sustainable future and the drive and passion to realize them. They believe that building long-term relationships and integrity are keys to success. If that describes you, we will gladly make way for your ambitions. From day one we support you with your personal growth, through challenging positions and comprehensive learning and development opportunities, in a dynamic, international, diverse, and proactive working environment.
Additional information
This is a permanent position on a full-time basis, reporting to the Global Sr Toxicologist/Team Lead. The position is based in Stenungsund or Gothenburg, Sweden.
Please apply via our online recruitment system with an uploaded job specific resume and cover letter. We do not accept applications via e-mail, these applications will be disregarded.
For additional information about the vacancy please contact Josje Arts, Global Sr Toxicologist/ Team Lead +31 611 516 452.
For information about the recruitment process or your application, please contact Wictoria Majstrand, Human Resource Business Partner, +46 70 957 76 46.
For unions related questions in Sweden please contact:
Akademikerklubben, Anna-Lena Palm, +46 733 855 113
Unionen, Helene Rosenlund, +70 821 18 39
If you have any general questions or need assistance, please contact: [email protected]
About Nouryon
We are a global specialty chemicals leader. Markets worldwide rely on our essential chemistry in the manufacture of everyday products such as paper, plastics, building materials, food, pharmaceuticals, and personal care items. Building on our nearly 400-year history, the dedication of our 10,000 employees, and our shared commitment to business growth, strong financial performance, safety, sustainability, and innovation, we have established a world-class business and built strong partnerships with our customers. We operate in over 80 countries around the world and our portfolio of industry-leading brands includes Eka, Dissolvine, Trigonox, and Berol.
We are organized in three Businesses:
Performance Formulations focuses on business lines based on tailored performance that require a high level of customer intimacy, such as those for personal care and agriculture.
Technology Solutions includes business lines that are an integrated part of our customers’ processes, such as catalysts and additives for the polymer and pulp industries.
Industrial Chemicals encompasses our salt-chlorine value chain, which supplies end markets ranging from lightweight metals and plastics to pharmaceuticals.
Do not forget to follow us on Linkedin and Facebook for regular updates of new exciting positions and stories about our achievements.
The application process
After the closing date, we will start the selection process.
In our first selection we thoroughly go through all the applications. If your skills and qualifications match the profile we are looking for, you will be invited to an initial phone interview that takes approximately 30 minutes. If you proceed in our selection process, we invite you to a face-to-face interview that takes about 1,5 hours. There you will meet with the recruiter and the hiring manager.
We look forward to your application!
We have already chosen our sourcing channels for this recruitment and kindly ask not to be contacted by any advertisement agents, recruitment agencies or manning companies. Visa mindre


Do you have an interest in Chemistry, Ores and Mineral processing? Would you like to use your knowledge to develop products and processes in a customer focused and business oriented manner? We are now seeking a Researcher to Nouryon Performance Formulations in Stenungsund. As a Chemist in the Mining team you will combine your knowledge within chemistry and mining with a customer focus. You will provide technical knowledge based on your own practical labor... Visa mer
Do you have an interest in Chemistry, Ores and Mineral processing? Would you like to use your knowledge to develop products and processes in a customer focused and business oriented manner? We are now seeking a Researcher to Nouryon Performance Formulations in Stenungsund.
As a Chemist in the Mining team you will combine your knowledge within chemistry and mining with a customer focus. You will provide technical knowledge based on your own practical laboratory work to support customers together with sales. In addition you will also support trials at customers and perform laboratory work in mining projects.
Main responsibilities
Plans and performs experimental work, interpret and report results.
Carry out technical service support after direct contact with sales organization or based on info from manager.
Contribute to the preparation of project plans for defined projects, perform work in projects and write final reports.
Take part in customer visits.
Participate in development of new and improved applications and
Expected to carry out experiment and methods.
Responsible for personal safety equipment and health and safety aspects in relation to the lab work and specially agreed equipment.
Responsible for maintenance, development and completion of agreed equipment in the laboratory.

M.Sc in Chemistry or Chemical Engineering or equal education
Minimun 3 years of experience from the chemical industry
Previous experience of flotation is advantageous but not required.
Fluent in written and spoken English, additional languages are an advantage

To be successful in this position we believe that you enjoy the practical work in the laboratory combined with the theoretical challenges and customer support. Further, you are result-oriented and have good interpersonal skills and possess the ability how to prioritize in your daily work.
Why join us?
Are you passionate about sustainability, innovation, safety, and collaboration? Do you want to grow together with a company that is forward-looking and continuously improving how they work? Our employees have ideas on how to build a sustainable future and the drive and passion to realize them. They believe that building long-term relationships and integrity are keys to success. If that describes you, we will gladly make way for your ambitions. We offer you countless career opportunities. From day one we support you with your personal growth, through challenging positions and comprehensive learning and development opportunities, in a dynamic, international, diverse, and proactive working environment.
Additional information
This is a temporary position position during April 2021 up to May 2022 on a full-time basis, reporting to the Section Manager Mining and based in Stenungsund, Sweden.
Please apply via our online recruitment system with an uploaded job specific resume and cover letter. We do not accept applications via e-mail, these applications will be disregarded.
For additional information about the vacancy please contact Henrik Nordberg, Section Manager Mining, [email protected] +46 73 385 53 53
For information about the recruitment process or your application, please contact Wictoria Majstrand, HR Business Partner +46 709 577 646
For unions related questions please contact:
Akademikerklubben, Anna-Lena Palm, +46 733 855 113
Unionen, Magnus Svensson, +46 73 385 58 38
If you have any general questions or need assistance, please contact: [email protected]
About Nouryon
We are a global specialty chemicals leader. Markets worldwide rely on our essential chemistry in the manufacture of everyday products such as paper, plastics, building materials, food, pharmaceuticals, and personal care items. Building on our nearly 400-year history, the dedication of our 10,000 employees, and our shared commitment to business growth, strong financial performance, safety, sustainability, and innovation, we have established a world-class business and built strong partnerships with our customers. We operate in over 80 countries around the world and our portfolio of industry-leading brands includes Eka, Dissolvine, Trigonox, and Berol.
We are organized in three Businesses:
Performance Formulations focuses on business lines based on tailored performance that require a high level of customer intimacy, such as those for personal care and agriculture.
Technology Solutions includes business lines that are an integrated part of our customers’ processes, such as catalysts and additives for the polymer and pulp industries.
Industrial Chemicals encompasses our salt-chlorine value chain, which supplies end markets ranging from lightweight metals and plastics to pharmaceuticals.
Do not forget to follow us on Linkedin and Facebook for regular updates of new exciting positions and stories about our achievements
Film: Nouryon your partner in essential Chemistry for a sustainable future
The application process
After the closing date, we will start the selection process.
In our first selection we thoroughly go through all the applications. If your skills and qualifications match the profile we are looking for, you will be invited to an initial phone interview that takes approximately 30 minutes. If you proceed in our selection process we invite you to a face-to-face interview that takes about 1,5 hours. There you will meet with the the hiring manager.
We look forward to your application!
We have already chosen our sourcing channels for this recruitment and kindly ask not to be contacted by any advertisement agents, recruitment agencies or manning companies. Visa mindre

Product Specialist Agriculture Specialties

We are looking for our next Product Specialist. In this role you will actively manage the Stenungsund surfactant portfolio, European tolled materials and some imported materials to Europe. Main responsibilities Be a member of the global product specialist team for Performance Formulations. Drives product life cycle management: - New product introduction and commercialization - Product changes - Product eliminations Continually review product portfolio, int... Visa mer
We are looking for our next Product Specialist. In this role you will actively manage the Stenungsund surfactant portfolio, European tolled materials and some imported materials to Europe.
Main responsibilities
Be a member of the global product specialist team for Performance Formulations.
Drives product life cycle management:
- New product introduction and commercialization
- Product changes
- Product eliminations
Continually review product portfolio, introduction/elimination tool and propose improvements
Work with PSRA on REACH registrations and substance volume tracking
Participate and/or lead projects
Act as specialist and focal point for all product related work for assigned production location(s)
Responsible for technical product data for products from assigned production locations
Provide specifications and typical data for external product information (PDS, brochures etc.)
Issue statements on raw materials and finished products
Answer product related questions on prioritized questionnaires
Provide input and updates to standardized replies to customer questionnaires
Suggest candidates for Product Elimination to reduce complexity
Identify product opportunities to maximize the value of the assigned production locations
Responsible for HS codes assessment to facilitate the export of products
Responsible for various data and their update:
Active Product List (= input role)
Nomenclature and product hierarchy

5-7 years relevant experience from different disciplines
In depth knowledge of surfactants and preferably polymers
Knowledge of Stenungsund product portfolio a plus
Office based job with about 5% travel
BSc / MSc in Chemistry or Chemical Engineering or related field
Customer Focus – removes barriers, fosters an environment that meets customers needs
Solution Focus – Makes logical, data based timely decisions
Agile and Adaptable – Responds constructively to new demands, priorities or challenges
Building Collaborative Relationships – proactively establishes a broad network of peers and management within the organization.
Courage and Ownership – Takes immediate and independent action to resolve issues and achieve meaningful results.
Excellent written and verbal English communication skills
Ability to build up a network being service oriented, organized, flexible and reliable
Good skills in Microsoft Office applications
Good knowledge in SAP/BW
Good analytical skills

????Why join us?
Are you passionate about sustainability, innovation, safety, and collaboration? Do you want to grow together with a company that is forward-looking and continuously improving how they work? Our employees have ideas on how to build a sustainable future and the drive and passion to realize them. They believe that building long-term relationships and integrity are keys to success. If that describes you, we will gladly make way for your ambitions. We offer you countless career opportunities. From day one we support you with your personal growth, through challenging positions and comprehensive learning and development opportunities, in a dynamic, international, diverse, and proactive working environment.
Additional information
This is a permanent position on a full-time basis, reporting to the Product Director and based in Stenungsund, SE.
Please apply via our online recruitment system with an uploaded job specific resume and cover letter. We do not accept applications via e-mail, these applications will be disregarded.
For additional information about the vacancy please contact Jonathan B Staley, Product Director, +1 (312) 342-9465
For information about the recruitment process or your application, please contact Ida Sällergård, HR Business Partner, +46(0)709 57 71 05.
For unions related questions please contact:
Sveriges Ingenjörer: Anna-Lena Palm +46?303 851 13
Unionen: Linda Schiötz +4630385362
If you have any general questions or need assistance, please contact: [email protected]
About Nouryon
We are a global specialty chemicals leader. Markets worldwide rely on our essential chemistry in the manufacture of everyday products such as paper, plastics, building materials, food, pharmaceuticals, and personal care items. Building on our nearly 400-year history, the dedication of our 10,000 employees, and our shared commitment to business growth, strong financial performance, safety, sustainability, and innovation, we have established a world-class business and built strong partnerships with our customers. We operate in over 80 countries around the world and our portfolio of industry-leading brands includes Eka, Dissolvine, Trigonox, and Berol.
We are organized in three Businesses:
Performance Formulations focuses on business lines based on tailored performance that require a high level of customer intimacy, such as those for personal care and agriculture.
Technology Solutions includes business lines that are an integrated part of our customers’ processes, such as catalysts and additives for the polymer and pulp industries.
Industrial Chemicals encompasses our salt-chlorine value chain, which supplies end markets ranging from lightweight metals and plastics to pharmaceuticals.
The application process
After the closing date, we will start the selection process.
In our first selection we thoroughly go through all the applications. If your skills and qualifications match the profile we are looking for, you will be invited to an initial phone interview that takes approximately 30 minutes. If you proceed in our selection process we invite you to a face-to-face interview that takes about 1,5 hours. There you will meet with the recruiter and the hiring manager.
We look forward to your application!
We kindly ask you as an internal candidate to apply with your Nouryon email.
????We have already chosen our sourcing channels for this recruitment and kindly ask not to be contacted by any advertisement agents, recruitment agencies or manning companies. Visa mindre

Research Chemist to our Analysis R&D team in Stenungsund

We now have an opening as a Research Chemist for a permanent position within our Analysis EMEA Team based in Stenungsund, Sweden. In this role you will develop and maintain expertise knowledge in the area of chromatography and synthesis. You will keep up a good Surface Chemistry product know how and be updated with all techniques within Analytics on a general level in order to ensure that the tasks are resolved using the best techniques or a combination o... Visa mer
We now have an opening as a Research Chemist for a permanent position within our Analysis EMEA Team based in Stenungsund, Sweden.
In this role you will develop and maintain expertise knowledge in the area of chromatography and synthesis. You will keep up a good Surface Chemistry product know how and be updated with all techniques within Analytics on a general level in order to ensure that the tasks are resolved using the best techniques or a combination of the several techniques. You enjoy practical laboratory work and solve technical problems in a creative way. You design, execute and evaluate experiments and trials, connected to assigned technical activities and projects. For the right person there are great possibilities to develop within Nouryon.
Main responsibilities
Analyse and characterization of new and existing product development/research together with application/market/production and reporting the results.
Develop, implement, validate and take responsibility of analytical methods and synthesis.
Frequently participate in and sometimes lead projects/activities.
Responsible for contacts and analytical tasks with internal and external customers and production.

MSc in Chemistry or Chemical Engineering or other related fields
Excellent skills and competence in the areas of chromatography and synthesis.
Excellent skills regarding equipment and an expert in practical lab work.
Good skills in product knowledge, good understanding of functionalities and basic application knowledge is required.
Good knowledge in organic chemistry.
Good knowledge of spectroscopy (NMR, IR, MS), wet chemical analysis, surface chemistry analysis and validation/statistics.
Good knowledge about working in a project team and good project leadership skills.
Excellent English communication and presentation skills both orally and in writing. Swedish is preferred.

Why join us?
Are you passionate about sustainability, innovation, safety, and collaboration? Do you want to grow together with a company that is forward-looking and continuously improving how they work? Our employees have ideas on how to build a sustainable future and the drive and passion to realize them. They believe that building long-term relationships and integrity are keys to success. If that describes you, we will gladly make way for your ambitions. We offer you countless career opportunities. From day one we support you with your personal growth, through challenging positions and comprehensive learning and development opportunities, in a dynamic, international, diverse, and proactive working environment.
Additional information
This is a permanent position on a full-time basis, reporting to the Section Manager Analysis EMEA and based in Stenungsund.
Please apply via our online recruitment system with an uploaded job specific resume and cover letter. We do not accept applications via e-mail, these applications will be disregarded.
For additional information about the vacancy please contact Liselotte Hansen, Section Manager Analysis EMEA, +4630385575.
For information about the recruitment process, please contact Ida Sällergård, HR Business Partner, [email protected]
For union related questions please contact:
Akademikerklubben, Anna-Lena Palm, [email protected] +46 733 855 113
Unionen, Linda Schiötz [email protected] +46 303 85 362
If you have any general questions or need assistance, please contact: [email protected]
About Nouryon
We are a global specialty chemicals leader. Markets worldwide rely on our essential chemistry in the manufacture of everyday products such as paper, plastics, building materials, food, pharmaceuticals, and personal care items. Building on our nearly 400-year history, the dedication of our 10,000 employees, and our shared commitment to business growth, strong financial performance, safety, sustainability, and innovation, we have established a world-class business and built strong partnerships with our customers. We operate in over 80 countries around the world and our portfolio of industry-leading brands includes Eka, Dissolvine, Trigonox, and Berol.
We are organized in three Businesses:
Performance Formulations focuses on business lines based on tailored performance that require a high level of customer intimacy, such as those for personal care and agriculture.
Technology Solutions includes business lines that are an integrated part of our customers’ processes, such as catalysts and additives for the polymer and pulp industries.
Industrial Chemicals encompasses our salt-chlorine value chain, which supplies end markets ranging from lightweight metals and plastics to pharmaceuticals.
Do not forget to follow us on LinkedIn and Facebook for regular updates of new exciting positions and stories about our achievements.
The application process
The selection process is ongoing throughout the whole posting time, so please apply asap.
In our first selection we thoroughly go through all the applications. If your skills and qualifications match the profile we are looking for, you will be invited to an initial phone interview that takes approximately 30 minutes. If you proceed in our selection process we invite you to a face-to-face interview that takes about 1,5 hours. There you will meet with the recruiter and the hiring manager.
We look forward to your application!
We have already chosen our sourcing channels for this recruitment and kindly ask not to be contacted by any advertisement agents, recruitment agencies or manning companies. Visa mindre