Lediga jobb som Civilingenjör, kemi i Stenungsund

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Chef Quality Control

Ansök    Okt 24    Borealis AB    Civilingenjör, kemi
Varmt välkommen till Borealis! Här skapar vi inte bara lösningar för en bättre morgondag, vi gör det med stort ansvar och fokus på hållbarhet. Är du passionerad över att utveckla och coacha människor? Vill du ta nästa steg i din ledarskapskarriär? Vi söker nu en QC-chef till vårt Quality Control-labb (QC) i Stenungsund, där kvalitet och säkerhet alltid är i fokus. Vill du leda vårt QC-team och följa med på vår spännande resa? Make QC Real! Som QC-chef få... Visa mer
Varmt välkommen till Borealis! Här skapar vi inte bara lösningar för en bättre morgondag, vi gör det med stort ansvar och fokus på hållbarhet.
Är du passionerad över att utveckla och coacha människor? Vill du ta nästa steg i din ledarskapskarriär? Vi söker nu en QC-chef till vårt Quality Control-labb (QC) i Stenungsund, där kvalitet och säkerhet alltid är i fokus.
Vill du leda vårt QC-team och följa med på vår spännande resa? Make QC Real!

Som QC-chef får du möjlighet att leda ett dedikerat ledarteam och en organisation om totalt 70 personer, fördelat på två labb. Ditt uppdrag blir att säkerställa en effektiv och säker kvalitetskontroll samt kontinuerligt utveckla laboratoriets processer med fokus på HMS, kvalitets- och kundkrav.
Du spelar en avgörande roll för att våra polyetenprodukter och råvaror till vår kracker håller högsta klass, så våra kunder alltid får rätt kvalitet.
I denna dynamiska roll kommer du att samarbeta med ledningsgrupper för polyetenfabrikerna (PE) och krackerfabriken, QC-chefer på våra andra siter i Europa samt med produktägare, logistik, P&C, HMS och de fackliga organisationerna.
Ditt team består av laboratorietekniker, laboranter, ingenjörer och specialister ledda av fyra gruppledare.

Dina huvudsakliga ansvarsområden inkluderar:
• Främja ett starkt HMS-fokus i teamet och skapa engagemang för säkerhet
• Säkerställa tillgång till nödvändiga resurser
• Motivera teamet att sätta och nå utmanande mål på ett kostnadseffektivt och säkert sätt
• Coacha och utveckla labbens ledare
• Leda det årliga budgetarbetet och aktivt arbeta med labbens kostnader
• Representera labben vid kund- och certifieringsaudits
• Säkerställa att labben uppfyller krav som ISO9001 och ISO17025
• Skapa och upprätthålla god kommunikation inom teamet och med andra intressenter
I rollen rapporterar du till Operations Manager PE och ansvarar för våra två QC-labb: PE och Krackern.

Om dig
Du är rätt person för oss om du älskar att arbeta med människor och ser ledarskap som en spännande utmaning. Du har en BSc/MSc inom Science, helst inom kemi, polymer eller material, samt gedigen ledarerfarenhet.
Med erfarenhet från produktion, kvalitetskontroll eller laboratorier har du insikter i arbetsflöden och produktkunskap. Du är bekväm med ISO9001 och ISO17025 och kommunicerar obehindrat på svenska och engelska.
Din personlighet är avgörande: du motiverar och engagerar ditt team, arbetar mot gemensamma mål och bidrar till ett öppet och positivt arbetsklimat. Säkerhet är alltid högsta prioritet för dig och du har en god förmåga att skapa struktur både i ditt eget arbete och inom gruppen.

Vårt erbjudande
Borealis har konkurrenskraftiga ersättningar och förmåner som du kan läsa mer om på vår karriärsida, ”Career Page”.
För denna roll i Stenungsund erbjuder vi också:
• Friskvårdsbidrag
• Bonus
• Arbetstidsförkortning
• Utökat föräldraledighetstillägg
• Borealis har en personalstiftelse där du exempelvis kan hyra stugor i fjällen samt lägenheter i Spanien förmånligt

Om du är intresserad av möjligheten att vara med i vårt team och vara en del av att "Make QC Real", skicka då in din ansökan via "apply now" i annonsen för att ansöka direkt.
Om du har några frågor, vänligen kontakta Talent Acquisition Specialist Malin Westman, [email protected].
I denna rekryteringsprocess arbetar vi löpande med urvalet och kan därmed boka intervjuer kontinuerligt, så vänta inte med din ansökan. Vi kommer att kontakta dig så fort vår urvalsprocess är gjord.
På Borealis är vi engagerade i en jämlik rekryteringsprocess. Vi värdesätter mångfald och alla sökande samt anställda behandlas rättvist och lika. Vi tolererar inte någon form av diskriminering baserad på faktorer som ålder, kön, etnicitet, religion, funktionsvariation, sexuell läggning, könsidentitet eller uttryck.
Borealis accepterar endast kandidat-cv från rekryterare eller rekryteringsbyråer om de uttryckligen har fått i uppdrag av Borealis för en specifik rekrytering och om uppgifterna tillhandahålls oss i enlighet med den allmänna dataskyddsförordningen. Borealis kommer inte att acceptera eller betala avgifter för kandidat-CV av någon form eller typ som skickats oönskat till antingen HR eller direkt till våra rekryteringsansvariga. Visa mindre

EHS Specialist med fokus på hållbarhet och kemi

Ansök    Sep 20    Perstorp AB    Civilingenjör, kemi
EHSQ-teamet vid Perstorp OXO AB söker en EHS-Specialist att förstärka organisationen med hållbarhets- och kemikompetens. Du kommer att ingå i vårt EHSQ-team och ha fokus på hållbarhet, kemi och miljöfrågor. EHSQ-teamet stöttar verksamheten i viktiga områden som person- och processäkerhet, yttre miljö, hållbarhet, skydd/säkerhet och kvalitet. Framtida arbetsuppgifter Ditt arbetsområde innebär att driva och utveckla sitens arbete mot hållbar kemikaliehante... Visa mer
EHSQ-teamet vid Perstorp OXO AB söker en EHS-Specialist att förstärka organisationen med hållbarhets- och kemikompetens.
Du kommer att ingå i vårt EHSQ-team och ha fokus på hållbarhet, kemi och miljöfrågor. EHSQ-teamet stöttar verksamheten i viktiga områden som person- och processäkerhet, yttre miljö, hållbarhet, skydd/säkerhet och kvalitet.
Framtida arbetsuppgifter
Ditt arbetsområde innebär att driva och utveckla sitens arbete mot hållbar kemikaliehantering och stötta siten i frågor rörande kemikalie- och vattenmiljöfrågor. Övriga framtida arbetsuppgifter innefattar:
Samordna och utveckla det systematiska miljö- och hållbarhetsarbetet
Ansvara för miljörutinerna kring mark- och vattenmiljö samt kemikalier i sitens ledningssystem
Medverka i hållbarhetsberäkningar, koordinera hållbarhetsrapportering samt vara delaktig i extern miljörapportering
Ansvara för sitens kemikaliekontroll; årlig översyn av kemikalier och bedömning av substitutionsmöjligheter
Ansvara för myndighetskontakter avseende kemikaliehantering, samt mark- och vattenmiljö.
Koordinera siteövergripande lagefterlevnad, samt bevaka sitespecifik miljö- och kemikalielagstiftning (REACH, CLP)
Administrera och utveckla sitens kemikaliehanteringssystem (IChemistry) och övervakning av kontrollprogram för vatten.

Vem är du?
Högskole- eller universitetsutbildning med inriktning mot kemi, hållbarhet, miljövetenskap alternativt motsvarande nivå från annan utbildning
Erfarenhet av processindustri
Kunskaper inom kemikalielagstiftning och kemiska hälsorisker
Kunskaper inom miljölagstiftning och miljörapportering
Kännedom om lagbevakningsprocesser
Kännedom om hållbarhetsrapportering och hållbarhetsberäkning
Kännedom inom BAT-slutsatser (BREF)

Som person är du en lagspelare med stor drivkraft och vana att dela med dig av dina kunskaper. Du har god förmåga att se till helheten, samt att dra upp riktlinjer därefter. Du känner dig bekväm i att leda, driva och koordinera arbete i projektform. Du har ett genuint intresse för kemi, hållbarhet och miljö och känner dig hemma i produktionsmiljö. Du trivs med att ta ansvar och egna initiativ, och driver ditt arbete självständigt till uppsatta mål.
Du är en god lyssnare och en tydlig kommunikatör som visar engagemang. Förändringsarbete är en självklarhet för dig. Du uttrycker dig obehindrat både muntligt och skriftligt på svenska och engelska.
Vad kan vi erbjuda dig?
Hos oss erbjuds ett intressant och spännande arbete i en central roll i verksamheten. Du får ett stort internt kontaktnät och kommer även delta i externa nätverk. Du får ta plats i organisationen och ges möjlighet att driva eller delta i projekt för hållbara lösningar på en site med intressanta kemiska processer.
Vi erbjuder ett utvecklande arbete på en avdelning med god laganda. Vi anser att balans i livet är en förutsättning för känna arbetsglädje och engagemang. Därför är det självklart för oss att underlätta för våra medarbetare att förena arbete och familjeliv. Vi stödjer också friskvård och det finns goda träningsmöjligheter på arbetsplatsen.
Kontaktpersoner Har du frågor eller vill veta mer om tjänsten är du välkommen att kontakta Kristofer Modin, EHSQ chef, på telefonnummer 0733 855 656. Fackliga kontaktpersoner är Axel Olsson, Akademikerna, tel. 0303 383277 och Heidi Waleniussen-Englund, tel. 0303 383379
Välkommen med din ansökan senast den 13 oktober. Visa mindre

Senior Researcher

Do you want to be part of making everyday life easier for people around the world? Without seeing it, you meet us every day in your everyday life. We are in your soles, in your mobile and in the newspaper you read. With a common commitment to innovation, sustainability and safety, our employees work daily for a sustainable future. We are now seeking our next colleague, Senior Researcher, within Nouryon Performance Formulations, Paints and Coatings, Sweden... Visa mer
Do you want to be part of making everyday life easier for people around the world? Without seeing it, you meet us every day in your everyday life. We are in your soles, in your mobile and in the newspaper you read. With a common commitment to innovation, sustainability and safety, our employees work daily for a sustainable future.
We are now seeking our next colleague, Senior Researcher, within Nouryon Performance Formulations, Paints and Coatings, Sweden. In our laboratory, we are working with both Building and Construction (B&C) as well as Paint applications. Does it sound interesting? Apply today!

In your future role as Senior Researcher you will..
Actively participate in the technical support activities for customers and internal continuous improvement activities mainly within B&C. Further, you will also participate in R&D-projects. Additional responsibilities within this role are to be the main contact for business support for B&C application as well as to participate in planning and evaluation of development products and external products.

Lead and provide technical application support
Provide technical customer support in cooperation with the commercial team
Provide inputs to assist in the development of Application Development plans that create value for the future of the organization
Communicate and implement new product development introductions and other technical support solutions to our sales/marketing team or directly to customers
Lead training programs and technical presentations for customers and internal teams

We believe you bring
B.Sc or M.Sc., in Chemistry, Chemical Engineering or equivalent experience
Experience in technical support and/or technical sales experience working directly with external customers for product development, customer trials, etc.
A deeper knowledge and/or experience in the field of Building & Construction and Paint and Coatings, surface chemistry, polymer chemistry or rheology
Fluent in English, both written and spoken
A few years of lab experience

We believe you are...
A person with a high social competence, ability to drive changes as well as the ability to build successful and long-term relationships. You are confident in your own expertise and deliver results while maintaining a high quality in your work. You also possess the ability to work efficiently, and you know how to prioritize in your daily work.

We offer you
At Nouryon, we not only offer an exciting role and nice colleagues, but also benefits in addition to your salary. Nouryon has a collective agreement with IKEM, but in addition to that, we also offer unilateral benefits such as bonus, reduced working hours, health care allowance, lunch allowance and much more.
Are you passionate about sustainability, innovation, safety, and collaboration? Do you want to grow together with a company that is forward-looking and continuously improving how they work? Our employees have ideas on how to build a sustainable future and the drive and passion to realize them. If that describes you, we will gladly make way for your ambitions. From day one we support you with your personal growth, through challenging positions and comprehensive learning and development opportunities, in a dynamic, international, diverse, and proactive working environment.

Good to know
This is a permanent position on a full-time basis, reporting to Åsa Söderlund, Section Manager Application dev paint and based in Stenungsund.
Please apply via our online recruitment system with an uploaded job specific resume. We care for your personal data (GDPR) hence we do not accept applications via e-mail, these applications will be disregarded.
We look forward to receiving your application! Once it's with us we will review to see if we have a match between your skills and the role! We aim to get back to you at the soonest but latest after application closing date, with an update on the process.

About Nouryon
Nouryon is a global, specialty chemicals leader. Markets and consumers worldwide rely on our essential solutions to manufacture everyday products, such as personal care, cleaning goods, paints and coatings, agriculture and food, pharmaceuticals, and building products. Furthermore, the dedication of more than 7,650 employees with a shared commitment to our customers, business growth, safety, sustainability and innovation has resulted in a consistently strong financial performance. We operate in over 80 countries around the world with a portfolio of industry-leading brands. Visit our website and follow us @Nouryon and on LinkedIn.
For additional information about the vacancy please contact hiring manager Åsa Söderlund, [email protected]
If you have any questions about the recruitment process or your application or need assistance, please contact: [email protected]

For unions related questions please contact:
Sveriges Ingenjörer: Anna-Lena Palm +46 303 851 13
Unionen: Magnus Svensson +46 303 858 38 or Thomas Nilsson +46 303 856 18
IF Metall. Annika Josefsson +46 303 854 96


We have already chosen our sourcing channels for this recruitment and kindly ask not to be contacted by any advertisement agents, recruitment agencies or manning companies. Visa mindre

Laboratory Researcher to Stenungsund

At Nouryon, our global team of Changemakers takes positive action every day, to reach higher collectively and individually. We create innovative and sustainable solutions for our customers to answer society’s needs – today and in the future. We are looking for team members who bring ideas forward, champion others and work together to do better. Does that sound like you? About the job For this role you will be involved in product development, project lea... Visa mer
At Nouryon, our global team of Changemakers takes positive action every day, to reach higher collectively and individually. We create innovative and sustainable solutions for our customers to answer society’s needs – today and in the future.
We are looking for team members who bring ideas forward, champion others and work together to do better. Does that sound like you?

About the job
For this role you will be involved in product development, project leadership and customer interactions to contribute to the success of the team. If you’re up for the challenge and want to grow as a person, you´re our new senior researcher.

In your future role as a Senior Researcher you will
Work practically in the lab.
Solving of complex problems related to new product development, process optimizations, customer complaints and trouble shooting in the plant.
Run assignments in accordance with prioritizations both for internal and external customers and interpret the results. Report the results according to the routines in the management system.
Be a team member in identified Accolade projects.
Proactively propose changes that promote safety, quality, reliability, and efficiency. This is associated with maintaining a well-functioning lab, such as purchasing of chemicals, developing SOPs, and performing regular safety rounds.

We believe you bring
MSc or PhD in Chemistry/ Chemical engineer, or Bachelor’s degree with 3-5 years of relevant industrial experience.
Experience in organic synthesis and/or process chemistry.
Inherent laboratory safety focus
Strong computer skills. Proficient with MS Office.
Fluent in English and Swedish (written and spoken)

Great if you have
Experience in high pressure chemistry a plus.

We believe you are...
A practical person who is hands on in the process and focused on achieving results. You have good interpersonal skills and strong work ethic. Furthermore, you are a teamplayer with high level of communication skills.

We offer you
The Product Chemistry team is a group of scientists and engineers that work together to deliver sustainable and innovative solutions for our customers that can be found in a wide range of end-user markets. You will play an important role in the development of new products, scaling up to plant scale, and improving current processes. As a member of our team, you will work in close collaboration with your team members, as well as people from other functions. As a leader, I believe in creating trust and open communication to promote an innovative work environment.
At Nouryon, we provide a great job and friendly coworkers, plus benefits in addition to salary. Our collective agreement is with IKEM. Plus, we offer unilateral perks, such as bonus, reduced hours, health care allowance, lunch allowance, and more.

Good to know
This is a permanent position on a full-time basis, reporting to Anna Said Stålsmeden, Section Manager Product Chemistry and based in Stenungsund.
Please apply via our online recruitment system. We will not accept applications via e-mail. Once it's with us we will review to see if we have a match between your skills and the role! For more information about our hiring process, visit: nouryon.com/careers/how-we-hire/

We look forward to receiving your application!

We kindly ask our internal candidates to apply with your Nouryon email via Success Factors.

About Nouryon
We’re looking for tomorrow’s Changemakers, today.
If you’re looking for your next career move, apply today and join Nouryon’s worldwide team of Changemakers in providing essential solutions that our customers use to manufacture everyday products such as personal care, cleaning, paints and coatings, agriculture and food, pharmaceuticals, and building products. Our employees are driven by the wish to make an impact and actively drive positive change. If that describes you, we will gladly make way for your ambitions. From day one we support you with your personal growth, through challenging positions and comprehensive learning and development opportunities, in a dynamic, international, diverse, and proactive working environment.
Visit our website and follow us on LinkedIn.

#Changemakers #GrowWithUs

For additional information about the vacancy please contact hiring manager Anna Said Stålsmeden, [email protected]
If you have any questions about the recruitment process or your application or need assistance, please contact: [email protected]

For unions related questions please contact:
Sveriges Ingenjörer: Anna-Lena Palm +46 303 851 13
Unionen: Magnus Svensson +46 303 858 38 or Thomas Nilsson +46 303 856 18
IF Metall. Annika Josefsson +46 303 854 96

#WeAreNouryon #Changemakers

We have already chosen our sourcing channels for this recruitment and kindly ask not to be contacted by any advertisement agents, recruitment agencies or staffing companies. Visa mindre

Manager Process Engineering, Stenungsund

Ansök    Okt 2    Perstorp AB    Civilingenjör, kemi
Manager Process Engineering, Stenungsund As a leading specialty chemicals innovator, we know little things make a powerful difference! Using nature’s tiniest building blocks, Perstorp has for more than a century worked to improve the daily lives of millions of people around the world with innovative chemistry. You will find us all the way from your car and mobile phone to towering wind turbines and the local diary farm and so on… Perstorp completes a cha... Visa mer
Manager Process Engineering, Stenungsund

As a leading specialty chemicals innovator, we know little things make a powerful difference! Using nature’s tiniest building blocks, Perstorp has for more than a century worked to improve the daily lives of millions of people around the world with innovative chemistry. You will find us all the way from your car and mobile phone to towering wind turbines and the local diary farm and so on…

Perstorp completes a chain of solutions in organic chemistry, process technology and application development. Every aspect of our corporate culture is infused with our core values of focused innovation, reliability and responsibility. Simply put, we work to make good products even better, with a clear sustainability agenda. Today we have approximately 1350 employees worldwide in Asia, Europe and North America.

We are now looking for a driven Manager to our team of Process Engineers placed in Stenungsund.

About the position:

Your main function is to lead and coordinate the team members and to consistently develop and further improve the performance of the team.

Your main assignments and responsibilities will be:

- Resource planning of the team members according to relevant work processes to ensure optimal usage of competences and to initiate a high personal development

- To coach and support team members in successful task completion (line as well as project) and more generally in career and competence development to match developing corporate needs

- To act as a technical resource within relevant field if applicable

- Engaging with strategic team, technical account manager, process owners and project managers to capture corporate needs as input for developing GTI (Global Technology & Investments) competence strategy and plan

- To liaise with process owners and project managers to monitor and ensure optimal workload for team members (securing a healthy work-life balance).

- To act as a role model within health and safety via the stated principles in GTI Health & Safety Policy and to strive to always improve the health and safety aspects to further enable Perstorp Careway.

In this role you´ll be responsible for personnel and budget of the relevant department and corresponding cost center. You´ll be responsible of recruiting new personnel, both consultants and Perstorp employees to safeguard necessary resources, and you will secure Perstorp´s inhouse access to relevant key and core specialist competences within the technical area. You adhere to and act as a role model for all the Perstorp leadership values and codes of conduct.

Your qualifications:

You have a Master´s degree or similar within the engineering field and proven capability of organizing and structuring complex assignments, preferably in technical projects, where you´ve gained an understanding of the challenges and the obstacles and pitfalls of such projects. Former experience of having a personnel responsibility is not an absolute requirement although you need a know-how in resource planning and in the coordination of work efforts, as well as a strong will to lead and/or to develop as a leader. Preferably you also have experience of change management with a fondness for innovation and new thoughts, possess strong interpersonal and collaboration skills and a work process-oriented mindset. You are committed, open-minded and responsive. Proficiency in English is required.

Our offer:

The Perstorp Group is a world leader in several sectors of the specialty chemicals market for a wide variety of industries and applications and at the same time offers the benefits of the small company with a warm and familiar culture where your contribution really will matter and be recognized! We can offer you an exciting work in an international environment where professionalism and personal development is highly valued. At Perstorp you will get a true opportunity to contribute and influence: what you do really counts and right now there are many interesting and challenging projects in the pipeline.


For more information about the position, please contact Linda Persson +46729779755Please send you application via Apply on-line not later than October 25 but please note that the position may be filled before the given date. Visa mindre

Section Manager Product Chemistry Sts

Do you want to be part of making everyday life easier for people around the world? Without seeing it, you meet us every day in your everyday life. We are in your soles, in your mobile and in the newspaper you read. With a common commitment to innovation, sustainability and safety, our employees work daily for a sustainable future. Main responsibilities As the Section Manager Product Chemistry (PC), you will lead a highly technical team of experts in the ... Visa mer
Do you want to be part of making everyday life easier for people around the world? Without seeing it, you meet us every day in your everyday life. We are in your soles, in your mobile and in the newspaper you read. With a common commitment to innovation, sustainability and safety, our employees work daily for a sustainable future.

Main responsibilities
As the Section Manager Product Chemistry (PC), you will lead a highly technical team of experts in the development and synthesis of new surfactant products and ethylene amine intermediates as well as the improvement to current manufacturing processes. The PC group supports multiple Application Research and Development teams, the HSE-department, and production. New products and processes are brought from concept to routine manufacture at locations in Europe and other regions and additional responsibilities in this role include:
Managing the day-to-day operations of the group with respect to work planning, prioritization and reporting in alignment with the business strategy.
Maintaining the laboratories and pilot plant facility in a safe and compliant way. As the PC group is responsible for the synthesis of multiple different surfactants and amine intermediates, the chemical storage and inventory is high and maintaining detailed inventory of chemicals with various hazard clasifications is within this responsibility.
The PC group is one of a network of synthesis group in Performance Chemicals located in Netherlands, USA and China. As the Section Manager of the Stenungsund location, it is expected that a general understanding of the capabilities of other locations is maintained and a network developed and utilized to improve the PC group. Creating and fostering a mentality of 'center of expertise' within the group is part of this role.
Communicate priorities to stakeholders.

To be successful in this position we believe that you have the ability to drive changes as well as the ability to build successful and long-term relationships. You are confident in your own expertise and you know how to prioritize both for yourself and your team. We also see that you have:
PhD in chemistry or chemical engineering and +5-7 years experience
Experience in surfactant and polymer synthesis
Experience or familiarization with chemical transformations including esterification, amidation, ethoxylation, hydrogenation and aminie quaternization reactions
Experience in scale-up and pilot plant operations
Excellent leadership skills and experience as a direct manager is beneficial
Project management and experience in StageGate concept for product develpment
Commercial experience is beneficial
Fluent in written and spoken English
Good IT competence / experience regarding

- Standard Office Software;
- Sharepoint
- SAP incl Ariba

Why join us?
Are you passionate about sustainability, innovation, safety, and collaboration? Do you want to grow together with a company that is forward-looking and continuously improving how they work? Our employees have ideas on how to build a sustainable future and the drive and passion to realize them. They believe that building long-term relationships and integrity are keys to success. If that describes you, we will gladly make way for your ambitions. We offer you countless career opportunities. From day one we support you with your personal growth, through challenging positions and comprehensive learning and development opportunities, in a dynamic, international, diverse, and proactive working environment.

Additional information
This is a permanent position on a full-time basis, reporting to the RD Director, and based in Stenungsund, Sweden.
Please apply via our online recruitment system with an uploaded job specific resume and cover letter. We do not accept applications via e-mail, these applications will be disregarded.
For additional information about the vacancy please contact Wictoria Majstrand, HR Business Partner [email protected]
For information about the recruitment process or your application, please contact John Rowland, RD Director, [email protected]

For unions related questions please contact:
Sveriges Ingenjörer: Anna-Lena Palm +46?303 851 13
Unionen: Magnus Svensson +46 303 858 38

If you have any general questions or need assistance, please contact: [email protected]

About Nouryon
Nouryon is a global, specialty chemicals leader. Markets and consumers worldwide rely on our essential solutions to manufacture everyday products, such as personal care, cleaning goods, paints and coatings, agriculture and food, pharmaceuticals, and building products. Furthermore, the dedication of more than 9,700 employees with a shared commitment to our customers, business growth, safety, sustainability and innovation has resulted in a consistently strong financial performance. We operate in over 80 countries around the world with a portfolio of industry-leading brands. Visit our website and follow us @Nouryon and on LinkedIn.

The application process
After the closing date, we will start the selection process.
In our first selection we thoroughly go through all the applications. If your skills and qualifications match the profile we are looking for, you will be invited to an initial phone interview that takes approximately 30 minutes. If you proceed in our selection process, we invite you to a face-to-face interview that takes about 1,5 hours. There you will meet with the hiring manager.

We look forward to your application!

We have already chosen our sourcing channels for this recruitment and kindly ask not to be contacted by any advertisement agents, recruitment agencies or manning companies. Visa mindre

Senior Researcher

Do you want to be part of making everyday life easier for people around the world? Without seeing it, you meet us every day in your everyday life. We are in your soles, in your mobile and in the newspaper you read. With a common commitment to innovation, sustainability and safety, our employees work daily for a sustainable future. As a Senior Researcher in the Analysis Group, your main area of responsibility will be to perform chemical analyses in support ... Visa mer
Do you want to be part of making everyday life easier for people around the world? Without seeing it, you meet us every day in your everyday life. We are in your soles, in your mobile and in the newspaper you read. With a common commitment to innovation, sustainability and safety, our employees work daily for a sustainable future.
As a Senior Researcher in the Analysis Group, your main area of responsibility will be to perform chemical analyses in support of product and process development as well as in production and customer support. You will work with Wet Chemical Analysis and NMR spectroscopy, contribute to research projects and be active in the lab’s quality work related to the ISO 17015 accreditation.
As an expert in chemical analysis you will work with the development of analytical methods and maintain and troubleshoot analysis instruments.

Main responsibilities
Run analytical experiments, interpret and report the results according to routines.
Act as an expert in identification and quantification questions related to new product development, customer complaints, trouble shooting in production issues etc.
Take an active part in small and larger projects, within and outside the group and contribute with ideas.
Handle complex and difficult assignments.
Develop and maintain expertise in the area of Wet Chemistry and NMR spectroscopy, and be updated with all techniques used in the group on a general level in order to ensure that the tasks are resolved using the best available techniques.
Develop, implement, validate and take responsibility of analytical methods and instruments (e.g. automated titration, IR, UV/Vis, Karl Fischer, rheometer, DSC, NMR), with the aim to have accurate and reliable analytical techniques that fulfill quality demands and HSE legislations.
Participate in the lab’s quality work related to ISO 17025 accreditation.
Develop and maintain a good Surface Chemistry product know how.
Take an active part in the lab by contributing to housekeeping and lab maintenance in a positive way and work with continuous improvement; propose changes that promote safety, quality, reliability and efficiency.

We are looking for an expert in Wet Chemical Analysis with experience in NMR spectroscopy holding a PhD/Licentiate in a relevant topic or a MSc in Chemistry or Chemical Engineering with 3-5 years of relevant experience.
We also see that you have:
Excellent skills in Wet Chemical Analyses.
Good skills in determination of physical-chemical properties.
Experience in NMR spectroscopy.
Skills in analysis of surfactans and determination of surfactant properties are a merit.
Good knowledge and understanding of validation/statistics.
Experience with research and method development.
Excellent skills in regards to equipment, maintenance & troubleshooting, and an expert in practical lab work.
Excellent problem solving ability.
Good knowledge in organic chemistry.
Good understanding of ISO 17025.
Fluency in written and spoken English, Swedish in an advantage

To be successful in this position we believe that you enjoy practical work in the laboratory combined with theoretical challenges and customer support. Further, you are result-oriented, reliable and have good communication and interpersonal skills. You are proactive, possess the ability to take own and drive initiatives and enjoy working both independently and in teams.

Why join us?
Are you passionate about sustainability, innovation, safety, and collaboration? Do you want to grow together with a company that is forward-looking and continuously improving how they work? Our employees have ideas on how to build a sustainable future and the drive and passion to realize them. They believe that building long-term relationships and integrity are keys to success. If that describes you, we will gladly make way for your ambitions. We offer you countless career opportunities. From day one we support you with your personal growth, through challenging positions and comprehensive learning and development opportunities, in a dynamic, international, diverse, and proactive working environment.

Additional information
This is a permanent position on a full-time basis, reporting to the Section Manager Analysis EMEA and based in Stenungsund, Sweden.
Please apply via our online recruitment system with an uploaded job specific resume and cover letter. We do not accept applications via e-mail, these applications will be disregarded.
For additional information about the vacancy please contact Ina Ehlers, Section Manager Analysis EMEA [email protected] +46 722 063 845
For information about the recruitment process or your application, please contact Wictoria Majstrand, HR Business Partner +46 709 577 646
For unions related questions please contact:
Akademikerklubben, Anna-Lena Palm, +46 733 855 113
Unionen, Magnus Svensson, +46 73 385 58 38
If you have any general questions or need assistance, please contact: [email protected]

About Nouryon
Nouryon is a global,?specialty chemicals leader. Markets and consumers worldwide rely on our?essential solutions to manufacture everyday products,?such as personal care, cleaning goods, paints and coatings, agriculture and food, pharmaceuticals, and building products. Furthermore, the dedication of more than 9,700 employees with a shared commitment to our customers, business growth, safety, sustainability and innovation has resulted in a consistently strong financial performance. We operate in over 80 countries around the world with a portfolio of industry-leading brands. Visit our website and follow us @Nouryon and on LinkedIn.

The application process
After the closing date, we will start the selection process.
In our first selection we thoroughly go through all the applications. If your skills and qualifications match the profile we are looking for, you will be invited to an initial phone interview that takes approximately 30 minutes. If you proceed in our selection process, we invite you to a face-to-face interview that takes about 1,5 hours. There you will meet with the hiring manager.
We look forward to your application!

We have already chosen our sourcing channels for this recruitment and kindly ask not to be contacted by any advertisement agents, recruitment agencies or manning companies. Visa mindre

Process Development Engineer

Do you want to be part of making everyday life easier for people around the world? Without seeing it, you meet us every day in your everyday life. We are in your soles, in your mobile and in the newspaper you read. With a common commitment to innovation, sustainability and safety, our employees work daily for a sustainable future. Main responsibilities As Senior Process Development Engineer you play an active role in delivering innovation projects in Nou... Visa mer
Do you want to be part of making everyday life easier for people around the world? Without seeing it, you meet us every day in your everyday life. We are in your soles, in your mobile and in the newspaper you read. With a common commitment to innovation, sustainability and safety, our employees work daily for a sustainable future.

Main responsibilities
As Senior Process Development Engineer you play an active role in delivering innovation projects in Nouryon, with high strategic importance and high internal & external visibility. Your activities can include new technology development on lab or pilot plant scale, pre-FEED and FEED stages of expansion projects (study, basic and detailed), conceptual process design on new technology, and process design evaluation by performing modelling activities to get data for design decisions.

Contribute to, and become future innovation project leader for, strategic innovation projects with high impact on production and business results
Drive work on pre-FEED and FEED stages of expansion projects (study, basic and detailed)
Become future technology licensor for Ethylene Amines, Ethanol Amines and Ethylene Oxide technology, support project execution with technical know-how, including commissioning and start-up
Systematically contribute to increasing the competence level in the organizations
Reporting of results and knowledge transfer inside and outside the technology team

The person holding this position is expected to not only coordinate work, but also be hands-on and spend significant time to work on own project content (50/50%).

To be successful in this position we believe that you are passionate about technology innovation. You feel comfortable in a high pace matrix organization as well as possess the ability to drive changes and the ability to build successful and long-term relationships. You are confident in your own expertise and deliver results while maintaining a high quality in your work within budget and on time. We also see that you have:
Have at least a Masters degree in Chemical Engineering
Drive to find solutions to all kinds of problems, eager to pick up on study items pro-actively
Have a flexible & agile mentality, and balance the need for detail with need for result within budget & time constraints
Have a pragmatic working style
Feel comfortable in a dynamic high pace, complex environment
Have excellent communication skills.
Fluent in written and spoken English. Knowledge in Swedish is an advantage
Pre: plant operations exposure such as manufacturing, production (pilot) trials, debottlenecking, continuous improvement, ALPS, toll manufacturing, or commissioning & start-up of new installations
Good IT competence / experience regarding: Standard Office Software; Sharepoint, SAP incl Ariba, Aspen Tech

Why join us?
Are you passionate about sustainability, innovation, safety, and collaboration? Do you want to grow together with a company that is forward-looking and continuously improving how they work? Our employees have ideas on how to build a sustainable future and the drive and passion to realize them. They believe that building long-term relationships and integrity are keys to success. If that describes you, we will gladly make way for your ambitions. We offer you countless career opportunities. From day one we support you with your personal growth, through challenging positions and comprehensive learning and development opportunities, in a dynamic, international, diverse, and proactive working environment.

Additional information
This is a permanent position on a full-time basis, reporting to the Ethylene Amines TM, and based in Stenungsund, Sweden.

Please apply via our online recruitment system with an uploaded job specific resume and cover letter. We do not accept applications via e-mail, these applications will be disregarded.

For additional information about the vacancy please contact Wictoria Majstrand, HR Business Partner [email protected]

For information about the recruitment process or your application, please contact Michiel Raaijmakers, Ethylene Amines TM [email protected] +46 730 628 553

For unions related questions please contact:
Sveriges Ingenjörer: Anna-Lena Palm +46?303 851 13
Unionen: Magnus Svensson +46 303 858 38
If you have any general questions or need assistance, please contact: [email protected]

About Nouryon
Nouryon is a global, specialty chemicals leader. Markets and consumers worldwide rely on our essential solutions to manufacture everyday products, such as personal care, cleaning goods, paints and coatings, agriculture and food, pharmaceuticals, and building products. Furthermore, the dedication of more than 9,700 employees with a shared commitment to our customers, business growth, safety, sustainability and innovation has resulted in a consistently strong financial performance. We operate in over 80 countries around the world with a portfolio of industry-leading brands. Visit our website and follow us @Nouryon and on LinkedIn.

The application process
After the closing date, we will start the selection process.
In our first selection we thoroughly go through all the applications. If your skills and qualifications match the profile we are looking for, you will be invited to an initial phone interview that takes approximately 30 minutes. If you proceed in our selection process, we invite you to a face-to-face interview that takes about 1,5 hours. There you will meet with the hiring manager.

We look forward to your application!

We have already chosen our sourcing channels for this recruitment and kindly ask not to be contacted by any advertisement agents, recruitment agencies or manning companies. Visa mindre


Researcher Home & Personal Care Do you have hands-on laboratory bench work experience on a chemical site? And do you have excellent analytical skills with a drive to go for amazing results? If so, then we have a challenging opportunity for you! Your challenge as a Researcher Home & Personal Care As a Researcher Home & Personal Care you will be responsible for the formulation, development, and evaluation of Nouryon's essential ingredients for the home car... Visa mer
Researcher Home & Personal Care
Do you have hands-on laboratory bench work experience on a chemical site? And do you have excellent analytical skills with a drive to go for amazing results? If so, then we have a challenging opportunity for you!

Your challenge as a Researcher Home & Personal Care
As a Researcher Home & Personal Care you will be responsible for the formulation, development, and evaluation of Nouryon's essential ingredients for the home care segments. This will include developments for various sub-segments, such as hard surface cleaners, degreasers, laundry and dishwashing applications. Other key responsibilities are:

Testing of surfactants, chelating agents and polymers in home care applications.
Understanding the structure/performance relationships among ingredients in home care formulations
Improving and implementing new methodologies and tools to link test data to consumer attributes.
Interfacing internally with the marketing, technical service, and manufacturing groups and externally with customers to fulfill product needs within targeted home care markets.
Delivering results for small to large sized and/or complex projects on time.

To be successful in this position, we believe that it is a must to enjoy hands-on laboratory work. Moreover, you have a high customer focus and you also possess the ability to work efficiently. Furthermore, you know how to prioritize in your daily work together with others. We also see that you have:
A Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in Chemistry, Chemical Engineering or related field.
At least 3 years of experience in home care product formulation. Experience in surfactants is preferred as well in dishwash and laundry applications.
The ability to communicate effectively within the technical and business networks.
Excellent communication skills in English and preferably Swedish.

Why join us?
Are you passionate about sustainability, innovation, safety, and collaboration? Do you want to grow together with a company that is forward-looking and continuously improving how they work? Our employees have ideas on how to build a sustainable future and the drive and passion to realize them. They believe that building long-term relationships and integrity are keys to success. If that describes you, we will gladly make way for your ambitions. We offer you countless career opportunities. From day one we support you with your personal growth, through challenging positions and comprehensive learning and development opportunities, in a dynamic, international, diverse, and proactive working environment.

Additional information
This is a temporary position position during 9 months on a full-time basis, reporting to the Section Manager Home PC and based in Stenungsund, Sweden.
Please apply via our online recruitment system with an uploaded job specific resume and cover letter. We do not accept applications via e-mail, these applications will be disregarded.
For additional information about the vacancy please contact Sorel Muresan, Section Manager Home PC STS, [email protected] +46 733 855 690
For information about the recruitment process or your application, please contact Wictoria Majstrand, HR Business Partner +46 709 577 646
For unions related questions please contact:
Akademikerklubben, Anna-Lena Palm, +46 733 855 113
Unionen, Magnus Svensson, +46 73 385 58 38
If you have any general questions or need assistance, please contact: [email protected]

About Nouryon
We are a global specialty chemicals leader. Markets worldwide rely on our essential chemistry in the manufacture of everyday products such as paper, plastics, building materials, food, pharmaceuticals, and personal care items. Building on our nearly 400-year history, the dedication of our 10,000 employees, and our shared commitment to business growth, strong financial performance, safety, sustainability, and innovation, we have established a world-class business and built strong partnerships with our customers. We operate in over 80 countries around the world and our portfolio of industry-leading brands includes Eka, Dissolvine, Trigonox, and Berol.
We are organized in three Businesses:
Performance Formulations focuses on business lines based on tailored performance that require a high level of customer intimacy, such as those for personal care and agriculture.
Technology Solutions includes business lines that are an integrated part of our customers’ processes, such as catalysts and additives for the polymer and pulp industries.
Industrial Chemicals encompasses our salt-chlorine value chain, which supplies end markets ranging from lightweight metals and plastics to pharmaceuticals.
Do not forget to follow us on Linkedin and Facebook for regular updates of new exciting positions and stories about our achievements.

The application process
After the closing date, we will start the selection process.
In our first selection we thoroughly go through all the applications. If your skills and qualifications match the profile we are looking for, you will be invited to an initial phone interview that takes approximately 30 minutes. If you proceed in our selection process we invite you to a face-to-face interview that takes about 1,5 hours. There you will meet with the the hiring manager.
We look forward to your application!
We perform drug tests on all employees as a part of our effort to maintain a drug-free environment.
We have already chosen our sourcing channels for this recruitment and kindly ask not to be contacted by any advertisement agents, recruitment agencies or manning companies. Visa mindre

Sr Researcher

Senior Researcher Personal Care Do you have an interest in Chemistry? Would you like to use your knowledge to develop products, processes and make improvements within Personal Care applications in a customer focused and business oriented manner? We are now seeking a Senior Researcher to Nouryon Performance Formulations in Stenungsund. As a Senior Researcher Personal Care you will focus on a variety of areas to including hair and skin. You will execute com... Visa mer
Senior Researcher Personal Care
Do you have an interest in Chemistry? Would you like to use your knowledge to develop products, processes and make improvements within Personal Care applications in a customer focused and business oriented manner? We are now seeking a Senior Researcher to Nouryon Performance Formulations in Stenungsund.
As a Senior Researcher Personal Care you will focus on a variety of areas to including hair and skin. You will execute complex experiments, analyzes the data for accuracy, and draws conclusions based on scientific standards in order to make recommendations on the next steps. Other key responsibilities are:
Performs and reports experiments necessary to attain the objectives of the business.
Supports the incremental development of new products.
Interacts with Synthesis, Analytical and marketing groups in developing new products and resolving customer concerns.
Maintains a laboratory notebook, prepares monthly project reports, conducts literature searches, and maintains application databases.
Provide technical support to the business
Leads medium to large size projects.

To be successful in this position, we believe that it is a must to enjoy hands-on laboratory work. Moreover, you have a high customer focus and you also possess the ability to work efficiently. Furthermore, you know how to prioritize in your daily work together with others. We also see that you have:
Master’s degree in Chemistry, Chemical Engineering or related field.
At least 5 years of experience in personal care product formulation particularly emulsions for hair and skin as well as skin care applications testing
Good IT competence / experience regarding
- Standard Office Software;
- Sharepoint
The ability to communicate effectively within the technical and business networks.
Excellent communication skills in English Please note, this role will require 10-20% travels

Why join us?
Are you passionate about sustainability, innovation, safety, and collaboration? Do you want to grow together with a company that is forward-looking and continuously improving how they work? Our employees have ideas on how to build a sustainable future and the drive and passion to realize them. They believe that building long-term relationships and integrity are keys to success. If that describes you, we will gladly make way for your ambitions. We offer you countless career opportunities. From day one we support you with your personal growth, through challenging positions and comprehensive learning and development opportunities, in a dynamic, international, diverse, and proactive working environment.

Additional information
This is a permanent position position on a full-time basis, reporting to the Section Manager PC and based in Stenungsund, Sweden.
Please apply via our online recruitment system with an uploaded job specific resume and cover letter. We do not accept applications via e-mail, these applications will be disregarded.
For additional information about the vacancy please contact Maryalice Belluscio, Section Manager PC Applications [email protected] +19087451334
For information about the recruitment process or your application, please contact Wictoria Majstrand, HR Business Partner +46 709 577 646

For unions related questions please contact:
Akademikerklubben, Anna-Lena Palm, +46 733 855 113
Unionen, Magnus Svensson, +46 73 385 58 38

If you have any general questions or need assistance, please contact: [email protected]

About Nouryon
We are a global specialty chemicals leader. Markets worldwide rely on our essential chemistry in the manufacture of everyday products such as paper, plastics, building materials, food, pharmaceuticals, and personal care items. Building on our nearly 400-year history, the dedication of our 10,000 employees, and our shared commitment to business growth, strong financial performance, safety, sustainability, and innovation, we have established a world-class business and built strong partnerships with our customers. We operate in over 80 countries around the world and our portfolio of industry-leading brands includes Eka, Dissolvine, Trigonox, and Berol.
We are organized in three Businesses:
Performance Formulations focuses on business lines based on tailored performance that require a high level of customer intimacy, such as those for personal care and agriculture.
Technology Solutions includes business lines that are an integrated part of our customers’ processes, such as catalysts and additives for the polymer and pulp industries.
Industrial Chemicals encompasses our salt-chlorine value chain, which supplies end markets ranging from lightweight metals and plastics to pharmaceuticals.
Do not forget to follow us on Linkedin and Facebook for regular updates of new exciting positions and stories about our achievements.

The application process
After the closing date, we will start the selection process.
In our first selection we thoroughly go through all the applications. If your skills and qualifications match the profile we are looking for, you will be invited to an initial phone interview that takes approximately 30 minutes. If you proceed in our selection process we invite you to a face-to-face interview that takes about 1,5 hours. There you will meet with the the hiring manager.

We look forward to your application!

We perform drug tests on all employees as a part of our effort to maintain a drug-free environment.

We have already chosen our sourcing channels for this recruitment and kindly ask not to be contacted by any advertisement agents, recruitment agencies or manning companies. Visa mindre

Senior Researcher

Do you have an interest in chemical engineering and are good at organizing and networking? Would you like to use your skills in a customer focused and business oriented manne and manage our internal engineering projects within the Product Chemistry group? Do you want to develop as a project manager? We are now seeking a Senior Researcher to Nouryon Performance Formulations in Stenungsund to help us with all our important engineering projects. As a Senior R... Visa mer
Do you have an interest in chemical engineering and are good at organizing and networking? Would you like to use your skills in a customer focused and business oriented manne and manage our internal engineering projects within the Product Chemistry group? Do you want to develop as a project manager? We are now seeking a Senior Researcher to Nouryon Performance Formulations in Stenungsund to help us with all our important engineering projects.
As a Senior Researcher in the team you will work with a group of highly skilled chemists and help the team keep all our changes and reactor modifications on track. Additional responsibilities within this role are also general tasks associated with maintaining a well-functioning lab, such as purchasing of chemicals, developing SOPs, and performing regular safety rounds.

Main responsibilities
Act as a project leader in our group specific engineering projects and changes. The scope is projects with a total budget of less than 1000000 SEK.
Take an active part both in the autoclave lab and in the pilot plant by contributing to HSE, 5S, and general maintenance. The position holder is also to proactively propose changes that promotes safety, quality, reliability and efficiency.

M.Sc in Chemical Engineering or equal education
>2 years of experience from the chemical industry and relevant field
A strong emphasis will be put on personality where a track record of organizing projects and managing a network of stakeholders is crucial.
Fluent in written and spoken English and Swedish, additional languages are an advantage

Further, you are result-oriented and have good interpersonal skills and possess the ability to be proactive and how to prioritize in your daily work.

Why join us?
Are you passionate about sustainability, innovation, safety, and collaboration? Do you want to grow together with a company that is forward-looking and continuously improving how they work? Our employees have ideas on how to build a sustainable future and the drive and passion to realize them. They believe that building long-term relationships and integrity are keys to success. If that describes you, we will gladly make way for your ambitions. We offer you countless career opportunities. From day one we support you with your personal growth, through challenging positions and comprehensive learning and development opportunities, in a dynamic, international, diverse, and proactive working environment.

Additional information
This is a temporary position position for 9 months on a full-time basis, with possibility for extension, reporting to the Section Manager Product Chemistry Sts and based in Stenungsund, Sweden.
Please apply via our online recruitment system with an uploaded job specific resume and cover letter. We do not accept applications via e-mail, these applications will be disregarded.
For additional information about the vacancy please contact Thomas Ljungdahl, Section Manager Product Chemistry Sts, [email protected] +46 733 855 697
For information about the recruitment process or your application, please contact Wictoria Majstrand, HR Business Partner +46 709 577 646

For unions related questions please contact:
Akademikerklubben, Anna-Lena Palm, +46 733 855 113
Unionen, Magnus Svensson, +46 73 385 58 38

If you have any general questions or need assistance, please contact: [email protected]

About Nouryon
We are a global specialty chemicals leader. Markets worldwide rely on our essential chemistry in the manufacture of everyday products such as paper, plastics, building materials, food, pharmaceuticals, and personal care items. Building on our nearly 400-year history, the dedication of our 10,000 employees, and our shared commitment to business growth, strong financial performance, safety, sustainability, and innovation, we have established a world-class business and built strong partnerships with our customers. We operate in over 80 countries around the world and our portfolio of industry-leading brands includes Eka, Dissolvine, Trigonox, and Berol.
We are organized in three Businesses:
Performance Formulations focuses on business lines based on tailored performance that require a high level of customer intimacy, such as those for personal care and agriculture.
Technology Solutions includes business lines that are an integrated part of our customers’ processes, such as catalysts and additives for the polymer and pulp industries.
Industrial Chemicals encompasses our salt-chlorine value chain, which supplies end markets ranging from lightweight metals and plastics to pharmaceuticals.

Do not forget to follow us on Linkedin and Facebook for regular updates of new exciting positions and stories about our achievements.

The application process
After the closing date, we will start the selection process.
In our first selection we thoroughly go through all the applications. If your skills and qualifications match the profile we are looking for, you will be invited to an initial phone interview that takes approximately 30 minutes. If you proceed in our selection process we invite you to a face-to-face interview that takes about 1,5 hours. There you will meet with the the hiring manager.

We look forward to your application!
We kindly ask you as an internal candidate to apply with your Nouryon email.

We perform drug tests on all employees as a part of our effort to maintain a drug-free environment.

We have already chosen our sourcing channels for this recruitment and kindly ask not to be contacted by any advertisement agents, recruitment agencies or manning companies. Visa mindre

Senior Researcher

Do you want to be part of making everyday life easier for people around the world? Without seeing it, you meet us every day in your everyday life. We are in your soles, in your mobile and in the newspaper you read. With a common commitment to innovation, sustainability and safety, our employees work daily for a sustainable future. As a Senior Researcher in the Analysis Group, your main area of responsibility will be to perform chemical analyses in support ... Visa mer
Do you want to be part of making everyday life easier for people around the world? Without seeing it, you meet us every day in your everyday life. We are in your soles, in your mobile and in the newspaper you read. With a common commitment to innovation, sustainability and safety, our employees work daily for a sustainable future.
As a Senior Researcher in the Analysis Group, your main area of responsibility will be to perform chemical analyses in support of product and process development as well as in production and customer support. You will work with Wet Chemical Analysis and Surfactant Characterization, contribute to research projects and communicate closely with the application groups.
As an expert in chemical analysis you will work with the development of analytical methods and maintain and troubleshoot analysis instruments.

Main responsibilities
Run analytical experiments, interpret and report the results according to routines.
Act as an expert in identification and quantification questions related to new product development, customer complaints, trouble shooting in production issues etc.
Take an active part in small and larger projects, within and outside the group and contribute with ideas.
Be able to handle complex and difficult assignments.
Develop and maintain expertise in the area of Wet Chemistry and Surfactant characterization, and be updated with all techniques used in the group on a general level in order to ensure that the tasks are resolved using the best available techniques.
Develop, implement, validate and take responsibility of analytical methods and instruments (e.g automated titration, IR, UV/Vis, Karl Fischer, tensiometers, rheometers, DSC), with the aim to have accurate and reliable analytical techniques that fulfill quality demands and HSE legislations.
Develop and maintain a good Surface Chemistry product know how.
Take an active part in the lab by contributing to housekeeping and lab maintenance in a positive way and work with continuous improvement; propose changes that promote safety, quality, reliability and efficiency.

We are looking for an expert in Wet Chemical and Surfactant analysis holding a PhD/Licentiate in a relevant topic or a MSc in Chemistry or Chemical Engineering and with 5-7 years of relevant experience.
We also see that you have:
Excellent skills in Wet Chemistry Analyses
Good skill in analysis of surfactans and determination of surfactant properties.
Good skills in determination of physical-chemical properties.
Good knowledge and understanding of validation/statistics.
Experience with research and method development.
Excellent skills in regards to equipment, maintenance & troubleshooting, and an expert in practical lab work.
Excellent problem solving ability.
Good knowledge in organic chemistry.
Good understanding of ISO 17025.
Fluency in written and spoken English, Swedish in an advantage

To be successful in this position we believe that you enjoy practical work in the laboratory combined with theoretical challenges and customer support. Further, you are result-oriented, reliable and have good communication and interpersonal skills. You are proactive, possess the ability to take own and drive initiatives and enjoy working both independently and in teams.

Why join us?
Are you passionate about sustainability, innovation, safety, and collaboration? Do you want to grow together with a company that is forward-looking and continuously improving how they work? Our employees have ideas on how to build a sustainable future and the drive and passion to realize them. They believe that building long-term relationships and integrity are keys to success. If that describes you, we will gladly make way for your ambitions. We offer you countless career opportunities. From day one we support you with your personal growth, through challenging positions and comprehensive learning and development opportunities, in a dynamic, international, diverse, and proactive working environment.

Additional information
This is a permanent position on a full-time basis, reporting to the Section Manager Analysis EMEA and based in Stenungsund, Sweden.
Please apply via our online recruitment system with an uploaded job specific resume and cover letter. We do not accept applications via e-mail, these applications will be disregarded.
For additional information about the vacancy please contact Ina Ehlers, Section Manager Analysis EMEA [email protected] +46 722 063 845
For information about the recruitment process or your application, please contact Wictoria Majstrand, HR Business Partner +46 709 577 646
For unions related questions please contact:
Akademikerklubben, Anna-Lena Palm, +46 733 855 113
Unionen, Magnus Svensson, +46 73 385 58 38
If you have any general questions or need assistance, please contact: [email protected]

About Nouryon
Nouryon is a global,?specialty chemicals leader. Markets and consumers worldwide rely on our?essential solutions to manufacture everyday products,?such as personal care, cleaning goods, paints and coatings, agriculture and food, pharmaceuticals, and building products. Furthermore, the dedication of more than 9,700 employees with a shared commitment to our customers, business growth, safety, sustainability and innovation has resulted in a consistently strong financial performance. We operate in over 80 countries around the world with a portfolio of industry-leading brands. Visit our website and follow us @Nouryon and on LinkedIn.

The application process
After the closing date, we will start the selection process.
In our first selection we thoroughly go through all the applications. If your skills and qualifications match the profile we are looking for, you will be invited to an initial phone interview that takes approximately 30 minutes. If you proceed in our selection process, we invite you to a face-to-face interview that takes about 1,5 hours. There you will meet with the hiring manager.
We look forward to your application!

We have already chosen our sourcing channels for this recruitment and kindly ask not to be contacted by any advertisement agents, recruitment agencies or manning companies. Visa mindre

Senior Researcher

Senior Researcher Do you have an interest in chemical engineering and are good at organizing and networking? Would you like to use your skills in a customer focused and business oriented manne and manage our internal engineering projects within the Product Chemistry group? Do you want to develop as a project manager? We are now seeking a Senior Researcher to Nouryon Performance Formulations in Stenungsund to help us with all our important engineering proje... Visa mer
Senior Researcher
Do you have an interest in chemical engineering and are good at organizing and networking? Would you like to use your skills in a customer focused and business oriented manne and manage our internal engineering projects within the Product Chemistry group? Do you want to develop as a project manager? We are now seeking a Senior Researcher to Nouryon Performance Formulations in Stenungsund to help us with all our important engineering projects.
As a Senior Researcher in the team you will work with a group of highly skilled chemists and help the team keep all our changes and reactor modifications on track. Additional responsibilities within this role are also general tasks associated with maintaining a well-functioning lab, such as purchasing of chemicals, developing SOPs, and performing regular safety rounds.

Main responsibilities
Act as a project leader in our group specific engineering projects and changes. The scope is projects with a total budget of less than 1000000 SEK.
Take an active part both in the autoclave lab and in the pilot plant by contributing to HSE, 5S, and general maintenance. The position holder is also to proactively propose changes that promotes safety, quality, reliability and efficiency.

M.Sc in Chemical Engineering or equal education
>2 years of experience from the chemical industry and relevant field
A strong emphasis will be put on personality where a track record of organizing projects and managing a network of stakeholders is crucial.
Fluent in written and spoken English and Swedish, additional languages are an advantage

Further, you are result-oriented and have good interpersonal skills and possess the ability to be proactive and how to prioritize in your daily work.

Why join us?
Are you passionate about sustainability, innovation, safety, and collaboration? Do you want to grow together with a company that is forward-looking and continuously improving how they work? Our employees have ideas on how to build a sustainable future and the drive and passion to realize them. They believe that building long-term relationships and integrity are keys to success. If that describes you, we will gladly make way for your ambitions. We offer you countless career opportunities. From day one we support you with your personal growth, through challenging positions and comprehensive learning and development opportunities, in a dynamic, international, diverse, and proactive working environment.

Additional information
This is a temporary position position for 9 months on a full-time basis, with possibility for extension, reporting to the Section Manager Product Chemistry Sts and based in Stenungsund, Sweden.
Please apply via our online recruitment system with an uploaded job specific resume and cover letter. We do not accept applications via e-mail, these applications will be disregarded.
For additional information about the vacancy please contact Thomas Ljungdahl, Section Manager Product Chemistry Sts, [email protected] +46 733 855 697
For information about the recruitment process or your application, please contact Wictoria Majstrand, HR Business Partner +46 709 577 646

For unions related questions please contact:
Akademikerklubben, Anna-Lena Palm, +46 733 855 113
Unionen, Magnus Svensson, +46 73 385 58 38

If you have any general questions or need assistance, please contact: [email protected]

About Nouryon
We are a global specialty chemicals leader. Markets worldwide rely on our essential chemistry in the manufacture of everyday products such as paper, plastics, building materials, food, pharmaceuticals, and personal care items. Building on our nearly 400-year history, the dedication of our 10,000 employees, and our shared commitment to business growth, strong financial performance, safety, sustainability, and innovation, we have established a world-class business and built strong partnerships with our customers. We operate in over 80 countries around the world and our portfolio of industry-leading brands includes Eka, Dissolvine, Trigonox, and Berol.

We are organized in three Businesses:
Performance Formulations focuses on business lines based on tailored performance that require a high level of customer intimacy, such as those for personal care and agriculture.
Technology Solutions includes business lines that are an integrated part of our customers’ processes, such as catalysts and additives for the polymer and pulp industries.
Industrial Chemicals encompasses our salt-chlorine value chain, which supplies end markets ranging from lightweight metals and plastics to pharmaceuticals.

Do not forget to follow us on Linkedin and Facebook for regular updates of new exciting positions and stories about our achievements.

The application process
After the closing date, we will start the selection process.
In our first selection we thoroughly go through all the applications. If your skills and qualifications match the profile we are looking for, you will be invited to an initial phone interview that takes approximately 30 minutes. If you proceed in our selection process we invite you to a face-to-face interview that takes about 1,5 hours. There you will meet with the the hiring manager.

We look forward to your application!
We kindly ask you as an internal candidate to apply with your Nouryon email.

We perform drug tests on all employees as a part of our effort to maintain a drug-free environment.

We have already chosen our sourcing channels for this recruitment and kindly ask not to be contacted by any advertisement agents, recruitment agencies or manning companies. Visa mindre

Sr Researcher

Do you have an interest in Chemistry, especially in practical organic synthesis? Would you like to use your knowledge to develop products, processes and make improvements within all applications/technology segments in a customer focused and business oriented manner? We are now seeking a Senior Researcher to Nouryon Performance Formulations in Stenungsund. As a Senior Researcher in the team you will combine your knowledge within chemistry and practical org... Visa mer
Do you have an interest in Chemistry, especially in practical organic synthesis? Would you like to use your knowledge to develop products, processes and make improvements within all applications/technology segments in a customer focused and business oriented manner? We are now seeking a Senior Researcher to Nouryon Performance Formulations in Stenungsund.
As a Senior Researcher in the team you will combine your knowledge within chemistry and practical organic synthesis with a customer focus to serve internal and external customers. The job supports a several areas of the business and you will develop and scale up new products, trouble shoot urgent plant problems as well as support trials at customers. Additional responsibilities within this role are also general tasks associated with maintaining a well-functioning lab, such as purchasing of chemicals, developing SOPs, and performing regular safety rounds.
Main responsibilities
Act as an expert in organic synthesis as the role holder will significantly contribute to solving complex problems related to new product development, process optimizations, customer complaints, trouble shooting in the plant etc
Run assignments in accordance with prioritizations both for internal and external customers, and interpret the results. Report the results according to the routines in the management system.
Be a core team member in Accolade projects in agreements with segment leaders.
Take an active part both in the autoclave lab and in the pilot plant by contributing to HSE, 5S, Capex investments relating questions. The position holder is also to proactively propose changes that promotes safety, quality, reliability and efficiency.

M.Sc in Chemistry or Chemical Engineering or equal education
5-7 years of experience from the chemical industry and relevant field
A strong emphasis will be put on practical organic synthesis skills where a proven track record of hands-on practical synthesis work is required
Fluent in written and spoken English and Swedish, additional languages are an advantage

To be successful in this position we believe that you enjoy the practical work in the laboratory, especially wet chemical analysis, NMR, HPLC, etc., as well as the theoretical challenges and customer support. Further, you are result-oriented and have good interpersonal skills and possess the ability to be proactive and how to prioritize in your daily work.
Why join us?
Are you passionate about sustainability, innovation, safety, and collaboration? Do you want to grow together with a company that is forward-looking and continuously improving how they work? Our employees have ideas on how to build a sustainable future and the drive and passion to realize them. They believe that building long-term relationships and integrity are keys to success. If that describes you, we will gladly make way for your ambitions. We offer you countless career opportunities. From day one we support you with your personal growth, through challenging positions and comprehensive learning and development opportunities, in a dynamic, international, diverse, and proactive working environment.
Additional information
This is a permanent position position on a full-time basis, reporting to the Section Manager Product Chemistry Sts and based in Stenungsund, Sweden.
Please apply via our online recruitment system with an uploaded job specific resume and cover letter. We do not accept applications via e-mail, these applications will be disregarded.
For additional information about the vacancy please contact Thomas Ljungdahl, Section Manager Product Chemistry Sts, [email protected] +46 733 855 697
For information about the recruitment process or your application, please contact Wictoria Majstrand, HR Business Partner +46 709 577 646
For unions related questions please contact:
Akademikerklubben, Anna-Lena Palm, +46 733 855 113
Unionen, Magnus Svensson, +46 73 385 58 38
If you have any general questions or need assistance, please contact: [email protected]
About Nouryon
We are a global specialty chemicals leader. Markets worldwide rely on our essential chemistry in the manufacture of everyday products such as paper, plastics, building materials, food, pharmaceuticals, and personal care items. Building on our nearly 400-year history, the dedication of our 10,000 employees, and our shared commitment to business growth, strong financial performance, safety, sustainability, and innovation, we have established a world-class business and built strong partnerships with our customers. We operate in over 80 countries around the world and our portfolio of industry-leading brands includes Eka, Dissolvine, Trigonox, and Berol.
We are organized in three Businesses:
Performance Formulations focuses on business lines based on tailored performance that require a high level of customer intimacy, such as those for personal care and agriculture.
Technology Solutions includes business lines that are an integrated part of our customers’ processes, such as catalysts and additives for the polymer and pulp industries.
Industrial Chemicals encompasses our salt-chlorine value chain, which supplies end markets ranging from lightweight metals and plastics to pharmaceuticals.
Do not forget to follow us on Linkedin and Facebook for regular updates of new exciting positions and stories about our achievements
Film: Nouryon your partner in essential Chemistry for a sustainable future
The application process
After the closing date, we will start the selection process.
In our first selection we thoroughly go through all the applications. If your skills and qualifications match the profile we are looking for, you will be invited to an initial phone interview that takes approximately 30 minutes. If you proceed in our selection process we invite you to a face-to-face interview that takes about 1,5 hours. There you will meet with the the hiring manager.
We look forward to your application!
??????????????We have already chosen our sourcing channels for this recruitment and kindly ask not to be contacted by any advertisement agents, recruitment agencies or manning companies. Visa mindre

Account Manager Agrochemicals

We are now seeking our next Account Manager, Agricultural Specialties, Nouryon Performance Formulations. In this role, you will be responsible to develop, manage and ensure realization of sales for the assigned accounts as well as to contribute to the growth strategy within Agricultural segments. Main responsibilities Deliver sales according to budget and growth targets as well as to provide accurate sales forecasts Direct contact with customers in the fi... Visa mer
We are now seeking our next Account Manager, Agricultural Specialties, Nouryon Performance Formulations. In this role, you will be responsible to develop, manage and ensure realization of sales for the assigned accounts as well as to contribute to the growth strategy within Agricultural segments.
Main responsibilities
Deliver sales according to budget and growth targets as well as to provide accurate sales forecasts
Direct contact with customers in the field, representing Nouryon in a professional manner
Contribute to the realization of the Agriculture Specialties growth strategy
Assess and understand the market needs, development and trends including changes in the customer base, competition, agro applications, solutions and products in the market
Identify, asses and develop potential new accounts
Achieve annual sales results and business growth versus an annual plan from the established customer base and identified new accounts
Define opportunities for new business as part of detailed account planning and sales forecasting
Establish and build senior-level relationships with key decision makers and buyers
Understand and assess customers’ needs, business objectives, strategies and build compelling customer value propositions representing our portfolio
Serve as a lead contracts negotiator on commercial terms
Serve as the customer ambassador, trusted advisor and advocate into the Nouryon organization
Leverage and work with the Nouryon organization and team(s) to serve customers in the best way possible including providing excellent delivery reliability in time and in full
Serve as the central resource for communications with the customer on new product developments in the Nouryon portfolio
Provide insights regarding quantitative and qualitative developments by periodical and ad hoc reports and/or analyses, using the systems and tools agreed (10-10-5-5, CRM etc)

To be successful in this position, we believe that you have a high social competence, high customer focus and the ability to build successful and long-term relationships. You are confident in your own expertise and has good communication skills due to the large number of collaboration partners, both internal and external.
M Sc Degree in Chemistry, Engineering or Biology
8+ years of documented experience in Industrial Sales & Marketing of Specialty Chemicals or chemical process environment to the Agro industry
Fluent in written and spoken English
Professional knowledge in written and spoken German is an advantage

Why join us?
Are you passionate about sustainability, innovation, safety, and collaboration? Do you want to grow together with a company that is forward-looking and continuously improving how they work? Our employees have ideas on how to build a sustainable future and the drive and passion to realize them. They believe that building long-term relationships and integrity are keys to success. If that describes you, we will gladly make way for your ambitions. We offer you countless career opportunities. From day one we support you with your personal growth, through challenging positions and comprehensive learning and development opportunities, in a dynamic, international, diverse, and proactive working environment.
Additional information
This is a permanent position on a full-time basis, reporting to the Sales Manager EMEA. This a position with home base Stenungsund, Sweden. However, we will consider changing the home base if skilled applicants presently living in the Netherlands, Sweden or Germany apply.
Please apply via our online recruitment system with an uploaded job specific resume and cover letter. We do not accept applications via e-mail, these applications will be disregarded.
We kindly ask you as an internal candidate to apply with your Nouryon email.
For additional information about the vacancy please contact Mats Wessberg, Sales Manager EMEA, [email protected] +46 733 85 53 22
For information about the recruitment process or your application, please contact Wictoria Majstrand HR Business Partner, [email protected] +46 70 957 76 46
For unions related questions please contact:
Akademikerklubben, Anna-Lena Palm, [email protected] +46 733 855 113
Unionen, Linda Schiötz [email protected] +46 303 85 362
If you have any general questions or need assistance, please contact: [email protected]
About Nouryon
We are a global specialty chemicals leader. Markets worldwide rely on our essential chemistry in the manufacture of everyday products such as paper, plastics, building materials, food, pharmaceuticals, and personal care items. Building on our nearly 400-year history, the dedication of our 10,000 employees, and our shared commitment to business growth, strong financial performance, safety, sustainability, and innovation, we have established a world-class business and built strong partnerships with our customers. We operate in over 80 countries around the world and our portfolio of industry-leading brands includes Eka, Dissolvine, Trigonox, and Berol.
We are organized in three Businesses:
Performance Formulations focuses on business lines based on tailored performance that require a high level of customer intimacy, such as those for personal care and agriculture.
Technology Solutions includes business lines that are an integrated part of our customers’ processes, such as catalysts and additives for the polymer and pulp industries.
Industrial Chemicals encompasses our salt-chlorine value chain, which supplies end markets ranging from lightweight metals and plastics to pharmaceuticals.
The application process
After the closing date, we will start the selection process.
In our first selection we thoroughly go through all the applications. If your skills and qualifications match the profile we are looking for, you will be invited to an initial phone interview that takes approximately 30 minutes. If you proceed in our selection process we invite you to a face-to-face interview that takes about 1,5 hours. There you will meet with the recruiter and the hiring manager.
We look forward to your application!
We have already chosen our sourcing channels for this recruitment and kindly ask not to be contacted by any advertisement agents, recruitment agencies or manning companies. Visa mindre

Supply Manager EHEC & CMC

We are now seeking our next Supply Manager EHEC & CMC, Construction Specialities, Nouryon Performance Formulations, Sweden. In this role, you will be responsible for increasing the efficiency of the supply chain through targeted replenishment parameters and associated KPIs to ensure product is available to meet the sales plan, while minimizing operational costs.direct line management of Supply planners of the said Product lines. Main responsibilities • ... Visa mer
We are now seeking our next Supply Manager EHEC & CMC, Construction Specialities, Nouryon Performance Formulations, Sweden. In this role, you will be responsible for increasing the efficiency of the supply chain through targeted replenishment parameters and associated KPIs to ensure product is available to meet the sales plan, while minimizing operational costs.direct line management of Supply planners of the said Product lines.
Main responsibilities
• Organizational Management
o Responsible for setting goals and managing accountability within the team
o Responsible for developing training and development plans for team.
• Supply Plan:
o Develop Mid and Short Term Supply Plan for all the sites using Rough Cut Capacity Planning to validate capabilities
o Initiate and execute short- and medium-term supply optimization from given customer demand and plant cost and capacity structure and communicate to the organization.
o Develop and provide plants with weekly/monthly supply plan
o Evaluate business opportunities with the help of an optimization tool
o Develop and ensure that inventory stocking policies are followed for produced products or trade goods down to SKU level including safety stock levels and order quantities.
o Monitoring of process order On Time, In Full (OTIF) metric will be required to assess quality of plan.
• Stakeholder Management:
o Coordinate the execution of the supply plan with responsible ISC Organization, effectively managing any exceptions with demand forecasts
o Work collaboratively with the ISC Organization to ensure key assumptions on anticipated production capabilities are reflected within the forecasts
o Actively communicate situation on blocked stock to the ISC organization
• Inventory Segmentation and Network Optimization Models:
o Determine the most appropriate inventory replenishment models that balance service, cost, and inventory based on the objectives of the business using Arkieva Inventory Module for all the global stock points
o Use Arkieva supply module for network optimization to determine the most efficient supply plan to fulfill the customer requirements.
• SAP master data:
o Maintenance of Arkieva master data (plant assignments) relevant for the supply and inventory planning process.
o Maintenance of SAP master data (replenishment parameters and Planning rates) relevant for the supply and inventory planning process.
o Will be responsible for the process quality of NUSAP (new SKU creation) implementation within the management of change (MOC) procedures on all products within their region by having a close partnership with Manufacturing.
• Power User Arkieva: (Select Employees)
o Acts as a project leader or participant in supply and inventory management projects with a minor (financial) impact. Focus in these projects is on SAP and Arkieva changes. Scope includes the management of external expertise.
o Creates material for training of users of APO. Carries out training of relevant personnel to support continuous improvement (Planners, Schedulers, etc.)
• Business Planning
o Supports preparation and facilitation of Product Line Supply Reviews
? Collection and summarization of inventory forecasts and forecast accuracy
? Collection and summation of system (customer, in transit and in plant) inventory.
? Monthly collection, analysis and distribution of inventory, forecast and accuracy analysis
o Provide input to the Demand Management Review (DMR) in developing forecasting strategies on existing items, new products, and product phase-outs
o Co-leads the Demand Supply Review (DSR) to drive tactical implementation of the approved plans.
• Improvement Suggestions:
o Propose tools and structures for the improvement of the planning function and, after consultation the IBP Manager, implements these structures.
o Manage specific Supply Chain projects to meet budget requirements, project timelines, goals, business objectives etc.
o Actively drive to improve planning/scheduling related activities in the plant, such as process change-over reduction, inventory reduction/levelling, reduced scheduling effort, increased production efficiency, labor load levelling, accurate delivery date quotes, and provision of real time information to customer service and the plant.
Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in Mathematics, Engineering, or Supply Chain
Highly proficient in MS Office packages (Excel, Access; SharePoint)
Fluent in written and spoken English. Knowledge in Swedish and Dutch are an advantage.
Solid Experience with SAP (or equivalent ERP system), Business Warehouse (or equivalent data warehouse) or Arkieva (or equivalent advanced planning software) is a must.
Solid understanding of Supply Chain and Business processes with 5 years of documented experience within Supply planning.
APICS CPIM or CSCP is highly preferred

Additional information
This is a permanent position on a full-time basis, reporting to the Business Planning and Supply Chain Manager Construction Specialities and based in Stenungsund, Sweden.
Please apply via our online recruitment system with an uploaded job specific resume and cover letter. We do not accept applications via e-mail, these applications will be disregarded.
We kindly ask you as an internal candidate to apply with your Nouryon email.
For additional information about the vacancy please contact, Chris Swift, BP≻ Director, [email protected] +131 254 473 87
For information about the recruitment process or your application, please contact Wictoria Majstrand, HR Business Partner +46 70 957 76 46
If you have any general questions or need assistance, please contact: [email protected]
We look forward to your application! Visa mindre

Supply Chain Manager DSR

We are now seeking a Supply Chain Manager DSR, Industrial Specialities, Performance Formulations, Sweden. Within this role, you are responsible to facilitate the weekly demand and supply review process (DSR) within the Business Planning team. The DSR process is short cycle (0-3 month) and is the process to manage deviations to the tactical implementation of the approved business plan. You are leading the process; ensure transparent inputs and outputs and c... Visa mer
We are now seeking a Supply Chain Manager DSR, Industrial Specialities, Performance Formulations, Sweden. Within this role, you are responsible to facilitate the weekly demand and supply review process (DSR) within the Business Planning team. The DSR process is short cycle (0-3 month) and is the process to manage deviations to the tactical implementation of the approved business plan. You are leading the process; ensure transparent inputs and outputs and coordinate actions and communication to address deviations to plan within business lines, supply chain and other functions. This requires job holder to create, communicate and agree on a disaggregated (sku level) short term demand plan (0 to 13 weeks) – based on the constrained plan but pulling in short term opportunities and based on input from sales and historic sales data, using statistical analysis to forecast data. Also break down monthly bucket demand into weekly/daily demand. Monitors daily sales to inform and escalate actions when demand is short or exceeds the forecast. Monitors plant execution and is aware of schedule compliance deviations at the manufacturing sites, issues with raw material procurement or logistics, and is responsible to escalate when there are deviations and coordinates gap closing measures cross-functionally. Ensure DSR is properly monetized into a 3-months forecast with finance at a product line and business line level.
Main responsibilities
Demand Actual/Forecast:
Analyze and manage the forecast and compare with historical sales history - Time period of relevance is frozen 0 to 3 months.
Facilitate disaggregation of rough-cut plan to daily and weekly execution with supply planners and commercial team.
Align with Demand manager on the 3 months execution plan with gap closing measures and escalations for approval for the constrained global demand at material/Ship To Customers, aggregated as necessary to ensure assumptions are being realized weekly.
Manage Demand exceptions and make transparent actions and gap closing measures for deviations to plan.
Secondary work product is also a detailed demand history (actual) that can be aligned to forecast for comparison and context.
Weekly reporting on DSR scorecard.

Stakeholder Management:
Coordinate the execution of the demand plan with responsible sales teams and customer services teams, effectively managing any exceptions with supply capability.
Work with Supply Planning teams and Product Directors on plan deviations and gap closing measures.

Forecast Segmentation and Statistical Forecast Models:
Support as participant the demand planning manager to realize forecast segmentation to identify materials applicable to collaborative forecast and products that require market information. Re-evaluation at least annually to ensure correct forecast segment. Maintenance in both SAP and Arkieva.

SAP master data:
Maintenance of Arkieva master data (re-alignments) relevant for the forecast, executing and material routing and extension process.

Power User Arkieva:
Act as a project leader or participant in demand management projects with a minor (financial) impact. Focus in these projects is on SAP and Arkieva changes. Scope includes the management of external expertise.
Create material for training of users of Arkieva. Carries out training of relevant personnel to support continuous improvement (Planners, Sales Managers, and Customer Service etc.).

Business Planning:
Provide input to the Supply Management Review (SMR) and Demand Management Review (DMR) with historical performance and deviations to consider in long term plan. This will support improving bias and planning factors.
Facilitate the Demand Supply Review (DSR) to drive tactical implementation of the approved plans. Improve short-term demand plan and short-term communication.

Improvement Suggestions:
Propose tools and structures for the improvement of short-term demand plan, DSR process and communication with IBP, and, after consultation the BP Manager, implements these structures.
Manage specific Supply Chain projects to meet budget requirements, project timelines, goals, business objectives etc.

Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in Business Management, Supply Chain Management or related discipline.
At least 5-10 years of relevant working experience in supply chain management (or equivalent).
APICS CPIM is desirable.
At least 5 years of documented experience in demand and supply planning.
Extensive experience with IBP/S&OP;.
Experience with SAP (or equivalent ERP system) and Arkieva (or equivalent advanced planning software). Experience with Business Warehouse (or equivalent data warehouse) is advantageous.
Excellent analytical skills.
Ability to prioritize and proactively complete projects with little direction.
Fluent in written and spoken English.

To be successful in this position, you have the ability to communicate in a professional manner towards all stakeholders and the ability to build successful and long-term relationships. You are confident in your own expertise and deliver results while maintaining a high quality in your work. You also possess the ability to work efficiently as well as independently and you know how to prioritize in your daily work. Further, you demonstrate capability to analyze data (including mass cross-reference data validation), trending and forecasting which are combined with a process-driven and results-oriented mindset. The roles involves approx. 10% travels.
Additional information
This is a permanent position on a full-time basis, reporting to the Business Planning & Supply Chain Manager Industrial Specialties and based in Stenungsund,
For internal candidates, please apply with your Nouryon-mail.
For additional information about the vacancy please contact Robert van Wagtendonk, Business Planning & Supply Chain Manager Industrial Specialties, +31 6 5189 4146, [email protected]
For information about the recruitment process or your application, please contact Wictoria Majstrand, HR Business Partner, +46 70 957 76 46
For unions related questions please contact:
Akademikerklubben, Anna-Lena Palm, [email protected] +46 733 855 113
Unionen, Linda Schiötz [email protected] +46 303 85 362
If you have any general questions or need assistance, please contact: [email protected]
We look forward to your application! Visa mindre

Tolling operations lead the EMEA

We are now seeking our next Tolling Operations Lead EMEA, Nouryon Performance Formulations in Stenungsund to lead our tolling (contract manufacturing) operation in the region. In this role, you will be responsible for running the monthly supply-planning process, translate the demand- and capacity situation into planning strategies as well as to work out appropriate planning parameters together with tolling coordinators to meet customer demand and optimize ... Visa mer
We are now seeking our next Tolling Operations Lead EMEA, Nouryon Performance Formulations in Stenungsund to lead our tolling (contract manufacturing) operation in the region. In this role, you will be responsible for running the monthly supply-planning process, translate the demand- and capacity situation into planning strategies as well as to work out appropriate planning parameters together with tolling coordinators to meet customer demand and optimize inventory and capacity utilization. You will be required to balance working capital with business demands and keep a longer-term view of the capacity in the tolling operations.
Main responsibilities
In the role as Tolling Operation Lead, you will run the Integrated Business Planning process with the output of production plans that satisfy the customer demand at lowest possible cost, within the time horizon 24 months. The position requires both a deep knowledge about planning, products, customers and production assets, but also a high level of people management due to the large number of collaboration-partners and the management of the tolling coordinators
Responsible for the monthly Tolling Site Management Review for EMEA (Getting capacity info, run and analyze capacity scenarios, prepare supply reports, execute and document Supply Meetings). Ensures there are no capacity or other challenges in the 3-24month horizon from tolling operations.
Responsible for managing the 0-3-month horizon of tolling operations in coordination with the tolling coordinators. Also, taking supply related decisions where needed in consultation with the stakeholders. Moreover, responsible for maintaining the correct stocking policies in SAP in line with business targets. Key responsibility to ensure no business interruptions caused by tolling operations
Translates demand and capacity situation into strategies for scheduling and keeps SAP-master data updated with strategy-information.
Tracks departmental KPIs and ensures action plans are in place to maintain the required level of performance
Maintains the planning control parameters and review them periodically based on data analysis. Ensures BOMs, Recipes, vendor info, pricing info etc is maintained for all the tollers/vendors
Coordinates schedulers, tolling coordinators, logistics, and sales/csr to resolve availability issues that have been escalated.
Provides direction to the tolling coordinators on day to day issues as well as the development of skillset within the team. Exerts influence in the matrix organizational setup. Acts as a backup in case of no available resources.
Follows up and implement actions to improve inventory as well as delivery performance.
Proposes improvements to the supply planning, scheduling and tolling processes as well as ensures adherence to the processes
Ensure processes are documented and continuous improvement focus in maintained within the tolling operations
Review performance of tollers on a regular frequency while keeping track of their KPIs
Supports new tolling initiatives as the supply manager for the tollers.
Participate in different improvement projects

Bachelor’s Degree in SCM, Logistics or Materials Management with at least 5 years’ experience in Logistics or Planning
One (1+) years in Chemical Manufacturing preferred
CPIM and Six Sigma Certifications a plus
Proven working knowledge of material usage, transportation, logistics and planning systems
Experience in managing teams
Fluent in written and spoken English. More languages preferred.
Good IT knowledge, SAP preferred. Proficient in Excel
Service-oriented and a problem solver and enjoy working in a fast-paced environment

To be successful in this position we believe that you have a high social competence, high customer focus and the ability to build successful and long-term relationships. You are confident in your own expertise and deliver results while maintaining a high quality in your work. You also possess the ability to work efficiently and you know how to prioritize in your daily work.
Why join us?
Are you passionate about sustainability, innovation, safety, and collaboration? Do you want to grow together with a company that is forward-looking and continuously improving how they work? Our employees have ideas on how to build a sustainable future and the drive and passion to realize them. They believe that building long-term relationships and integrity are keys to success. If that describes you, we will gladly make way for your ambitions. We offer you countless career opportunities. From day one we support you with your personal growth, through challenging positions and comprehensive learning and development opportunities, in a dynamic, international, diverse, and proactive working environment.
Additional information
This is a permanent position on a full-time basis, reporting to Tolling Manager Performance Formulations and based in Stenungsund, Sweden.
Please apply via our online recruitment system with an uploaded job specific resume and cover letter. We do not accept applications via e-mail, these applications will be disregarded.
For additional information about the vacancy please contact Ijaz Goher, Tolling Manager Performance Formulations +1 312 806 9249.
For information about the recruitment process or your application, please contact Wictoria Majstrand, HR Business Partner +46 709 577 646
For unions related questions please contact:
Akademikerklubben, Anna-Lena Palm, +46 733 855 113
Unionen, Linda Schiötz, +46 303 853 62
If you have any general questions or need assistance, please contact: [email protected]
The application process
After the closing date, we will start the selection process.
In our first selection we thoroughly go through all the applications. If your skills and qualifications match the profile we are looking for, you will be invited to an initial phone interview that takes approximately 30 minutes. If you proceed in our selection process we invite you to a face-to-face interview that takes about 1,5 hours. There you will meet with the recruiter and the hiring manager.
In addition to this interview, you will be asked to conduct a problem-solving test and a personality analysis. We will discuss the results during the interview.
We look forward to your application!
We kindly ask you as an internal candidate to apply with your Nouryon email. Visa mindre

Site Operations Improvement Engineer

Vi söker nu en Operations Improvement Engineer till vår site i Stenungsund. Som vår Operation Improvement Engineer är du en ambassadör och förebild för ständiga förbättringar. Vill du kombinera detta med att bidrar till en kultur av ständiga förbättringar genom att utbilda och coacha kollegor i användandet av leanverktyg och standardiserade arbetsprocesser samt arbeta med hälsa-, säkerhet-, miljö- och energiaspekter som en integrerad del i allt förbättring... Visa mer
Vi söker nu en Operations Improvement Engineer till vår site i Stenungsund. Som vår Operation Improvement Engineer är du en ambassadör och förebild för ständiga förbättringar. Vill du kombinera detta med att bidrar till en kultur av ständiga förbättringar genom att utbilda och coacha kollegor i användandet av leanverktyg och standardiserade arbetsprocesser samt arbeta med hälsa-, säkerhet-, miljö- och energiaspekter som en integrerad del i allt förbättringsarbete? Då är detta rollen för dig.
Har hälsa-, säkerhet-, miljö- och energiaspekter som en integrerad del i allt förbättringsarbete.
Leder arbetet med att minska avvikelser och förluster i produktionsprocesserna med avseende på kapacitet (Asset Utilization Management – AUM) och effektivitet (Process Efficiency Management – PEM).
Använder standardiserade verktyg för insamling och sammanställning av avvikelse- och förlustdata (OAM portalen).
Använder statistiska hjälpmedel för att sammanställa och sedan presentera avvikelse- och förlustdata (s.k. Bad Actors). Bad actors presenteras månadsvis till ledningsgruppen som en del av sitens forum för prioritering av förbättringar.
Leder strukturerade rotorsaksanalyser (RCPS) och motiverar andra att använda RCPS metodikern vid problemlösning.
Supportar Operations Reliability Management processen (ORM): Faciliterar strukturerade rotorsaksanalyser. Visar faciliterande ledarskap till organisation i problemlösning, projektledning samt användandet av statistiska verktyg
Leder mindre förbättringsprojekt (t.ex. L6S, DMAIC projektstruktur).

Civilingenjörs- eller högskoleingenjörsexamen i kemiteknik, maskinteknik eller motsvarande
Duktig i presentationsteknik
Erfarenhet av produktionssystem och leanverktyg är meriterande
Utbilding inom Lean Six Sigma är meriterande
Kunskap att kunna göra enklare statistiskanalyser

???Varför Nouryon?
Tycker du hållbarhet, innovation, säkerhet och samarbete är viktigt? Vill du växa tillsammans med ett företag som blickar framåt och ständigt förbättrar sitt arbetssätt? Våra medarbetare har idéer för en hållbar framtid, och drivkraft att förverkliga dem. De tror att integritet och långsiktiga relationer är nycklar till framgång. Om det stämmer in på dig, gör vi gärna plats för dina ambitioner och kan erbjuda många karriärmöjligheter. Från första dagen stöttar vi din personliga utveckling genom utmanande roller och omfattande möjligheter att lära och växa i en dynamisk, internationell och proaktiv arbetsmiljö med stor mångfald.
Ytterligare information
Detta är en tillsvidareanställning på heltid med placeringsort i Stenungsund. Du kan läsa mer om https://www.stenungsund.se/ här.
Du kommer att rapportera till Marcus Högberg. Vänligen ansök via vårt rekryteringsverktyg med CV och ansökningsbrev. Vi tar inte emot ansökningar via mail.
För ytterligare information om tjänsten, vänligen kontakta Markus Högberg, Process & Quality Manager, +4630385255.
För mer information om rekryteringsprocessen eller din ansökan, vänligen kontakta Gustav Sjöholm, HR Business Partner , +46730202150 eller [email protected]
För fackliga frågor:
Sveriges Ingenjörer: Anna-Lena Palm +46?303 851 13
Unionen: Thomas Nilsson +4630385618
Om du har generella frågor eller behöver hjälp, vänligen kontakta: [email protected]
Mer om företaget
Nouryon har cirka 10.000 anställda och verksamhet i över 80 länder runt om i världen. Under vår nästan 400 år långa resa mot att bli en global ledare inom specialkemi har vi byggt upp stor expertis, utvecklat långsiktiga kundrelationer och förtjänat en plats bland de branschledande företagen när det kommer till säkerhet, hållbarhet och tillförlitlighet. Runt om i världen har våra produkter stor betydelse i människors vardagliga liv.
Efter ansökningstidens slut påbörjar vi urvalsprocessen.
I vårt första urval går vi noga igenom alla ansökningar där kravprofilen jämförs med samtliga kandidater.
Möter dina kompetenser och kvalifikationer den profil vi söker blir du inbjuden till en första telefonintervju på ca 30 minuter. Går du därefter vidare i vår urvalsprocess är nästa steg att vi bjuder in dig till ett personligt möte, en face-to-face intervju på ca 1,5 timme, tillsammans med rekryterare och rekryterande chef.
Vi ser fram emot din ansökan!
???????Vi vill be dig som intern sökande att ansöka med din Nouryon email för att underlätta vårt arbete i rekryteringsprocessen.
Då vi inför denna rekrytering redan tagit ställning till de rekryteringskanaler vi önskar använda undanbeder vi oss vänligen men bestämt att bli kontaktade för ytterligare erbjudanden om kompetensförmedling, annonserings- och rekryteringshjälp. Visa mindre