Lediga jobb som Civilingenjör, konstruktion, elektronik i Stenungsund

Se lediga jobb som Civilingenjör, konstruktion, elektronik i Stenungsund. Genom att välja en specifik arbetsgivare kan du även välja att se alla jobb i Stenungsund som finns hos arbetsgivaren.

Elkonstruktör till den gröna omställningen

Elkonstruktör till den gröna omställningen Vill du vara en del i ett ledande bolag som tar en aktiv roll i den gröna omställningen och som dessutom erbjuder dig utvecklingsmöjligheter och fina förmåner? Vad sägs om: Uppdrag inom energisektorn som bidrar till en grönare värld Uppdrag inom industrin som bidrar till att minska koldioxidutsläppen och vårt carbon footprint Ett bolag med en tydlig hållbarhetsplan eller: Kollektivavtal med konkurrenskraftiga p... Visa mer
Elkonstruktör till den gröna omställningen
Vill du vara en del i ett ledande bolag som tar en aktiv roll i den gröna omställningen och som dessutom erbjuder dig utvecklingsmöjligheter och fina förmåner?

Vad sägs om: Uppdrag inom energisektorn som bidrar till en grönare värld
Uppdrag inom industrin som bidrar till att minska koldioxidutsläppen och vårt carbon footprint
Ett bolag med en tydlig hållbarhetsplan
eller: Kollektivavtal med konkurrenskraftiga pensions- och försäkringsförmåner
Generöst friskvårdsbidrag på 5000 kr/år
Möjlighet till pensionssparande via löneväxling
Tillgång till företagets fjällstugor
En flexibel och positiv arbetsmiljö?
Tät dialog med din närmsta chef om uppdrag och din personliga utveckling
En trygg anställning med de bästa förutsättningarna??
Erbjudande om kurser efter din individuellt utvecklade plan

Som elkonstruktör på Head Energy får du viktig roll för att driva samhället framåt, både i energiutvecklingen och industrins gröna omställning!

Du kommer få möjligheten att jobba i högteknologiska utvecklingsprojekt. Projekten ligger i våra affärsområden Energi, Industri/Produktutveckling och Process. Detta innebär att du kan få konstruera allt från maskiner, elskåp, elnät och dess närliggande produkter till konstruktion runt olika energikällor.

Din vilja, personliga ambition, din kompetens och utvecklingsplan skapar tillsammans med kunden stora möjligheter för din framtid.
Projekten kan innebära nyutveckling eller produkt och maskinuppdateringar. Du kommer i många fall också få möjligheten att vara med från ax till limpa och vara med och se produkten/systemen idrifttas vid FAT/SAT.

Som elkonstruktör kommer du bla få jobba med: Elkonstruktion av maskin, skåp och system
Dimensionering och val av komponenter och kablage
Framtagning av ritningar och tekniska specifikationer
Genomföra förstudier och utredningar
Vara det tekniska stödet gentemot och produktion, samt teknisk support gentemot slutkund
Säkerställa att konstruktionsarbetet sker enligt kundens rutiner samt följer gällande normer och standarder
Kvalitetssäkra och tekniskt granska konstruktionsarbetet mot den ursprungliga beställningen
Delta i FAT och SAT
Utföra riskbedömningar/riskanalyser

Utbildning och erfarenhet Högskoleutbildning inom el
Minst 3 års arbetslivserfarenhet inom elkonstruktion
Erfarenhet av de vanligast förekommande programvarorna som ELMASTER, EPLAN, ELPROCAD eller liknande
Erfarenhet av maskin, system och automationsnära el-konstruktion
Erfarenhet av instrument är meriterande
Erfarenhet som elkonstruktör från vattenkraft, kärnkraft, vindkraft eller solenergi är meriterande

Språk Svenska - flytande i tal skrift
Engelska - flytande i tal skrift
Om dig Du är framåtlutad, nyfiken och gillar utmaningar
Du brinner för framtidens teknik
Du värdesätter ett arbete där du bygger relationer, skapar nätverk och känner ansvar för dina arbetsuppgifter.
Du trivs i rollen som konsult och uppskattar att arbeta med människor i varierande team.
Om oss
Head Energy har sedan starten 2010 växt till att globalt vara 850 anställda och har senaste åren haft en stark tillväxt i Sverige. Vi söker nu dig som vill vara med på den fortsatta resan.
Som teknisk konsult hos våra kunder erbjuder vi dig utvecklande och utmanande uppdrag där du får möjlighet till personlig utveckling samtidigt som du är en del av Head Energy's tillväxtresa.
Arbetsuppgifter och projekt innehåller stor variation och vi söker dig som ser det som lärorikt och inspirerande.

Tillsammans med dig och våra kunder är vi på Head Energy ”One step ahead”!

Med en flexibel arbetsmiljö och tät kontakt med din engagerade chef vill vi ge förutsättningar för dig som medarbetare att trivas med ditt uppdrag och ha arbetsuppgifter du tycker är inspirerande och spännande. Vår ambition är att göra vårt bästa för att stötta dig i din personliga och professionella utveckling. Vi ordnar regelbundet träffar och aktiviteter med vårt team.
Head Energy har kollektivavtal med Innovationsföretagen som inkluderar Sveriges ingenjörer och Unionen.

Head Energy - Detta är vår historia

Urval kommer göras löpande under ansökningstiden. Head Energy använder ett enkelt och användarvänligt kandidatsystem. Genom att länka till ditt CV eller LinkedIn-profil kan du ansöka om våra lediga tjänster med en knapptryckning. Att hålla din profil uppdaterad ökar sannolikheten för att vi kan matcha din expertis med relevanta positioner Visa mindre

Elkonstruktör till den gröna omställningen

Elkonstruktör till den gröna omställningen Vill du vara en del i ett ledande bolag som tar en aktiv roll i den gröna omställningen och som dessutom erbjuder dig utvecklingsmöjligheter och fina förmåner? Vad sägs om: Uppdrag inom energisektorn som bidrar till en grönare värld Uppdrag inom industrin som bidrar till att minska koldioxidutsläppen och vårt carbon footprint Ett bolag med en tydlig hållbarhetsplan eller: Kollektivavtal med konkurrenskraftiga p... Visa mer
Elkonstruktör till den gröna omställningen
Vill du vara en del i ett ledande bolag som tar en aktiv roll i den gröna omställningen och som dessutom erbjuder dig utvecklingsmöjligheter och fina förmåner?

Vad sägs om: Uppdrag inom energisektorn som bidrar till en grönare värld
Uppdrag inom industrin som bidrar till att minska koldioxidutsläppen och vårt carbon footprint
Ett bolag med en tydlig hållbarhetsplan
eller: Kollektivavtal med konkurrenskraftiga pensions- och försäkringsförmåner
Generöst friskvårdsbidrag på 5000 kr/år
Möjlighet till pensionssparande via löneväxling
Tillgång till företagets fjällstugor
En flexibel och positiv arbetsmiljö?
Tät dialog med din närmsta chef om uppdrag och din personliga utveckling
En trygg anställning med de bästa förutsättningarna??
Erbjudande om kurser efter din individuellt utvecklade plan

Som elkonstruktör på Head Energy får du viktig roll för att driva samhället framåt, både i energiutvecklingen och industrins gröna omställning!

Du kommer få möjligheten att jobba i högteknologiska utvecklingsprojekt. Projekten ligger i våra affärsområden Energi, Industri/Produktutveckling och Process. Detta innebär att du kan få konstruera allt från maskiner, elskåp, elnät och dess närliggande produkter till konstruktion runt olika energikällor.

Din vilja, personliga ambition, din kompetens och utvecklingsplan skapar tillsammans med kunden stora möjligheter för din framtid.
Projekten kan innebära nyutveckling eller produkt och maskinuppdateringar. Du kommer i många fall också få möjligheten att vara med från ax till limpa och vara med och se produkten/systemen idrifttas vid FAT/SAT.

Som elkonstruktör kommer du bla få jobba med: Elkonstruktion av maskin, skåp och system
Dimensionering och val av komponenter och kablage
Framtagning av ritningar och tekniska specifikationer
Genomföra förstudier och utredningar
Vara det tekniska stödet gentemot och produktion, samt teknisk support gentemot slutkund
Säkerställa att konstruktionsarbetet sker enligt kundens rutiner samt följer gällande normer och standarder
Kvalitetssäkra och tekniskt granska konstruktionsarbetet mot den ursprungliga beställningen
Delta i FAT och SAT
Utföra riskbedömningar/riskanalyser

Utbildning och erfarenhet Högskoleutbildning inom el
Minst 3 års arbetslivserfarenhet inom elkonstruktion
Erfarenhet av de vanligast förekommande programvarorna som ELMASTER, EPLAN, ELPROCAD eller liknande
Erfarenhet av maskin, system och automationsnära el-konstruktion
Erfarenhet av instrument är meriterande
Erfarenhet som elkonstruktör från vattenkraft, kärnkraft, vindkraft eller solenergi är meriterande

Språk Svenska - flytande i tal skrift
Engelska - flytande i tal skrift
Om dig Du är framåtlutad, nyfiken och gillar utmaningar
Du brinner för framtidens teknik
Du värdesätter ett arbete där du bygger relationer, skapar nätverk och känner ansvar för dina arbetsuppgifter.
Du trivs i rollen som konsult och uppskattar att arbeta med människor i varierande team.
Om oss
Head Energy har sedan starten 2010 växt till att globalt vara 850 anställda och har senaste åren haft en stark tillväxt i Sverige. Vi söker nu dig som vill vara med på den fortsatta resan.
Som teknisk konsult hos våra kunder erbjuder vi dig utvecklande och utmanande uppdrag där du får möjlighet till personlig utveckling samtidigt som du är en del av Head Energy's tillväxtresa.
Arbetsuppgifter och projekt innehåller stor variation och vi söker dig som ser det som lärorikt och inspirerande.

Tillsammans med dig och våra kunder är vi på Head Energy ”One step ahead”!

Med en flexibel arbetsmiljö och tät kontakt med din engagerade chef vill vi ge förutsättningar för dig som medarbetare att trivas med ditt uppdrag och ha arbetsuppgifter du tycker är inspirerande och spännande. Vår ambition är att göra vårt bästa för att stötta dig i din personliga och professionella utveckling. Vi ordnar regelbundet träffar och aktiviteter med vårt team.
Head Energy har kollektivavtal med Innovationsföretagen som inkluderar Sveriges ingenjörer och Unionen.

Head Energy - Detta är vår historia

Urval kommer göras löpande under ansökningstiden. Head Energy använder ett enkelt och användarvänligt kandidatsystem. Genom att länka till ditt CV eller LinkedIn-profil kan du ansöka om våra lediga tjänster med en knapptryckning. Att hålla din profil uppdaterad ökar sannolikheten för att vi kan matcha din expertis med relevanta positioner Visa mindre

Graduate Program for Engineers

Meet a Student är en jobbplattform för studenter och juniora talanger. För kunds räkning söker vi nu: Are you looking for a challenging opportunity to kick-start your international career in the area of Maintenance & Automation or Chemical Engineering? We got your back! As part of the Borealis Graduate Pipeline, you will be offered a wealth of opportunities to kick-start your career at our locations across Europe. Our aim is to transform today’s graduate... Visa mer
Meet a Student är en jobbplattform för studenter och juniora talanger.
För kunds räkning söker vi nu:
Are you looking for a challenging opportunity to kick-start your international career in the area of Maintenance & Automation or Chemical Engineering?
We got your back!
As part of the Borealis Graduate Pipeline, you will be offered a wealth of opportunities to kick-start your career at our locations across Europe. Our aim is to transform today’s graduates into tomorrow’s leaders and technical experts. You will become part of our quest to create relevant and sustainable solutions that also help our planet.
We drive for continuous improvement in the health and safety of our employees, environmental performance and our products. We value an open culture and encourage engagement, and wish to welcome you in this environment within a diverse, growing and sustainable company.
Regardless of whether you are seeking a managerial or technical career, as our talent of tomorrow you will be offered a wealth of opportunities to develop your strengths and unfold your potential.
Are you ready for this joint effort? We look forward to making you part of our future by gradually introducing you to the world of Borealis and supporting you to build up your expertise. By accepting this challenge, you will learn to turn theory into practice.
Want to know how it’s done?
As a Production Engineer, you will contribute to the following topics:
Lead investigations of incidents, define and follow up data to find basic causes.
Lead smaller investment projects.
Establish and transfer the best practices and help develop procedures and processes.
Coordinate test runs regarding planning, follow-up and reporting.

As a Process Engineer, you will contribute to the following topics:
You improve the short and long-term efficiency of the plants by actively advising the organisation on processes, procedures and projects on local level.
You identify, initiate and lead investigations of incidents to solve complex technical issues in a structural way.
You are responsible for small to medium sized projects or contribute in larger projects.
You shows capability to develop innovative technical solutions.
You develops local procedures and processes under guidance of Experts.
Contribute to overall plant HSE&Q performance keeping high HSE&Q standards.

As an Instrument Engineer, you will contribute to the following topics:
Technical responsibility for the maintenance, in both the short and long term, of the instrumentation equipment.
Provide technical expert advice, make calculations and plan technical activities to ensure a high level of safety and availability at the factory.
Lead investigations for safety and reliability incidents.
Identify and analyse problems to create long-term and sustainable technical solutions.
Participate in studies and projects as a representative of the maintenance department.
Participate in local and support internal networks.
Develop and implement local and group-wide procedures and instructions.

About you
We feel a match if you have a passion for engineering, strive to innovate and work towards obtaining the best qualitative results. Because so do we! We will support you in expanding your knowledge, building further on your Master’s degree in process technology or chemical, mechanical, bio, electrical or automation engineering.
We also appreciate driven and result-oriented people who can see the bigger picture and enjoys teamwork, has an analytical mind and an open-minded attitude. We expect you to not compromise on health, safety and environmental issues. Furthermore, you master Swedish and English at a business level.

Öppen för alla
Vi fokuserar på din kompetens, inte dina övriga förutsättningar. Vi är öppna för att anpassa rollen eller arbetsplatsen efter dina behov. Visa mindre

Talents of Tomorrow - Electronic Engineer

Are you looking for a challenging opportunity to kick-start your international career in the area of HSE, Environmental & Energy, Maintenance & Automation or Chemical Engineering? We got your back! As part of the Borealis Graduate Pipeline, you will be offered a wealth of opportunities to kick-start your career at our locations across Europe. Our aim is to transform today’s graduates into tomorrow’s leaders and technical experts. You will become part of ou... Visa mer
Are you looking for a challenging opportunity to kick-start your international career in the area of HSE, Environmental & Energy, Maintenance & Automation or Chemical Engineering? We got your back!
As part of the Borealis Graduate Pipeline, you will be offered a wealth of opportunities to kick-start your career at our locations across Europe. Our aim is to transform today’s graduates into tomorrow’s leaders and technical experts. You will become part of our quest to create relevant and sustainable solutions that also help our planet. We drive for continuous improvement in the health and safety of our employees, environmental performance and our products. We value an open culture and encourage engagement, and wish to welcome you in this environment within a diverse, growing and sustainable company.
Regardless of whether you are seeking a managerial or technical career, as our talent of tomorrow you will be offered a wealth of opportunities to develop your strengths and unfold your potential.
Are you ready for this joint effort? We look forward to making you part of our future by gradually introducing you to the world of Borealis and supporting you to build up your expertise.
As an Automation / Electronic / Instrument Engineer, you will contribute to the following topics:
Technical responsibility for the maintenance, in both the short and long term, of the electrical equipment.
Provide technical expert advice, make calculations and plan technical activities to ensure a high level of safety and availability at the factory.
Lead investigations for safety and reliability incidents.
Identify and analyse problems to create long-term and sustainable technical solutions.
Participate in studies and projects as a representative of the maintenance department.

About you
We feel a match if you have a passion for engineering, strive to innovate and work towards obtaining the best qualitative results. Because so do we!
We will support you in expanding your knowledge, building further on your Master’s degree in process technology or chemical, mechanical, bio, electrical or automation engineering.
We also appreciate driven and result-oriented people who can see the bigger picture and enjoys teamwork, has an analytical mind and an open-minded attitude. We expect you to not compromise on health, safety and environmental issues. Furthermore, you master Swedish and English at a business level.
About Borealis and our offer
We are here for you! If you have any questions, please contact Gabriella Mjölnevik, 070 - 210 67 00. Please note that applications via e-mail will not be accepted since we are serious about protection of your personal data, so thank you for applying online.
You need to be available to participate in interviews via Teams, Plant tours and Assessements. Dates will be provided to you as soon as you get the first contact.
We offer a role specific compensation and a competitive salary and fringe benefit package reflecting your profile, experience and the specifics of the country/location you apply for.
We reserve the right to close this vacancy for further applications when we have received sufficient applications that meet the advertised requirements and will contact you as soon as screening is closed.
Borealis is one of the world’s leading providers of advanced and circular polyolefin solutions and a European market leader in base chemicals and mechanical recycling of plastics. We leverage our polymers expertise and decades of experience to offer value adding, innovative and circular material solutions for key industries. In re-inventing for more sustainable living, we build on our commitment to safety, our people and excellence as we accelerate the transformation to a circular economy and expand our geographical footprint. www.borealisgroup.com | www.borealiseverminds.com | careers.borealisgroup.com
We go beyond boundaries. Together.
Borealis only accepts candidate resumes from recruiters or recruiting agencies if they have been explicitly commissioned by Borealis for a specific recruitment and if the data is provided to us in line with the General Data Protection Regulation. Borealis will not accept or pay fees for candidate resumes of any form or kind that were sent unsolicited to either HR or directly to our hiring managers. Visa mindre

Graduate Program for Engineers

Meet a Student är en jobbplattform för studenter och juniora talanger. För kunds räkning söker vi nu: Are you looking for a challenging opportunity to kick-start your international career in the area of Maintenance & Automation or Chemical Engineering? We got your back! As part of the Borealis Graduate Pipeline, you will be offered a wealth of opportunities to kick-start your career at our locations across Europe. Our aim is to transform today’s graduate... Visa mer
Meet a Student är en jobbplattform för studenter och juniora talanger.
För kunds räkning söker vi nu:
Are you looking for a challenging opportunity to kick-start your international career in the area of Maintenance & Automation or Chemical Engineering?
We got your back!
As part of the Borealis Graduate Pipeline, you will be offered a wealth of opportunities to kick-start your career at our locations across Europe. Our aim is to transform today’s graduates into tomorrow’s leaders and technical experts. You will become part of our quest to create relevant and sustainable solutions that also help our planet.
We drive for continuous improvement in the health and safety of our employees, environmental performance and our products. We value an open culture and encourage engagement, and wish to welcome you in this environment within a diverse, growing and sustainable company.
Regardless of whether you are seeking a managerial or technical career, as our talent of tomorrow you will be offered a wealth of opportunities to develop your strengths and unfold your potential.
Are you ready for this joint effort? We look forward to making you part of our future by gradually introducing you to the world of Borealis and supporting you to build up your expertise. By accepting this challenge, you will learn to turn theory into practice.
Want to know how it’s done?
As a Production Engineer, you will contribute to the following topics:
Lead investigations of incidents, define and follow up data to find basic causes.
Lead smaller investment projects.
Establish and transfer the best practices and help develop procedures and processes.
Coordinate test runs regarding planning, follow-up and reporting.

As a Process Engineer, you will contribute to the following topics:
You improve the short and long-term efficiency of the plants by actively advising the organisation on processes, procedures and projects on local level.
You identify, initiate and lead investigations of incidents to solve complex technical issues in a structural way.
You are responsible for small to medium sized projects or contribute in larger projects.
You shows capability to develop innovative technical solutions.
You develops local procedures and processes under guidance of Experts.
Contribute to overall plant HSE&Q performance keeping high HSE&Q standards.

As an Instrument Engineer, you will contribute to the following topics:
Technical responsibility for the maintenance, in both the short and long term, of the instrumentation equipment.
Provide technical expert advice, make calculations and plan technical activities to ensure a high level of safety and availability at the factory.
Lead investigations for safety and reliability incidents.
Identify and analyse problems to create long-term and sustainable technical solutions.
Participate in studies and projects as a representative of the maintenance department.
Participate in local and support internal networks.
Develop and implement local and group-wide procedures and instructions.

About you
We feel a match if you have a passion for engineering, strive to innovate and work towards obtaining the best qualitative results. Because so do we! We will support you in expanding your knowledge, building further on your Master’s degree in process technology or chemical, mechanical, bio, electrical or automation engineering.
We also appreciate driven and result-oriented people who can see the bigger picture and enjoys teamwork, has an analytical mind and an open-minded attitude. We expect you to not compromise on health, safety and environmental issues. Furthermore, you master Swedish and English at a business level.

Öppen för alla
Vi fokuserar på din kompetens, inte dina övriga förutsättningar. Vi är öppna för att anpassa rollen eller arbetsplatsen efter dina behov. Visa mindre

Graduate Program for Engineers

Meet a Student är en jobbplattform för studenter och juniora talanger. För kunds räkning söker vi nu: Are you looking for a challenging opportunity to kick-start your international career in the area of Maintenance & Automation or Chemical Engineering? We got your back! As part of the Borealis Graduate Pipeline, you will be offered a wealth of opportunities to kick-start your career at our locations across Europe. Our aim is to transform today’s graduate... Visa mer
Meet a Student är en jobbplattform för studenter och juniora talanger.
För kunds räkning söker vi nu:
Are you looking for a challenging opportunity to kick-start your international career in the area of Maintenance & Automation or Chemical Engineering?
We got your back!
As part of the Borealis Graduate Pipeline, you will be offered a wealth of opportunities to kick-start your career at our locations across Europe. Our aim is to transform today’s graduates into tomorrow’s leaders and technical experts. You will become part of our quest to create relevant and sustainable solutions that also help our planet.
We drive for continuous improvement in the health and safety of our employees, environmental performance and our products. We value an open culture and encourage engagement, and wish to welcome you in this environment within a diverse, growing and sustainable company.
Regardless of whether you are seeking a managerial or technical career, as our talent of tomorrow you will be offered a wealth of opportunities to develop your strengths and unfold your potential.
Are you ready for this joint effort? We look forward to making you part of our future by gradually introducing you to the world of Borealis and supporting you to build up your expertise. By accepting this challenge, you will learn to turn theory into practice.
Want to know how it’s done?
As a Production Engineer, you will contribute to the following topics:
Lead investigations of incidents, define and follow up data to find basic causes.
Lead smaller investment projects.
Establish and transfer the best practices and help develop procedures and processes.
Coordinate test runs regarding planning, follow-up and reporting.

As a Process Engineer, you will contribute to the following topics:
You improve the short and long-term efficiency of the plants by actively advising the organisation on processes, procedures and projects on local level.
You identify, initiate and lead investigations of incidents to solve complex technical issues in a structural way.
You are responsible for small to medium sized projects or contribute in larger projects.
You shows capability to develop innovative technical solutions.
You develops local procedures and processes under guidance of Experts.
Contribute to overall plant HSE&Q performance keeping high HSE&Q standards.

As an Instrument Engineer, you will contribute to the following topics:
Technical responsibility for the maintenance, in both the short and long term, of the instrumentation equipment.
Provide technical expert advice, make calculations and plan technical activities to ensure a high level of safety and availability at the factory.
Lead investigations for safety and reliability incidents.
Identify and analyse problems to create long-term and sustainable technical solutions.
Participate in studies and projects as a representative of the maintenance department.
Participate in local and support internal networks.
Develop and implement local and group-wide procedures and instructions.

About you
We feel a match if you have a passion for engineering, strive to innovate and work towards obtaining the best qualitative results. Because so do we! We will support you in expanding your knowledge, building further on your Master’s degree in process technology or chemical, mechanical, bio, electrical or automation engineering.
We also appreciate driven and result-oriented people who can see the bigger picture and enjoys teamwork, has an analytical mind and an open-minded attitude. We expect you to not compromise on health, safety and environmental issues. Furthermore, you master Swedish and English at a business level.

Öppen för alla
Vi fokuserar på din kompetens, inte dina övriga förutsättningar. Vi är öppna för att anpassa rollen eller arbetsplatsen efter dina behov. Visa mindre

Graduate Program for Engineers

Meet a Student är en jobbplattform för studenter och juniora talanger. För kunds räkning söker vi nu: Are you looking for a challenging opportunity to kick-start your international career in the area of Maintenance & Automation or Chemical Engineering? We got your back! As part of the Borealis Graduate Pipeline, you will be offered a wealth of opportunities to kick-start your career at our locations across Europe. Our aim is to transform today’s graduate... Visa mer
Meet a Student är en jobbplattform för studenter och juniora talanger.
För kunds räkning söker vi nu:
Are you looking for a challenging opportunity to kick-start your international career in the area of Maintenance & Automation or Chemical Engineering?
We got your back!
As part of the Borealis Graduate Pipeline, you will be offered a wealth of opportunities to kick-start your career at our locations across Europe. Our aim is to transform today’s graduates into tomorrow’s leaders and technical experts. You will become part of our quest to create relevant and sustainable solutions that also help our planet.
We drive for continuous improvement in the health and safety of our employees, environmental performance and our products. We value an open culture and encourage engagement, and wish to welcome you in this environment within a diverse, growing and sustainable company.
Regardless of whether you are seeking a managerial or technical career, as our talent of tomorrow you will be offered a wealth of opportunities to develop your strengths and unfold your potential.
Are you ready for this joint effort? We look forward to making you part of our future by gradually introducing you to the world of Borealis and supporting you to build up your expertise. By accepting this challenge, you will learn to turn theory into practice.
Want to know how it’s done?
As a Production Engineer, you will contribute to the following topics:
Lead investigations of incidents, define and follow up data to find basic causes.
Lead smaller investment projects.
Establish and transfer the best practices and help develop procedures and processes.
Coordinate test runs regarding planning, follow-up and reporting.

As a Process Engineer, you will contribute to the following topics:
You improve the short and long-term efficiency of the plants by actively advising the organisation on processes, procedures and projects on local level.
You identify, initiate and lead investigations of incidents to solve complex technical issues in a structural way.
You are responsible for small to medium sized projects or contribute in larger projects.
You shows capability to develop innovative technical solutions.
You develops local procedures and processes under guidance of Experts.
Contribute to overall plant HSE&Q performance keeping high HSE&Q standards.

As an Instrument Engineer, you will contribute to the following topics:
Technical responsibility for the maintenance, in both the short and long term, of the instrumentation equipment.
Provide technical expert advice, make calculations and plan technical activities to ensure a high level of safety and availability at the factory.
Lead investigations for safety and reliability incidents.
Identify and analyse problems to create long-term and sustainable technical solutions.
Participate in studies and projects as a representative of the maintenance department.
Participate in local and support internal networks.
Develop and implement local and group-wide procedures and instructions.

About you
We feel a match if you have a passion for engineering, strive to innovate and work towards obtaining the best qualitative results. Because so do we! We will support you in expanding your knowledge, building further on your Master’s degree in process technology or chemical, mechanical, bio, electrical or automation engineering.
We also appreciate driven and result-oriented people who can see the bigger picture and enjoys teamwork, has an analytical mind and an open-minded attitude. We expect you to not compromise on health, safety and environmental issues. Furthermore, you master Swedish and English at a business level.

Öppen för alla
Vi fokuserar på din kompetens, inte dina övriga förutsättningar. Vi är öppna för att anpassa rollen eller arbetsplatsen efter dina behov. Visa mindre

Graduate Program for Engineers

Meet a Student är en jobbplattform för studenter och juniora talanger. För kunds räkning söker vi nu: Are you looking for a challenging opportunity to kick-start your international career in the area of Maintenance & Automation or Chemical Engineering? We got your back! As part of the Borealis Graduate Pipeline, you will be offered a wealth of opportunities to kick-start your career at our locations across Europe. Our aim is to transform today’s graduate... Visa mer
Meet a Student är en jobbplattform för studenter och juniora talanger.
För kunds räkning söker vi nu:
Are you looking for a challenging opportunity to kick-start your international career in the area of Maintenance & Automation or Chemical Engineering?
We got your back!
As part of the Borealis Graduate Pipeline, you will be offered a wealth of opportunities to kick-start your career at our locations across Europe. Our aim is to transform today’s graduates into tomorrow’s leaders and technical experts. You will become part of our quest to create relevant and sustainable solutions that also help our planet.
We drive for continuous improvement in the health and safety of our employees, environmental performance and our products. We value an open culture and encourage engagement, and wish to welcome you in this environment within a diverse, growing and sustainable company.
Regardless of whether you are seeking a managerial or technical career, as our talent of tomorrow you will be offered a wealth of opportunities to develop your strengths and unfold your potential.
Are you ready for this joint effort? We look forward to making you part of our future by gradually introducing you to the world of Borealis and supporting you to build up your expertise. By accepting this challenge, you will learn to turn theory into practice.
Want to know how it’s done?
As a Production Engineer, you will contribute to the following topics:
Lead investigations of incidents, define and follow up data to find basic causes.
Lead smaller investment projects.
Establish and transfer the best practices and help develop procedures and processes.
Coordinate test runs regarding planning, follow-up and reporting.

As a Process Engineer, you will contribute to the following topics:
You improve the short and long-term efficiency of the plants by actively advising the organisation on processes, procedures and projects on local level.
You identify, initiate and lead investigations of incidents to solve complex technical issues in a structural way.
You are responsible for small to medium sized projects or contribute in larger projects.
You shows capability to develop innovative technical solutions.
You develops local procedures and processes under guidance of Experts.
Contribute to overall plant HSE&Q performance keeping high HSE&Q standards.

As an Instrument Engineer, you will contribute to the following topics:
Technical responsibility for the maintenance, in both the short and long term, of the instrumentation equipment.
Provide technical expert advice, make calculations and plan technical activities to ensure a high level of safety and availability at the factory.
Lead investigations for safety and reliability incidents.
Identify and analyse problems to create long-term and sustainable technical solutions.
Participate in studies and projects as a representative of the maintenance department.
Participate in local and support internal networks.
Develop and implement local and group-wide procedures and instructions.

About you
We feel a match if you have a passion for engineering, strive to innovate and work towards obtaining the best qualitative results. Because so do we! We will support you in expanding your knowledge, building further on your Master’s degree in process technology or chemical, mechanical, bio, electrical or automation engineering.
We also appreciate driven and result-oriented people who can see the bigger picture and enjoys teamwork, has an analytical mind and an open-minded attitude. We expect you to not compromise on health, safety and environmental issues. Furthermore, you master Swedish and English at a business level.

Öppen för alla
Vi fokuserar på din kompetens, inte dina övriga förutsättningar. Vi är öppna för att anpassa rollen eller arbetsplatsen efter dina behov. Visa mindre

Graduate Program for Engineers

Meet a Student är en jobbplattform för studenter och juniora talanger. För kunds räkning söker vi nu: Are you looking for a challenging opportunity to kick-start your international career in the area of Maintenance & Automation or Chemical Engineering? We got your back! As part of the Borealis Graduate Pipeline, you will be offered a wealth of opportunities to kick-start your career at our locations across Europe. Our aim is to transform today’s graduate... Visa mer
Meet a Student är en jobbplattform för studenter och juniora talanger.
För kunds räkning söker vi nu:
Are you looking for a challenging opportunity to kick-start your international career in the area of Maintenance & Automation or Chemical Engineering?
We got your back!
As part of the Borealis Graduate Pipeline, you will be offered a wealth of opportunities to kick-start your career at our locations across Europe. Our aim is to transform today’s graduates into tomorrow’s leaders and technical experts. You will become part of our quest to create relevant and sustainable solutions that also help our planet.
We drive for continuous improvement in the health and safety of our employees, environmental performance and our products. We value an open culture and encourage engagement, and wish to welcome you in this environment within a diverse, growing and sustainable company.
Regardless of whether you are seeking a managerial or technical career, as our talent of tomorrow you will be offered a wealth of opportunities to develop your strengths and unfold your potential.
Are you ready for this joint effort? We look forward to making you part of our future by gradually introducing you to the world of Borealis and supporting you to build up your expertise. By accepting this challenge, you will learn to turn theory into practice.
Want to know how it’s done?
As a Production Engineer, you will contribute to the following topics:
Lead investigations of incidents, define and follow up data to find basic causes.
Lead smaller investment projects.
Establish and transfer the best practices and help develop procedures and processes.
Coordinate test runs regarding planning, follow-up and reporting.

As a Process Engineer, you will contribute to the following topics:
You improve the short and long-term efficiency of the plants by actively advising the organisation on processes, procedures and projects on local level.
You identify, initiate and lead investigations of incidents to solve complex technical issues in a structural way.
You are responsible for small to medium sized projects or contribute in larger projects.
You shows capability to develop innovative technical solutions.
You develops local procedures and processes under guidance of Experts.
Contribute to overall plant HSE&Q performance keeping high HSE&Q standards.

As an Instrument Engineer, you will contribute to the following topics:
Technical responsibility for the maintenance, in both the short and long term, of the instrumentation equipment.
Provide technical expert advice, make calculations and plan technical activities to ensure a high level of safety and availability at the factory.
Lead investigations for safety and reliability incidents.
Identify and analyse problems to create long-term and sustainable technical solutions.
Participate in studies and projects as a representative of the maintenance department.
Participate in local and support internal networks.
Develop and implement local and group-wide procedures and instructions.

About you
We feel a match if you have a passion for engineering, strive to innovate and work towards obtaining the best qualitative results. Because so do we! We will support you in expanding your knowledge, building further on your Master’s degree in process technology or chemical, mechanical, bio, electrical or automation engineering.
We also appreciate driven and result-oriented people who can see the bigger picture and enjoys teamwork, has an analytical mind and an open-minded attitude. We expect you to not compromise on health, safety and environmental issues. Furthermore, you master Swedish and English at a business level.

Öppen för alla
Vi fokuserar på din kompetens, inte dina övriga förutsättningar. Vi är öppna för att anpassa rollen eller arbetsplatsen efter dina behov. Visa mindre

Graduate Program for Engineers

Meet a Student är en jobbplattform för studenter och juniora talanger. För kunds räkning söker vi nu: Are you looking for a challenging opportunity to kick-start your international career in the area of Maintenance & Automation or Chemical Engineering? We got your back! As part of the Borealis Graduate Pipeline, you will be offered a wealth of opportunities to kick-start your career at our locations across Europe. Our aim is to transform today’s graduate... Visa mer
Meet a Student är en jobbplattform för studenter och juniora talanger.
För kunds räkning söker vi nu:
Are you looking for a challenging opportunity to kick-start your international career in the area of Maintenance & Automation or Chemical Engineering?
We got your back!
As part of the Borealis Graduate Pipeline, you will be offered a wealth of opportunities to kick-start your career at our locations across Europe. Our aim is to transform today’s graduates into tomorrow’s leaders and technical experts. You will become part of our quest to create relevant and sustainable solutions that also help our planet.
We drive for continuous improvement in the health and safety of our employees, environmental performance and our products. We value an open culture and encourage engagement, and wish to welcome you in this environment within a diverse, growing and sustainable company.
Regardless of whether you are seeking a managerial or technical career, as our talent of tomorrow you will be offered a wealth of opportunities to develop your strengths and unfold your potential.
Are you ready for this joint effort? We look forward to making you part of our future by gradually introducing you to the world of Borealis and supporting you to build up your expertise. By accepting this challenge, you will learn to turn theory into practice.
Want to know how it’s done?
As a Production Engineer, you will contribute to the following topics:
Lead investigations of incidents, define and follow up data to find basic causes.
Lead smaller investment projects.
Establish and transfer the best practices and help develop procedures and processes.
Coordinate test runs regarding planning, follow-up and reporting.

As a Process Engineer, you will contribute to the following topics:
You improve the short and long-term efficiency of the plants by actively advising the organisation on processes, procedures and projects on local level.
You identify, initiate and lead investigations of incidents to solve complex technical issues in a structural way.
You are responsible for small to medium sized projects or contribute in larger projects.
You shows capability to develop innovative technical solutions.
You develops local procedures and processes under guidance of Experts.
Contribute to overall plant HSE&Q performance keeping high HSE&Q standards.

As an Instrument Engineer, you will contribute to the following topics:
Technical responsibility for the maintenance, in both the short and long term, of the instrumentation equipment.
Provide technical expert advice, make calculations and plan technical activities to ensure a high level of safety and availability at the factory.
Lead investigations for safety and reliability incidents.
Identify and analyse problems to create long-term and sustainable technical solutions.
Participate in studies and projects as a representative of the maintenance department.
Participate in local and support internal networks.
Develop and implement local and group-wide procedures and instructions.

About you
We feel a match if you have a passion for engineering, strive to innovate and work towards obtaining the best qualitative results. Because so do we! We will support you in expanding your knowledge, building further on your Master’s degree in process technology or chemical, mechanical, bio, electrical or automation engineering.
We also appreciate driven and result-oriented people who can see the bigger picture and enjoys teamwork, has an analytical mind and an open-minded attitude. We expect you to not compromise on health, safety and environmental issues. Furthermore, you master Swedish and English at a business level.

Öppen för alla
Vi fokuserar på din kompetens, inte dina övriga förutsättningar. Vi är öppna för att anpassa rollen eller arbetsplatsen efter dina behov. Visa mindre

Graduate Program for Engineers

Meet a Student är en jobbplattform för studenter och juniora talanger. För kunds räkning söker vi nu: Are you looking for a challenging opportunity to kick-start your international career in the area of Maintenance & Automation or Chemical Engineering? We got your back! As part of the Borealis Graduate Pipeline, you will be offered a wealth of opportunities to kick-start your career at our locations across Europe. Our aim is to transform today’s graduate... Visa mer
Meet a Student är en jobbplattform för studenter och juniora talanger.
För kunds räkning söker vi nu:
Are you looking for a challenging opportunity to kick-start your international career in the area of Maintenance & Automation or Chemical Engineering?
We got your back!
As part of the Borealis Graduate Pipeline, you will be offered a wealth of opportunities to kick-start your career at our locations across Europe. Our aim is to transform today’s graduates into tomorrow’s leaders and technical experts. You will become part of our quest to create relevant and sustainable solutions that also help our planet.
We drive for continuous improvement in the health and safety of our employees, environmental performance and our products. We value an open culture and encourage engagement, and wish to welcome you in this environment within a diverse, growing and sustainable company.
Regardless of whether you are seeking a managerial or technical career, as our talent of tomorrow you will be offered a wealth of opportunities to develop your strengths and unfold your potential.
Are you ready for this joint effort? We look forward to making you part of our future by gradually introducing you to the world of Borealis and supporting you to build up your expertise. By accepting this challenge, you will learn to turn theory into practice.
Want to know how it’s done?
As a Production Engineer, you will contribute to the following topics:
Lead investigations of incidents, define and follow up data to find basic causes.
Lead smaller investment projects.
Establish and transfer the best practices and help develop procedures and processes.
Coordinate test runs regarding planning, follow-up and reporting.

As a Process Engineer, you will contribute to the following topics:
You improve the short and long-term efficiency of the plants by actively advising the organisation on processes, procedures and projects on local level.
You identify, initiate and lead investigations of incidents to solve complex technical issues in a structural way.
You are responsible for small to medium sized projects or contribute in larger projects.
You shows capability to develop innovative technical solutions.
You develops local procedures and processes under guidance of Experts.
Contribute to overall plant HSE&Q performance keeping high HSE&Q standards.

As an Instrument Engineer, you will contribute to the following topics:
Technical responsibility for the maintenance, in both the short and long term, of the instrumentation equipment.
Provide technical expert advice, make calculations and plan technical activities to ensure a high level of safety and availability at the factory.
Lead investigations for safety and reliability incidents.
Identify and analyse problems to create long-term and sustainable technical solutions.
Participate in studies and projects as a representative of the maintenance department.
Participate in local and support internal networks.
Develop and implement local and group-wide procedures and instructions.

About you
We feel a match if you have a passion for engineering, strive to innovate and work towards obtaining the best qualitative results. Because so do we! We will support you in expanding your knowledge, building further on your Master’s degree in process technology or chemical, mechanical, bio, electrical or automation engineering.
We also appreciate driven and result-oriented people who can see the bigger picture and enjoys teamwork, has an analytical mind and an open-minded attitude. We expect you to not compromise on health, safety and environmental issues. Furthermore, you master Swedish and English at a business level.

Öppen för alla
Vi fokuserar på din kompetens, inte dina övriga förutsättningar. Vi är öppna för att anpassa rollen eller arbetsplatsen efter dina behov. Visa mindre

Graduate Program for Engineers

Meet a Student är en jobbplattform för studenter och juniora talanger. För kunds räkning söker vi nu: Are you looking for a challenging opportunity to kick-start your international career in the area of Maintenance & Automation or Chemical Engineering? We got your back! As part of the Borealis Graduate Pipeline, you will be offered a wealth of opportunities to kick-start your career at our locations across Europe. Our aim is to transform today’s graduate... Visa mer
Meet a Student är en jobbplattform för studenter och juniora talanger.
För kunds räkning söker vi nu:
Are you looking for a challenging opportunity to kick-start your international career in the area of Maintenance & Automation or Chemical Engineering?
We got your back!
As part of the Borealis Graduate Pipeline, you will be offered a wealth of opportunities to kick-start your career at our locations across Europe. Our aim is to transform today’s graduates into tomorrow’s leaders and technical experts. You will become part of our quest to create relevant and sustainable solutions that also help our planet.
We drive for continuous improvement in the health and safety of our employees, environmental performance and our products. We value an open culture and encourage engagement, and wish to welcome you in this environment within a diverse, growing and sustainable company.
Regardless of whether you are seeking a managerial or technical career, as our talent of tomorrow you will be offered a wealth of opportunities to develop your strengths and unfold your potential.
Are you ready for this joint effort? We look forward to making you part of our future by gradually introducing you to the world of Borealis and supporting you to build up your expertise. By accepting this challenge, you will learn to turn theory into practice.
Want to know how it’s done?
As a Production Engineer, you will contribute to the following topics:
Lead investigations of incidents, define and follow up data to find basic causes.
Lead smaller investment projects.
Establish and transfer the best practices and help develop procedures and processes.
Coordinate test runs regarding planning, follow-up and reporting.

As a Process Engineer, you will contribute to the following topics:
You improve the short and long-term efficiency of the plants by actively advising the organisation on processes, procedures and projects on local level.
You identify, initiate and lead investigations of incidents to solve complex technical issues in a structural way.
You are responsible for small to medium sized projects or contribute in larger projects.
You shows capability to develop innovative technical solutions.
You develops local procedures and processes under guidance of Experts.
Contribute to overall plant HSE&Q performance keeping high HSE&Q standards.

As an Instrument Engineer, you will contribute to the following topics:
Technical responsibility for the maintenance, in both the short and long term, of the instrumentation equipment.
Provide technical expert advice, make calculations and plan technical activities to ensure a high level of safety and availability at the factory.
Lead investigations for safety and reliability incidents.
Identify and analyse problems to create long-term and sustainable technical solutions.
Participate in studies and projects as a representative of the maintenance department.
Participate in local and support internal networks.
Develop and implement local and group-wide procedures and instructions.

About you
We feel a match if you have a passion for engineering, strive to innovate and work towards obtaining the best qualitative results. Because so do we! We will support you in expanding your knowledge, building further on your Master’s degree in process technology or chemical, mechanical, bio, electrical or automation engineering.
We also appreciate driven and result-oriented people who can see the bigger picture and enjoys teamwork, has an analytical mind and an open-minded attitude. We expect you to not compromise on health, safety and environmental issues. Furthermore, you master Swedish and English at a business level.

Öppen för alla
Vi fokuserar på din kompetens, inte dina övriga förutsättningar. Vi är öppna för att anpassa rollen eller arbetsplatsen efter dina behov. Visa mindre

Graduate Program for Engineers

Meet a Student är en jobbplattform för studenter och juniora talanger. För kunds räkning söker vi nu: Are you looking for a challenging opportunity to kick-start your international career in the area of Maintenance & Automation or Chemical Engineering? We got your back! As part of the Borealis Graduate Pipeline, you will be offered a wealth of opportunities to kick-start your career at our locations across Europe. Our aim is to transform today’s graduate... Visa mer
Meet a Student är en jobbplattform för studenter och juniora talanger.
För kunds räkning söker vi nu:
Are you looking for a challenging opportunity to kick-start your international career in the area of Maintenance & Automation or Chemical Engineering?
We got your back!
As part of the Borealis Graduate Pipeline, you will be offered a wealth of opportunities to kick-start your career at our locations across Europe. Our aim is to transform today’s graduates into tomorrow’s leaders and technical experts. You will become part of our quest to create relevant and sustainable solutions that also help our planet.
We drive for continuous improvement in the health and safety of our employees, environmental performance and our products. We value an open culture and encourage engagement, and wish to welcome you in this environment within a diverse, growing and sustainable company.
Regardless of whether you are seeking a managerial or technical career, as our talent of tomorrow you will be offered a wealth of opportunities to develop your strengths and unfold your potential.
Are you ready for this joint effort? We look forward to making you part of our future by gradually introducing you to the world of Borealis and supporting you to build up your expertise. By accepting this challenge, you will learn to turn theory into practice.
Want to know how it’s done?
As a Production Engineer, you will contribute to the following topics:
Lead investigations of incidents, define and follow up data to find basic causes.
Lead smaller investment projects.
Establish and transfer the best practices and help develop procedures and processes.
Coordinate test runs regarding planning, follow-up and reporting.

As a Process Engineer, you will contribute to the following topics:
You improve the short and long-term efficiency of the plants by actively advising the organisation on processes, procedures and projects on local level.
You identify, initiate and lead investigations of incidents to solve complex technical issues in a structural way.
You are responsible for small to medium sized projects or contribute in larger projects.
You shows capability to develop innovative technical solutions.
You develops local procedures and processes under guidance of Experts.
Contribute to overall plant HSE&Q performance keeping high HSE&Q standards.

As an Instrument Engineer, you will contribute to the following topics:
Technical responsibility for the maintenance, in both the short and long term, of the instrumentation equipment.
Provide technical expert advice, make calculations and plan technical activities to ensure a high level of safety and availability at the factory.
Lead investigations for safety and reliability incidents.
Identify and analyse problems to create long-term and sustainable technical solutions.
Participate in studies and projects as a representative of the maintenance department.
Participate in local and support internal networks.
Develop and implement local and group-wide procedures and instructions.

About you
We feel a match if you have a passion for engineering, strive to innovate and work towards obtaining the best qualitative results. Because so do we! We will support you in expanding your knowledge, building further on your Master’s degree in process technology or chemical, mechanical, bio, electrical or automation engineering.
We also appreciate driven and result-oriented people who can see the bigger picture and enjoys teamwork, has an analytical mind and an open-minded attitude. We expect you to not compromise on health, safety and environmental issues. Furthermore, you master Swedish and English at a business level.

Öppen för alla
Vi fokuserar på din kompetens, inte dina övriga förutsättningar. Vi är öppna för att anpassa rollen eller arbetsplatsen efter dina behov. Visa mindre

Graduate Program for Engineers

Meet a Student är en jobbplattform för studenter och juniora talanger. För kunds räkning söker vi nu: Are you looking for a challenging opportunity to kick-start your international career in the area of Maintenance & Automation or Chemical Engineering? We got your back! As part of the Borealis Graduate Pipeline, you will be offered a wealth of opportunities to kick-start your career at our locations across Europe. Our aim is to transform today’s graduate... Visa mer
Meet a Student är en jobbplattform för studenter och juniora talanger.
För kunds räkning söker vi nu:
Are you looking for a challenging opportunity to kick-start your international career in the area of Maintenance & Automation or Chemical Engineering?
We got your back!
As part of the Borealis Graduate Pipeline, you will be offered a wealth of opportunities to kick-start your career at our locations across Europe. Our aim is to transform today’s graduates into tomorrow’s leaders and technical experts. You will become part of our quest to create relevant and sustainable solutions that also help our planet.
We drive for continuous improvement in the health and safety of our employees, environmental performance and our products. We value an open culture and encourage engagement, and wish to welcome you in this environment within a diverse, growing and sustainable company.
Regardless of whether you are seeking a managerial or technical career, as our talent of tomorrow you will be offered a wealth of opportunities to develop your strengths and unfold your potential.
Are you ready for this joint effort? We look forward to making you part of our future by gradually introducing you to the world of Borealis and supporting you to build up your expertise. By accepting this challenge, you will learn to turn theory into practice.
Want to know how it’s done?
As a Production Engineer, you will contribute to the following topics:
Lead investigations of incidents, define and follow up data to find basic causes.
Lead smaller investment projects.
Establish and transfer the best practices and help develop procedures and processes.
Coordinate test runs regarding planning, follow-up and reporting.

As a Process Engineer, you will contribute to the following topics:
You improve the short and long-term efficiency of the plants by actively advising the organisation on processes, procedures and projects on local level.
You identify, initiate and lead investigations of incidents to solve complex technical issues in a structural way.
You are responsible for small to medium sized projects or contribute in larger projects.
You shows capability to develop innovative technical solutions.
You develops local procedures and processes under guidance of Experts.
Contribute to overall plant HSE&Q performance keeping high HSE&Q standards.

As an Instrument Engineer, you will contribute to the following topics:
Technical responsibility for the maintenance, in both the short and long term, of the instrumentation equipment.
Provide technical expert advice, make calculations and plan technical activities to ensure a high level of safety and availability at the factory.
Lead investigations for safety and reliability incidents.
Identify and analyse problems to create long-term and sustainable technical solutions.
Participate in studies and projects as a representative of the maintenance department.
Participate in local and support internal networks.
Develop and implement local and group-wide procedures and instructions.

About you
We feel a match if you have a passion for engineering, strive to innovate and work towards obtaining the best qualitative results. Because so do we! We will support you in expanding your knowledge, building further on your Master’s degree in process technology or chemical, mechanical, bio, electrical or automation engineering.
We also appreciate driven and result-oriented people who can see the bigger picture and enjoys teamwork, has an analytical mind and an open-minded attitude. We expect you to not compromise on health, safety and environmental issues. Furthermore, you master Swedish and English at a business level.

Öppen för alla
Vi fokuserar på din kompetens, inte dina övriga förutsättningar. Vi är öppna för att anpassa rollen eller arbetsplatsen efter dina behov. Visa mindre

Talents of Tomorrow - Electrical or Automation Graduate Program

Are you looking for a challenging opportunity to kick-start your international career in the area of Maintenance & Automation? We got your back! As part of the Borealis Graduate Pipeline, you will be offered a wealth of opportunities to kick-start your career at our locations across Europe. Our aim is to transform today’s graduates into tomorrow’s leaders and technical experts. You will become part of our quest to create relevant and sustainable solutions... Visa mer
Are you looking for a challenging opportunity to kick-start your international career in the area of Maintenance & Automation?
We got your back!
As part of the Borealis Graduate Pipeline, you will be offered a wealth of opportunities to kick-start your career at our locations across Europe. Our aim is to transform today’s graduates into tomorrow’s leaders and technical experts. You will become part of our quest to create relevant and sustainable solutions that also help our planet.
We drive for continuous improvement in the health and safety of our employees, environmental performance and our products. We value an open culture and encourage engagement, and wish to welcome you in this environment within a diverse, growing and sustainable company.
Regardless of whether you are seeking a managerial or technical career, as our talent of tomorrow you will be offered a wealth of opportunities to develop your strengths and unfold your potential.
Are you ready for this joint effort? We look forward to making you part of our future by gradually introducing you to the world of Borealis and supporting you to build up your expertise. By accepting this challenge, you will learn to turn theory into practice.
Want to know how it’s done?
As an Instrument Engineer, you will contribute to the following topics:
Technical responsibility for the maintenance, in both the short and long term, of the instrumentation equipment.
Provide technical expert advice, make calculations and plan technical activities to ensure a high level of safety and availability at the factory.
Lead investigations for safety and reliability incidents.
Identify and analyse problems to create long-term and sustainable technical solutions.
Participate in studies and projects as a representative of the maintenance department.
Participate in local and support internal networks.
Develop and implement local and group-wide procedures and instructions.

About you
We feel a match if you have a passion for engineering, strive to innovate and work towards obtaining the best qualitative results. Because so do we! We will support you in expanding your knowledge, building further on your Bachelor’s degree in electrical or automation engineering.
We also appreciate driven and result-oriented people who can see the bigger picture and enjoys teamwork, has an analytical mind and an open-minded attitude. We expect you to not compromise on health, safety and environmental issues. Furthermore, you master Swedish and English at a business level.
About Borealis and our offer
Do you feel the chemistry too?
We are here for you! If you have any questions, please contact Gabriella Mjölnevik, [email protected]. Please note that applications via e-mail will not be accepted since we are serious about protection of your personal data, so thank you for applying online.
Application deadline is 27th of February 2022. You need to be available to participate in interviews during the month of February and Mars. The assessment centre will take place 16th and 17th Mars.
We offer a role specific compensation and a competitive salary and fringe benefit package reflecting your profile, experience and the specifics of the country/location you apply for.
We reserve the right to close this vacancy for further applications when we have received sufficient applications that meet the advertised requirements and will contact you as soon as screening is closed.
With head offices in Vienna, Austria, Borealis employs 6,900 employees and operates in over 120 countries. In 2019, Borealis generated EUR 8.1 billion in sales revenue and a net profit of EUR 872 million. OMV, the Austria-based international oil and gas company, owns 75% of Borealis, while the remaining 25% is owned by a holding company of the Abu-Dhabi based Mubadala. We supply services and products to customers around the globe through Borealis and two important joint ventures: Borouge (with the Abu Dhabi National Oil Company, or ADNOC, based in UAE); and Baystar™ (with Total, based in the US). www.borealisgroup.com | www.borealiseverminds.com | careers.borealisgroup.com
We go beyond boundaries. Together.
Borealis only accepts candidate resumes from recruiters or recruiting agencies if they have been explicitly commissioned by Borealis for a specific recruitment and if the data is provided to us in line with the General Data Protection Regulation. Borealis will not accept or pay fees for candidate resumes of any form or kind that were sent unsolicited to either HR or directly to our hiring managers. Visa mindre